Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2148: Gas is useful!

The fluffy hoof of the old goat hit the head of the white dragon horse without accuracy, and the white dragon horse didn't even break the defense of the old goat, the ripples spread all over, and the smile of the old goat looked like that of the white dragon horse Dazzling.

Bai Longma's forehead immediately bulged a big bag, like hitting a solid mountain, making his eyes black, and the tears were about to come out.

Bai Longma didn't even think that the old goat was so sturdy.

"Want to escape? Don't you want to teach me to be a man?"

The old goat's joking voice sounded, and behind him the vast swallowing sacred world emerged, swallowing the avenue horizontally and vertically, like a chain of order gods, blocking the entire body of the white dragon.

Suppressing the power of the Heavenly Holy World on one side, the White Dragon Horse seemed to be carrying hundreds of millions of mountains, and the speed could not be improved.

The old goat also knows that the White Dragon Horse has the speed to move the heavens and the world. Naturally, he will not give him the opportunity to escape. The first shot is a thunder strike, and then the huge sheep hoof falls like a raindrop towards the White Dragon Horse!

boom! boom! boom!

Bai Longma screamed again and again, he couldn't escape the old goat's claws, he could only bear the blow of the old goat, and he couldn't break through the defense of the old goat. He could only be beaten passively, and his nose would become blue and swollen. It looks very miserable and miserable.

"Misma, do you dare to be arrogant with Lao Tzu?"

"Aren't you going to teach me to be a human being? Come and come, why don't you do it anymore? Can't your boy be patient?"

"You tell me, who is the boss?"

"Asshole, I won't make you fart today, I am not Master An!"


The old goat sneered while beating the white dragon horse.

Bai Longma's mouth was still stiff at the beginning. Although his mouth screamed repeatedly, he was very stiff and did not ask for mercy at all, but in the end he couldn't stand it anymore and began to beg for mercy loudly.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Brother, you are my elder brother, please forgive me, my mouth is cheap, I'm a bastard, your adults don't care about villains, forgive me..."

The white dragon horse licked his face and was beaten by the old goat.

Ling Xiao was also arrogant and funny. Bai Longma was so used to it in the weekdays, very arrogant and arrogant. Ling Xiao couldn't help him. Now someone can finally cure him.

Everyone smiled in good faith, and they all saw that the old goat was still very decent. Although the white dragon horse yelled, but the start was not heavy, but it used some small means to let the old goat Feel no pain.

"An'an, don't know him in general! Tell me about the demon seal. Isn't the demon seal not so simple as the guardian?"

Ling Xiao stopped the old goat and said with a smile.

The old goat seemed to be a little tired, and he let out a bad breath, which spared the white dragon.

The white dragon horse collapsed to the ground, it looked like a swollen nose and a swollen face, humming in his mouth, even the strength to ask for mercy was gone.

"Yes! You should also see it. Although the demon seal represents the identity of the guardian, it can control the holy city of the demon, and urge the power of Zhou Tianxing's large array, but the most important thing is not this!"

"The demon clan represents the identity of the candidate of the son of heaven, and it is also the ultimate character!"

Speaking of the demon seal, the look of the old goat is also a little serious.

"Candidate for the Son of Heaven?"

The essence of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed like he had thought of something.

"Yes! There are 108 ancient cities in the ancient chaotic land, and each ancient city has an ancient seal, which contains the luck of 108 powerful races. It is a treasure of luck! Only by mastering the ancient seal Become the guardian of the holy city! Before we entered the chaotic ancient land, the guardians of the holy city were mostly the indigenous people of this place. Under the chance, they were recognized by the ancient seal and became the guardian!

But the guardian is not static, as long as you kill the guardian, you can replace it, master the ancient seal, and become the new guardian! You should have heard of Chaos City? These are actually made up by the guardians, in order not to let the chaotic ancient earth's life have other ideas, but they don't know that after they became guardians, their destiny is already doomed! "

The old goat said slowly, his eyes have a strange color: "The ancient chaotic land, 108 holy cities, represents 108 powerful races, and also contains 108 kinds of luck, as long as He got an ancient seal, became a guardian, and a candidate for the Son of Heaven. He was qualified to compete for the ultimate creation!

The original guardians are nothing more than sacrifices. It seems that if you killed the Jiuyang demon sage, in fact, sacrificed his life to the demon seal, I have the opportunity to master the demon seal! "

The old goat said some secrets of the demon clan and the ancient chaotic land, so that everyone was shockless.

Ling Xiao finally understood the origin of the Son of Heaven.

The old goat got the demon seal and became the new guardian, and also possessed the luck of the demon race, and can compete with the arrogance of other races to seize the ultimate creation.

The so-called children of natural selection are actually the children of a race of luck. Only when the luck of a race is strong enough can it help him win the position of the child of natural selection.

It's probably because of the rumor that the Son of Heaven must be able to prove to be an emperor and help a race become the master of the era.

"That also means that as long as we go to seize the ancient seals of other cities, can we become candidates for the Son of Heaven?"

Feng Qingyang's eyes also light up.

It can be said that in the face of this ultimate creation, almost no one can resist its temptation!

"Theoretically speaking, it's okay! But I also drilled a hole. If it wasn't for Jiuyang Yaosheng who didn't fully master the demon Do you think we can succeed so easily? The guardian holding the ancient seal , That kind of power is simply not imaginable by ordinary people! However, after harvesting the ancient seal, it can also get a great chance, will be protected by the luck of a race, and reach a state where there is no way to invade! Like just the white dragon horse I can’t break my defense, it’s actually a demon luck!”

The old goat said slowly.

"The strength of Jiuyang Yaosheng is not very strong, and it is not even as good as the young demon. In general, it is equivalent to the cultivation of the heaven and earth. If he urges Zhou Tianxing to form a large array, he should be able to reach the first. Second place! An'an, if Jiuyang Yaosheng holds a demon clan seal, what will the combat power be?"

Ling Xiao looked at the old goat and asked, if you want to get the ancient seal, you must evaluate the true strength of those guardians.

"It's a heaven, you can fight the great saint!"

The old goat said slowly, his eyes had a dignified color.

ps: Secondly, everyone rest early. The proposal proposed to Xiao Mudan in the past few days has been successfully concluded. The future is bright and beautiful. Thank you, brothers.


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