Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2090: Fragmentary piece of jade dish!

Ling Xiao walked towards the stall.

"Everyone, under the Yellow Crane Daoist, you must have heard of the name of the old man in the holy city of the human race! The old man's hands are all treasures found from various forbidden places and caves. I bought an ancient book here, and as a result I realized a supreme celestial merit! You, that is the supreme celestial merit, which contains the power of the avenue, pointing directly to the realm of the extreme emperor. Think about this great opportunity. ..."

The middle-aged man with a goatee was flamboyant and bragging there, which made many people's faces show their heart.

"Emperor Meteor?"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of shock.

The extremely mysterious Emperor's Jedi is a place where life is forbidden. Legend has it that the Supreme Emperor fell into it, and the Law of Emperor Dao has evolved into a mysterious area. When the soul enters it, it will be ominous and silent. 'S death, so although there are many strong men trying in the chaotic ancient land, but no one dared to enter the emperor's death.

I heard that the Yellow Crane Daoist was brought from the Emperor's Jedi, this jar suddenly made everyone come to the spirit.

"Yellow Crane Dao, what is this crock? What are you going to sell?"

Finally someone couldn't help it, and asked, pointing at the opening of the taupe jar.

"You said this Tongtian tank? Hey, have the vision, but this is the biggest harvest I went to the Emperor's Jedi this time! This Tongtian tank was discovered by me from a cave mansion. Let me break a powerful sacred treasure! I guess that there must be no gods in this sky tank, but I have not opened the seal on it, so I don’t know what it is!"

The eyes of the Yellow Crane Daoist turned and he smiled.

"There is no **** thing?! Huang He said, how are you going to sell this treasure?"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, and all the breathing suddenly became a little quicker.

"Infinite Heavenly Sovereign, the so-called treasure gifted fate! I didn't open this seal, it's not that I couldn't open it, but I wanted to give it to everyone! You can bid, as long as you can make me satisfied and emotional enough, I will exchange the Tongtian tank with it!"

The Yellow Crane Taoist smiled indifferently, although his clothes were worn out, he was quite a bit temperamental.

"Is this... an auction?"

Everyone was stunned.

"You can be regarded as an auction! But it is not limited to Yuanyuan Dan, you can bid on all kinds of heaven and earth treasures. I can be sure that there must be no gods in this heavenly pot. I don't believe you see it!"

The Yellow Crane Dao Ren smiled slightly, and suddenly shot a palm towards the Tongtian Can. His palm spewed sharp edges, as if even a mountain could be directly shot into powder.


I saw the Tongtian jar tremble slightly, and a vast and majestic breath burst out of it, containing the supreme momentum of suppressing the heavens and the world, so that everyone could not help but shocked, as if to see the eyes A supreme emperor awakened the same, making them pale and feeling extremely palpitated.

"This... really is the divine power! The Tongtian tank is indeed a Tongtian tank, and there must be no gods in it!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of excitement.

"Ji Dao Di Wei?"

Ling Xiao looked at everyone's excited look, and his eyes could not help revealing a strange look.

Ling Xiao could feel that although that vast majesty was very similar to Ji Dao Di Wei, it was not the real Ji Dao Di Wei, but the breath contained in the jade dish, which made him more certain, this one In the crock, there are fragments of artificial jade dishes.

"Yellow Crane Daoist, I gave out 1,000 Yuanyuan Dan! Sell this jar to me"

Finally, someone couldn't help but start bidding, his eyes full of incredibly hot look.

"One thousand Yuanyuan Dan want to buy Godless things? I have three thousand Yuanyuan Dan!"

"What did 3,000 Yuanyuan Dan count? I gave out 10,000 Yuanyuan Dan!"

"I don't have the original source dan, but I have a middle-class sacred treasure, priced at 50,000 original source dan, in exchange for this crock, how?"


Everyone couldn't help it. They all started to increase their prices. The scene was fierce. It turned out to be like an auction. Everyone wanted this one.

Ling Xiao was a little speechless. He originally wanted to pick up a leak and buy the crock, but he didn't expect that the Yellow Crane Taoist was so savvy. After mobilizing everyone's emotions, he directly started the auction.

If we say that Yuanyuan Dan, Ling Xiao only has tens of thousands of Yuanyuan Dan, and now it seems that it is not enough to buy this crock.

However, Ling Xiao also has some indispensable holy treasures, even the supreme holy law, which can also be exchanged, but she did not rush to bid.

"I have a golden calamity! Yellow Crane Dao Chang, your cultivation has been in the realm of the nine-turn half-sacred for a long time? This golden calamity, can increase your possibility of breaking through the limit, let you enter Among the three worlds! How about this crock sold to me?"

Suddenly, a voice came to mind in the void, but it was calm.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and saw the noisy and crowded people separated in the distance. From there came a young man in a white robe with a handsome face. His slender figure and skin like jade walked from a distance. It has a super yet dusty temperament.

The most special thing is that his eyes have double pupils, as if they are intertwined by two suns, and they contain extremely mysterious power fluctuations. Everyone dare not look at him, and they all bow their heads involuntarily.

Along with him, there was a young man in black robe with a sharp-billed monkey gill. His eyes were full of indifference and bloodthirsty killing intentions, the breath was extremely powerful, and the whole body was full of breath, making people involuntarily withdraw Come on.

"Is... Tianyuanzong's Muyuan Yuanzi and Tongtian Yaosheng?!"

Some people say that the voice is full of awe-inspiring God of Sorrow of the Heavenly Mantra Sect is also famous in the holy city of the human race, and its strength is extremely powerful. With respect to human respect, among the peerless arrogance of the holy city of the entire human race, they can be ranked ahead.

The fierce name of Tongtian Yaosheng in the holy city of human race is extremely flamboyant, making people change their colors.

At the moment, seeing that the two came side by side, everyone involuntarily gave way.

"A golden calamity of ten thousand robberies?! Shengzi Muyuan is really a big deal! I have to say, the poor way is still a little bit emotional!"

The eyes of the Yellow Crane Daoist flashed and smiled slightly.

As soon as the four characters of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Jindan came out, it immediately showed him an incomparably moving look. The Ten Thousand Tribulation Jindan was the Seventh Grade Saint Pill, which contained the immortal Taoism of Ten Thousand Tribulation, which can help people to break the limit and see The real me is extremely precious.

If there is a golden calamity, the Yellow Crane Daoist may have a real chance to break the limit and be promoted to three heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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