Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2065: 2 great saints!

The little black fat man manifested Kunpeng's body, and the fish scales around him were like dragon scales, exuding vast coercion, and the wings were like clouds in the sky, with a length of ten thousand feet, like a floating continent, incomparable terror.

But the power of that palm is so horrible that it can almost squash the sky, sweep the world, contain all the waves of destruction, directly smash the swallowing avenue of Kun Peng's body protector, and flew him out.

"No, these two old things are great sages, we are not opponents at all, run away!"

Little Black Fatty spit out a few sips of blood and yelled.

Although his cultivation practice has reached the three heavens and broke the limit once, but the combat power is only comparable to ordinary saints, and he can't compete with the great saint.


In the void, the endless divine light rises, and the two breathy figures manifest themselves in the land of bones, a purple-haired dancing old man, a skinny middle-aged man in black robe, his eyes are full of cold Killing intent.

It is Huaxiong and Chen Kun!

"Kunpeng? The old man is missing a mount, it's you!"

Hua Xiong's eyes were fierce, and he stared at Kunpeng, and his voice was overbearing.

"Bah! Lao Tzu is the emperor of Kunpeng, who has dominated the world for nine days and ten places, and he dare to say that you, Lao Tzu, should be a mount, even if you are a mount for Lao Tzu!"

The little black fat man shouted loudly that this guy had mixed with Bailongma for a few days, and was contaminated with the temperament of Bailongma.

Ling Xiao's mouth twitched slightly. I am afraid that this little black fat man will be the second white dragon horse for a long time. He could not help but glared at the white dragon horse fiercely.

"What are you staring at me for? I didn't teach him. This kid is self-taught and has a certain style of his own. It's not bad!"

Bailongma looked a little innocent, and then smiled smugly.

"What time is it, and are still free to shoot here? You go first, I will stop them!"

A sharp edge flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and he instantly stood up. Fan Tianyin broke out an unparalleled sharp edge, like a round of hot sun, blasting towards Huaxiong and Chen Kun!

"You're Long Aotian? Trigger arm is a car, I don't know if it's alive!"

Huaxiong's eyes flashed with a chance, he could feel that Ling Xiao was extremely powerful, and he had a feeling of being integrated with Fan Tianyin, which was even enough to kill ordinary saints.

The presence of such characters in the Temple of War is a great threat to the Chinese and Tianzong Sect, and they must be killed before he has grown up.


Hua Xiong slammed into Ling Xiao with a punch, and the seal of the box contained the meaning of breaking the Dao. As if breaking a fist with a punch, all supernatural powers would be annihilated under his punch.

But Chen Kun's black light flashed all over his body, and he was about to move the vast void in an instant. A black chain of order gods flew out of his palm, lingering around the mysterious symbols, entwined towards Xuewei, Bailongma and the little black fat man. .

"Give me!"

Ling Xiao roared loudly, and his violent power exploded completely, as if setting off a vast sea. He exerted his fighting strength, the fiery flame rose, and Yan Diding rose from before him, blocking it. In front of Chen Kun.

He turned out to want to stop the two great holy men by himself!

"This guy is so good! You can rest assured that if you die, I will avenge you!"

The little black fat man shouted, and then plunged into the passage of the ancient chaos without looking back.

"Fat fat man, you are too arrogant! Boy, I'm really gone, Xuewei, I will protect it, you boy, don't die!"

Bai Longma whispered, and then quickly said to Ling Xiao, also led Xuewei directly into the passage of the chaotic ancient land.

"That's...the passage to the ancient chaotic land?"

At this time, Huaxiong and Chen Kun also noticed the chaotic ancient land, and their faces were shocked.

"Never let him enter the ancient chaotic land!"

Both Huaxiong and Chen Kun were cold-eyed, full of killing intent, and erupted into a terrifying force!


Fan Tianyin was blown out by Huaxiong with a punch, and Yan Xiaoding, who was evolved by fighting battle with Tiangong, was also bound by Chen Kun's chain of order gods, and a rune invaded into it, and it instantly shattered it.

Ling Xiao felt that two forces of unmatched terror struck, and the whole person could not help shaking, coughing up blood in his mouth, staggering back.

However, seeing Bailongma, Xuewei and Xiaohei Fatty all entered the ancient chaotic land, Ling Xiao's heart was also relieved.

"Old things, as long as I don't die, the Chinese and Tianzongzong will be destroyed!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely cold and full of killing intent.


Immediately using his secret move technique, he wanted to directly enter the channel. After all, even the combination of Tianyin and Fighting Heavenly Strength is not a combined enemy of Huaxiong and Chen Kun. He knows that if he continues to fight, he may be Certainly die.

"you wanna die!"

Both Huaxiong and Chen Kun were blind to their killing intentions, and their hearts were more and more intense about Ling Xiao's murderous intentions. They both vaguely felt that if Ling Xiao was released today, there must be endless troubles.


There was a fuchsia knife light in Huaxiong's palm, which contained all the power fluctuations that shattered, and instantly split across the sky towards Ling Xiao, as if the heavens and the earth were divided into two halves.

Heavenly Blood Purple Sword!

What Huaxiong cultivated was the Destruction Avenue, and used the Destruction Avenue to urge the Heavenly Path Purple Blood Knife. Its power was ten times and hundreds of times that of Hua Ziyang. He was determined to put Lingxiao to death.

"The heavens are cursed, the lives are boundless, the world is formed!"

While Chen Kun sang softly in his mouth, a rune flew out around him, and the violent shock of the void instantly formed a vast enchantment at the passage of the chaotic ancient land, and enveloped Ling Xiao in it.

The heavens curse the world!

The Supreme Mantra of the Heavenly Mantra contains the supreme power, and the enchantment is used to form the enchantment. In order to prevent Ling Xiao from entering the chaotic ancient land, Chen Kun directly exhibited the Heaven Mantra to destroy the realm.

In a flash, Ling Xiao fell into an extremely dangerous situation!

"Cause and effect...Samsara..."

Suddenly, Ling Xiao closed his eyes, and the whole person fell into a state of incomparable mystery. The more he is in a crisis, the calmer his heart is, and the more he can see the vitality in the infinite killing intention.

His hands held up, and the causal and reincarnation secrets flowed slowly. In the end, his palms slowly joined together. The causal force and the reincarnation force merged together, forming a misty water wave in front of him.


The Heavenly Blood Purple Blood Knife fell across the sky, directly chopping on that wave of water!

In an instant, the purple gas was rising, the blade of light was vertical and horizontal, and the violent and unparalleled power directly submerged Ling Xiao!

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