Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Chaotic waters!

This is a mysterious and vast sea.

The surface of the sea looks very calm, the water ripples are filled with chaotic colors, and there is a thick chaotic mist around it. From time to time, huge strange birds fly over the chaotic air and fly towards the void.

The sky was dim, and there was a faint round of sun hanging for nine days between them, and the faint light shone down.

In this world, it seems that chaos is the eternal light, without any color, it seems extremely monotonous.

At this moment, a young figure floated from the chaotic misty sea, he was dressed in white, slender and magnificent, but at the moment his face was extremely pale, and his body was covered with cracks like spider webs. It seems to break apart at any time.

A ray of chaotic light escaped from his body, and the faint energy kept his body from collapsing.

But his breath is very weak, like a living dead, almost losing any vitality.

There are countless white bones floating around him, and there are corpses of various creatures, which look dense and dense, as if covering half of the sea surface, making people look numb and feel extremely strange.


Suddenly, the calm sea exploded, a huge shark hundreds of feet long, the scales were extremely sharp, the eyes were blood red, and the mouth was suddenly swallowed toward the young man in white.

The shark's breath is very scary, as if it is the overlord of this sea, it can feel that the young man in white in front of him has something very important to it, so although the surrounding is covered with bones, he still chooses to shoot .


Just as the shark was about to approach the young man in white, a fierce lightning rose, and the young man in white was filled with chaos, intertwined with chaotic thunder, and the shark was shrouded in an instant.

The shark seemed to have no resistance at all, and the vitality in the body was swallowed by the endless chaos, and turned into a crystal white bone, which fell around the young man in white and became a part of the endless bone.

In this way, the young man in white floated in the chaotic waters for a long time. Above the sky, there were countless monsters in the sea who wanted to eat him, but they were all wiped out by the chaotic light around him. He was devoured by him.

The atmosphere of the young man in white is becoming more and more stable, and a halo of chaos diffuses, covering him in it.

Chaotic energy is swallowed by his body, and the speed of engulfing is getting faster and faster. The young man in white is like a bottomless hole, and he will not refuse all the chaotic energy.

The cracks on his body also gradually disappeared, and the vitality machine gradually stabilized and slowly increased.

Finally, one day a very strange change began to happen to him!


A series of lightning interweaves, the thunder is extremely gorgeous, chaotic energy continuously flows into his body, so that his breath begins to burst.

His flesh is shining brightly, and he can vaguely see the golden bones, the meridians like dragons, the blood like rivers and seas, the black hair dancing, and the mysterious light.

A mysterious nine-color light appeared in his body, and the waves rumbled open, pushing the surrounding sea water away, forming a vacuum junction.

He was surrounded by wind and thunder, and there was a blazing flame rising, and in the haze of chaos, vaguely revealed the three thousand worlds.

His eyebrows began to glow, as if the mysterious Yuanshen would burst out of it, and a circle of reincarnation light rippled out.

His Dantian sea was surging, the power of the vast laws rose, vaguely merged with the heavenly path, and contained a fateless mood.

In the end, he was surrounded by black and white divine light, as if intertwined into a phantom shadow of the Taiji figure, floating above his body, making him look like the embodiment of heaven.

At this moment, the breath of the young man in white was extremely vague, as if all the cause and effect were cut, the chaotic energy was swallowed between the breaths, and a very mysterious scene emerged behind him.

At this moment, it seems that the four atmospheres of chaos, reincarnation, destiny and cause and effect have formed an extremely perfect balance on the young man in white.


Above the entire chaotic sea, suddenly the wind and the wind blew, the thunder masterpiece, and the fierce thunder falling from above the nine days, containing the power to destroy all fluctuations.

The huge waves surging and fighting against the sky dome, so that the original calm sea instantly became surging and surging.

If someone is above the sea at this moment, they can see that there is a tornado in the middle of this sea area, which is intertwined with mysterious nine-color light, raging in the sea and incomparably violent.

The young man in white is right in the middle of the tornado!


The young man in white suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a mysterious beam in his eyes, extremely fierce, majestic and mysterious.

The mysterious breath wave that disappeared instantly disappeared in his body, as if the source of that wave could not be sensed, and the thunder that raged above the void actually dispersed involuntarily.

The sea was instantly calm again!

"I'm not dead! This is... Chaos Ancient Land!"

The young man in white sat up slowly, and the light beam in his eyes slowly converged, becoming extremely calm and deep.

The young man in white is Ling Xiao!

In the battle with the two great sages of Huaxiong and Chen Kun, Ling Xiao, despite all the means, even used the artificial jade dish and devoured most of his body blood, but still withstood Huaxiong and Chen Kun. After he hit with all his strength, he entered the channel of the ancient chaotic Ling Xiao's injury was extremely heavy. When he entered the channel, he immediately fell into a coma and woke up until now. .

Although the damage was not light, Wan Xing Ling Xiao still came to the ancient land of chaos.

"My injury is still too heavy now. If I didn't have the epiphany just now, I'm afraid it's not so easy to wake up!"

After inspecting his condition, Ling Xiao could not help but smiled bitterly.

His physical injury has been healed, but the Yuanshen is bleak, the holy power in his body is exhausted, the foundation of the Dadao has been seriously damaged, and even the mental power is consumed a lot.

Ling Xiao suffered the full blows of the two great saints of Huaxiong and Chen Kun, even if he used his means to reach the sky, but it has also reached the edge of collapse. The self-healing function of the body and the deteriorating injury in the body have formed a balance, which has kept him stuck until In a coma.

But just the epiphany of his blessing to the soul, the four forces just merged for a moment, so that the balance in his body was broken and began to develop in a good direction, and the injury began to gradually recover.

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