Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2111: News of Heavenly Punishment!

"The secret of the void? What is it?"

   Ling Xiao looked at Ye Qingcheng with some surprise. *随*梦*小*说 .lā

   At the same time, his heart became clear. The reason why Ye Qingcheng didn't take away the three emperor soldiers' marks, it seems that there is really no secret in the void.

Ye Qingcheng glanced at Ling Xiao and pondered for a moment, "The sky-covering mystery has great benefits for me to practice the golden power, but the most important thing is that the sky-covering mystery is related to whether we can get it in the land of nothingness. Mystery of Heaven Penalty!"

   "Mystery of Heavenly Punishment?! That's the secret art of town education of the Ninefold Emperor Que. You said that there is a mystery of Heavenly Punishment in this void?"

   Ling Xiao was also a little excited.

The punishment of heaven punishment is called the first of the heavens, and it is the secret technique of the ninth emperor Que. It contains the mystery of the punishment of heaven. It can punish the punishment of the sky, control the power of the heaven, between the hands and feet, destroy the world, the power is incomparable. Horror.

  If you can get the punishment of Heavenly Penalty, Ling Xiao's journey to gather twelve days of skill will go further!

"Yes! In the very center of the Netherland, there is a sea of ​​thunder and robbery, which is enveloped by endless thunder all year round, which contains the secret technique of heaven punishment! It is just that the thunder there has extremely strong spirituality, and some have formed powerful Thunder Spirit, only the Sky Cover Mystery can cover the breath and let us enter the Sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation!"

   Ye Qingcheng said slowly.

   "Thunder Tribulation Sea? Thunder Spirit?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange look, he suddenly thought of the Thunder King, I don't know what kind of creation will the Thunder King enter into the sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation?

   "Master, I must go to Thunder Tribulation Sea! If I can swallow the endless Thunder Spirits in Thunder Tribulation Sea, and then get the Sky Penalty Secret Technique, my strength will definitely be able to go further!"

The extremely excited voice of King Thundering passed into Ling Xiao's mind. After hearing Ye Qingcheng's words, King Thundering was a little bit calm. Thundering in the sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation had an irresistible attraction to it. .

   "Miss Qingcheng, can you take me to the Thunder Tribulation Sea? I am also interested in the secret technique of Heaven Penalty!"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly, not concealing his thoughts.

  Since he can meet the secret of heavenly punishment in this void, Ling Xiao naturally does not want to miss it, and wants to get the complete secret of heavenly punishment here. ..

  According to Ling Xiao's knowledge, Shen Xiao's World Destruction Lei Dao and Lei Di Jue, I'm afraid they are inextricably linked to the Heavenly Penalty Secret Technique.

   "Mystery of Heaven Penalty, I don't know if I will meet the emperor..."

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and thought secretly.

   Nowadays, the younger generation of the Ninefold Emperor Que respects the Son of Heaven, who is also the most powerful peer of his generation that Ling Xiao has seen. If there is a secret punishment of heaven in this void, perhaps Tianzi will not miss it.

   "Yes! But when you are in the Thunder Tribulation Sea, you have to listen to me for everything else, otherwise we may be in vain!"

   Ye Qingcheng said seriously.

   "No problem! Allure Girl, can you see the true face in the next time?"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

  Ye Qingcheng at this moment, although it looks extraordinary, but Ling Xiao knows that she is a woman, but feels very strange.


   Ye Qingcheng glared at Ling Xiao angrily, turned around and was about to leave here.

   Ling Xiao smiled freely, and more and more felt that Ye Qingcheng was very personal. A woman just wanted to disguise herself as a man and changed into this look, making Ling Xiao also curious about Ye Qingcheng.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, as if he felt something, and said slowly: "Qingcheng girl, I'm afraid you will wait for me for a while! Let me kill two people, how about we go to Leijiehai ?"

   Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea came from Feng Qingyang's voice, chasing him and Feng Qingyang's Dragon and Tiger Shuangsheng, here it is!

   "Kill two people? Do you need my help?"

   Ye Qingcheng's eyes showed a strange color.

   "Thank you, no more! With the three emperor brand, it is enough for me to control the Samsung pattern of killing the wolf, just give them a surprise!"

   Ling Xiao smiled faintly, but the smile was very cold, full of killing intent.

   After refining the three emperor soldiers, Ling Xiao can control the three-dimensional pattern of killing the wolf, and the immense morale and murderous opportunities here form a powerful field, which is exactly the burial place of the Dragon and Tiger Double Saints!

   Hearing the words of the emperor's soldiers, Ye Qingcheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt a terrible pain. This was left by the ancestors of the Golden Emperor, and now it is all in the hands of Ling Xiao.

   She was so angry that she wanted to kill the thief, but she didn't know why. After seeing Ling Xiao, she had a fight with Ling Xiao, but the kind of killing in her heart had disappeared.

  Even Ye Qingcheng felt very incredible!

   Swoosh! Whoo!

  Ling Xiao and Ye Qingcheng walked away from this palace together, and performed the occultation technique, quietly sneaked out towards the outside!

   The land of nothingness is full of unreal and mysterious scenes.

Two bright rays of light came from a distance, the speed reached the extreme, and soon before the three stars of the broken wolf, they were two young men in black robes, with strong and unmatched breath, covering the vast holy saint. Wei, let the Quartet Void tremble slightly, it is the Dragon and Tiger Double Saints who chase Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang.

   "It's weird! My tracking compass shows that Lingxiao should be near here, but when he arrived here, his breath completely disappeared!"

   The light flashed in the palm of Longsheng, and a bronze compass appeared, which looked very simple, and there was a mysterious chaos flowing on Could it be that they were hiding? Void land is dangerous and full of opportunities! Maybe they found a kind of secret or cave? "

   Tiger Saint's eyes moved, looked around and said.

   "It's possible! If they really found a chance, it would be a good thing! They are afraid that they have found our whereabouts and deliberately hid!"

  Long Sheng's face was a little cloudy, and he snorted coldly.

   "Found our trail? Shouldn't it be possible?"

  Hu Sheng said with some uncertainty.

   "There is nothing impossible! That Ling Xiao can kill the Tongtian Demon Saint and Muyuan Yuan Son, the strength can not be underestimated! But the more secrets in him, the more interested I am in him!"

  Long Sheng smiled coldly.

While talking to each other, Longhu Shuangsheng had already arrived before the three stars of the killing wolf. Although the three stars of the killing wolf and the atmosphere of the field were covered by Ling Xiao's display methods, Long Sheng still saw something wrong. The place.

   "These three stars are weird!"

  Long Sheng said with some consternation, and stopped.

   At this moment, a faint voice sounded in the void.

   "Two, are you looking for me?"

  PS: The third stage is over, everyone rests early.

  Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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