Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2115: Weird rabbit!

"This is the most central place of the Netherland, Thunder Tribulation Sea! Thunder Tribulation Sea is the transformation of Heaven's Thunder Tribulation, containing all the power to destroy, even if the saint enters it, he will definitely die! Only by covering the sky Covering the perception of Thunder Tribulation Sea from us, and even letting us have a breath of free shuttle in Thunder Tribulation Sea!"

   Ye Qingcheng said slowly to Ling Xiao.

It turns out that the Thunder Tribulation Sea is pure Heavenly Thunder Tribulation. If the soul enters it, it will be assimilated by the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation instantaneously and become part of the Thunder Tribulation Sea. A part of it was born in the sea of ​​robbery, and the other part was that the strong man was assimilated by the sea of ​​thunder robbery.

  The mystery of covering the sky can not only cover the breath of the creatures, but also allow the creatures to have the similar fluctuations of the breath of thunder and roam freely in the sea of ​​thunder.

   This point, Ling Xiao is naturally very clear.

   "Is it possible that we have nothing to lose if we have the occultation technique?"

  Feng Qingyang said eagerly, his eyes full of expectation.

  Ling Xiao has passed him the secret technique of covering the sky. When Feng Qingyang thought of the legendary secret technique of heaven punishment in the sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation, he made his heart burst into flames.

"Not necessarily! Although the occult technique can allow us to travel through the sea of ​​thunder and robbery unharmed, there is a crisis in the sea of ​​thunder and robbery, and no one knows what the danger is! And, maybe there will be a powerful holy Real Thunder, in the sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation is not something we can contend with!"

   Ye Qingcheng shook his head.

   "Is the powerful Holy Spirit Thunder Spirit? If we can refine some Thunder Spirits, maybe it will have some benefits for us to charge the Sky Penalty Secret!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in a fine flash.

This is what King Thundering told him. After King Thundering became holy, he seemed to have many more inherited memories. He seemed to have received a lot of information about the Thunder Tribulation Sea in the Void Land. Power, if it can refine the powerful Thunder Spirit, and gain some insights from Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, is naturally good for charging the Heavenly Penalty.

   "That can be tried, let's go!"

Ye Qingcheng nodded his head and instantly performed the Sky Cover Mystery. The whole person's breath became very embarrassed. At the same time, a mysterious thunder escape spread out, making her breath seem like the thunder and sea in front of her. For oneness.


   Ye Qingcheng turned into a golden lightning, which was first shot into the sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation.

   Ling Xiao and Feng Qingyang met each other at once, and they all performed the secret occult technique and flew away with Ye Qingcheng.


   seems to have entered into the roaring sea, and the blazing thunderlight around it rises like a big wave, and the sky and the earth contain the ultimate power of destruction.

   Above the void, chaos is tumbling, the rules are intertwined, and a chain of order gods traverses the sky, as if everything has become the most primitive state of law.

   The power of destruction made the three of Ling Xiao feel scalp numbness. If it weren't for the occultation technique, I'm afraid they couldn't bear such a terrifying thunder.


   A flash of lightning exploded in front of the eyes of the three Ling Xiao, the mysterious light was shining like an earth, and a very mysterious world phantom appeared.

  In the sea of ​​thunder and robbery, the real and the illusory are blended together, making it impossible for people to distinguish clearly.

   "That's... a thunder spirit?"

   Feng Qingyang suddenly exclaimed.

   In the distant sea of ​​Thunder Tribulation, a white rabbit appeared, looking very smart, but the whole body was intertwined with fiery white lightning, exuding the original breath of Thunder Dao.

   That is exactly a Rayling!

Rabbit Lei Ling also found three people in Ling Xiao, a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes, flashed in an instant, directly appeared on the top of Feng Qingyang's head, and then sat on Feng Qingyang's head , Two small paws are scratching the wind and hair of Qingyang.

The trio of Ling Xiao performed the mystery of covering the sky. At this moment, the whole body also exudes the breath of the original source of thunder. In the perception of rabbit Lei Ling, the trio of Ling Xiao is also Lei Ling, but it seems that it is not a thunder entity, so that rabbit Lei Ling Very curious.

   "This rabbit... so scary!"

The cold sweat of Feng Qingyang came out, and the rabbit Rayling appeared on the top of his head. The white thunder, even easily penetrated his body holy Gang, making him feel a threat of death. .

   The wind Qingyang was motionless, fearing that the rabbit Lei Ling would give him an intimate contact, then he might be burping directly!

   "Who makes you yell and yell!"

   Ling Xiao had some funny voices to Feng Qingyang Road. If this kid had just been so loud, Rabbit Rayling would not notice him.

   "Brother, don't talk cold, please help me get this **** rabbit away!"

  Feng Qingyang was about to cry, and sent a voice to Ling Xiaodao.

   "This rabbit, I'm afraid it's a holy land thunder! Your luck is too bad, I'm afraid it is not its opponent! Now you can only pray that it left!"

   Ling Xiao said some gloating.

   also has a dignified color in his eyes. Although this snow-white rabbit was transformed by the origin of Lei Dao, Ling Xiao can feel that it will almost condense a flesh and blood body, and its terrifying strength is terrible!

   "Don't move! It seems to be leaving!"

Ye Qingcheng suddenly transmitted a voice to Feng I saw that the white rabbit smelled the breath of Feng Qingyang's body, and the small paw patted a few times on his head, scaring Fengqing Yang was about to dissipate, but in the end the rabbit seemed to feel a little bored, his whole body flashed and disappeared directly on Feng Qingyang's head.

   "Finally gone! This rabbit is almost perfect, scared me! Let's go now, this sea of ​​thunder robbing is too weird!"

   Feng Qingyang's legs were soft, and the white rabbit completely scared him.

   He felt as if he had just passed by.

  If it wasn’t for the secret of Heaven Punishment, Feng Qingyang almost wanted to leave Lei Jiehai directly.

   "Hush, you see, there are a few Raylings we should be able to try!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, making a mute gesture towards Feng Qingyang, and then pointed to the front and said.


In the Thunder Tribulation Sea, more than a dozen golden fish slowly came over. Those fish were naturally Rayling fish, the smallest one had a foot to grow, and the largest one even had a length of a few feet, all radiating from the whole body. Blazing thunder.

   The feeling of these dozen Rayling fish to Ling Xiao, which is equivalent to the ordinary saint, is much less threatening than the white rabbit.

   "Rayling is also a treasure of heaven and earth! Not only can it temper the flesh, but also contains the origin of Thunder Dao, you are right! We can try these Thunder Spirits!"

   Ye Qingcheng's eyes also light up.

  :. :

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