Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2098: Double pupils!


The black light flashed around Ling Xiao, and a series of runes permeated, and a crack appeared on the surface of his powerful flesh, as if it would break apart at any time.

He coughed up blood in his mouth, as if he had been hit hard, and his face became extremely pale.

The magic spells of the Heavenly Mantra Sect are incomparably strange, intruding into the body silently, containing the power of the vast law of the Dao, which can destroy everything.

After all, there is a lack of heaven and earth, and it is impossible for all beings to be completely perfect and flawless. There will always be flaws, and the spell is to find the flaws of the soul with the power of the law of the Dao, and achieve a fatal blow.

Although Ling Xiao's flesh is extremely powerful, it is not perfect after all. Shengzi Muyuan casts a big destruction spell. The whole person seems to be merged with Heavenly Dao, and there is an unpredictable Tianwei between his hands and feet.


The power of the horrible spells spread towards Ling Xiao, and even rushed towards Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, trying to wipe out his Yuanshen completely.

Seeing Ling Xiao's breath getting weaker and weaker, he coughed up blood at the corner of his mouth, as if the whole person was about to break apart in the void and turn into a blood mist.

But Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely calm and cold, revealing a hint of sarcasm, and slowly spit out a word in his mouth.



The moment when he knew the wordless book in the sea shines, the nine-color Shenxia blooms, ancient and mysterious, and turns into a vast and terrifying vortex of engulfment, and suddenly towards the strange curse in Ling Xiao's body. Swallowed by force. ..

The origin of the cursing power is the law of the avenue. With Ling Xiao’s achievements in swallowing the secrets of the sky, it is difficult to completely swallow it, but at this moment, the wordless book broke out, and the cursing power in Ling Xiao’s body was like that The whale swallowed the sea and sucked it, and it was all swallowed by the wordless book.

Ling Xiao burst into a terrifying energy of blood and blood around the body, and the Quartet's Void tremor blew out hundreds of millions of divine lights, instantly making the Quartet's sky dome tremble violently.

"What?! Poof..."

Shengyuan Muyuan was shocked, and his eyes showed an incredible look. Suddenly the vast laws of heaven and earth spewed out, causing him to be greatly repulsed, and a spit of blood spurted from his mouth.

The Makihara Divine Son casts the Great Destruction Curse and merges with the Dadao Law. Although he can draw on the supreme power of Dadao Law, once the power of the curse is broken, he will also be greatly repulsed by himself.

Ling Xiao also realized this before, so at the beginning, he only resisted with the flesh. When the vast power of the curse was fully incorporated into him, he burst out the power of the wordless book, and put all the power of the curse. Devoured.

Shengzi Muyuan was naturally repulsed by the law of the Dao, and his breath became disordered.


Ling Xiao took a scream, his eyes were cold and unmatched, his whole body was wrapped with a monstrous divine light, and he punched a fist toward the Muyuan Shengzi.


The earthquake shook, Ling Xiao came up to the sky, where the mountains exploded, the earthquake shook, the horrible divine light contained unparalleled divinity, and it was suppressed directly towards Muyuan Shengzi.

Shengzi Muyuan suffered a backlash from the law of the Dao, and the natural reaction was a step slower. At this moment, there is no way to dodge the punch of Ling Xiao, but he can only resist.


Ling Xiao fisted like a dragon, and his breath was violent to the extreme. The fist of the sky directly shattered the Yutian curse of the whole body of Shengyuan, and then slammed **** his chest.


The white robe on his body shone brightly, and the supreme Shengwei rose up in an instant, trying to resolve the horror power contained in the fist of Ling Xiao, but in the end, all the Shengwei broke apart, Shengyuan Muyuan was directly blown out by Ling Xiao!

A clear voice sounded, and several ribs on the chest of Shengyuan Muzi broke, making his face paler, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood.

boom! boom! boom!

Ling Xiao seemed to not want to give any chance to Shengyuan Muyuan, he was full of fighting spirit, and he had an invincible momentum. His understanding of the fist of Heavenly Emperor became deeper and deeper, and there was a vast amount of heavenly power and invincible fist between his shots. The meaning seems to have been imprinted in the bones, bursting into the power of the sky.

The sky is full of Ling Xiao's fist prints, intertwined into a mysterious shadow, and constantly slaying towards Muyuan Shengzi.

Although Shengmu Muyuan struggled to contend and cast a powerful defensive spell, he didn't even beat Ling Xiao's frightful fist. He broke apart and was beaten out by Ling Xiao. He coughed up blood in his mouth.

"Ling Xiao! You **** it!"

Shengyuan Muyuan shouted, his eyes were extremely cold, full of monstrous anger, he felt extremely stooped, the fiery light of the whole body rose, the emptiness of the Quartet was shaking, but he could not resist the fist of Ling Xiao meaning.


His eyes burst into immeasurable light in an instant, and mysterious chaotic air diffused out. The double pupils in the eyes, one black and one white, were like the most intrinsic power of heaven and earth, intertwined together in an instant, toward Ling Xiao Xiao came.

The void is silently annihilated, and the strongest destructive force strikes, as if to turn everything into powder.

This is the power of double pupils, known as the source of Heavenly Dao, but the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Ling Xiao felt cold all over, as if being stared at by some kind of horrible existence, he didn't want to directly perform the secret removal technique. The whole person was like a ray of chaos, traveling through the void, trying to avoid that source Light.

But the double pupil supernatural power is too horrible and can smash everything. At this moment, Ling Xiao is completely locked up, and it is absolutely unwilling to kill him without killing him.

"Give me!"

Thousands of rays of light were sprayed into Ling Xiao's arms, and the flames rose in the sky. In an instant, a Yan Emperor Ding was formed in the void, exuding the supreme divine power, Dingkou exuded the power to devour all, thinking Swallow the double pupil supernatural power into it.


But The chaotic atmosphere is filled with black and white divine light. After rushing into Yan Di Ding, it trembles violently. The next moment Yan Di Ding burst into pieces, and the two divine lights attacked Ling Xiao instantly. Come.


Ling Xiao's eyebrows glowed, and the vast divine light intertwined around him, forming a mysterious swallowing sea of ​​gods behind him, wanting to completely refine that black and white divine light.

But that black and white divine light seems to contain extremely powerful spirituality, and there is no way to refine it. Instead, it wants to pierce the sea of ​​gods and pierce it into Ling Xiao's eyebrows.

"Double pupils!"

At this moment, Shengyuan Muyuan suddenly took a whisper.


The sky was trembling, and hundreds of millions of divine lights were rising in the emptiness of the Quartet, and the chaotic air was permeating among the eyes of Shengyuan Shengzi, as if there was a flying fairy light coming into the sky, to return this piece of heaven and earth to chaos.

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