Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2150: Doson!

Everyone can hear that there is a mysterious sound wave coming from the holy city of the Dao ethnic group, which is very pleasant, as if it contains the fluctuations of the avenue, which makes people feel happy.

There are young men and women wearing feather coats, flying out of the Dao holy city on a fairy crane. They look graceful, chic, and are filled with ultra-smooth atmosphere fluctuations.

"Is this the holy city of the Dao Nationality? The law of the avenue here is so rich, is there a strong man sitting here?"

Feng Qingyang's eyes shook, and she said in disbelief.

The Chaos Ancient Earth seems to be the closest to the Law of Heaven and Dao. The cultivation speed in the Chaos Ancient Earth is ten times and one hundred times that of the outside world, but in this Dao Holy City, the Law of Heaven and Dao is more clear dozens of times, making people anywhere Can be in the realm of enlightenment.

"You are not right! Legend has it that in the era of the Dao clan, the Dao ancestor fell and was beheaded by the demon emperor, but a finger of the Dao clan was brought here by the strong Dao clan, forming such a mysterious area!"

The old goat said slowly, telling the legend he heard again.

"A finger can form such a mysterious Dao realm, and hasn't it dissipated after two eras? The Dao ancestor of the Dao clan is really terrifying!"

Xue Wei said with emotion.

Her injury has been completely healed, and after this heavy injury, there is already a trend that is about to break the limit, and the breath is more lingering and mysterious.

As the saint of reincarnation, she has also seen traces of Taoist ancestors in the ancient books of the reincarnation shrine. Although countless years have passed, she can still see how the Taoist ancestors were in those years through glimpses. Fenghua peerless!

"Is the unscrupulous Taoist in this Taoist holy city?"

The essence of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and said slowly.

When he came to this area, Ling Xiao felt that Wushu Tianshu was trembling slightly, as if he felt something that made it extremely excited.

This kind of fluctuation can only be so strong when Wu Zi Tian Shu notices the twelve days of merit!

It also means that there are twelve days of merit in the holy city of the Dao ethnic group?

This discovery shocked Ling Xiao.

"Not necessarily, he had planned to lead out the guardians of the Dao Holy City, and then beheaded and taken away the Dao Seal! I will contact him first to see if he is still in this area!"

Said the old goat, a shining stone appeared in his hand.

This is a treasure made by the unscrupulous Daoist, who can communicate and talk in an area. It is also the unscrupulous Daoist who handed over to the old goat, in order to let the old goat contact him after he came to the Holy City of Dao.


The sounding stone lit up, and it looked colorful and dazzling, as if there was a very melodious atmosphere spreading into the distance.

The old goat hadn't had time to speak yet, and heard an uneasy voice rang out.

"The demon emperor appears, come to Judao Mountain!"

That voice seemed to be anxious, but let Ling Xiao, Lao Goat and other people's faces change, because that voice was the voice of the unscrupulous Taoist!


Juedao Mountain.

This is a forbidden place in the ancient chaotic land. It is rumored that this is a place where heaven and earth are forbidden. The avenue is chaotic and disorderly. There are dangers and murders everywhere. It is the junction of Dao Holy City and Devil Holy City.

The earth is barren and desolate, and the sky dome is filled with gray mist, and there is a magical energy rising, which turns into a grimace-like shape, which looks very scary and terrible.

A lofty solitary peak is located in this land, like a broken sword, steep and sharp, exuding the atmosphere of extinction.

This is the Daodao Mountain, which is taken from the meaning of breaking the road.

But at this moment, in the Daoshan Mountains, a group of powerful demons wearing black robes and devilish spirits surrounded the two figures wearing robes.

One of the two figures dressed in robes, one is an old Taoist priest with white hair. His body is vast and mysterious, unfathomable, but at the moment his face is pale, there is a bright red blood at the corner of his mouth, and a color is filled on his head. The ancient seal of light contains vast laws of the great road!

The other is a handsome young man with an elegant and dusty appearance, wearing a white robe, his eyes are shining and bright, as if there are different fluctuations in the birth and death of the avenue.

It's just that the two of them are not in a good state at the moment. It seems that they have just experienced a big battle, and they are almost exhausted. They are only supported by the ancient seal above their heads.

"Dao Zun, I advise you not to be obstinate and resist! As long as you hand over the Dao clan and Dazu phalanx, and surrender to the emperor, we will spare you!"

Standing across from them, a young black robe said with a sneer.

The cultivation of the young man in black robe is very strong, but the mysterious emperor next to him is stronger, so that every time he sees the emperor, the eyes are unconsciously showing awe.

The mysterious Emperor Lord shrouded in the Magic Light, only revealing a pair of indifferent and cold eyes, like a blood moon, full of bloodthirsty and cruel looks.

It was this emperor who had created Dao respect with just one blow, so that Dao Zun had to sacrifice the Dao clan to be able to survive forever.

The magic light around it was like a vast waterfall, forming a powerful enchantment, which sealed off the Dadao Mountain.

Nowadays, Dao Zun and the unscrupulous Dao Ren have become urn turtles, either to catch or kill, only between the thoughts of the emperor and prince!

"Is the son of the original Devil Emperor? Sure enough, the name is well-deserved, but if you want the Taoist seal, do you deserve it?"

Dao Zun sneered, full of hatred and murderous opportunity.

He is the guardian of the Dao clan. The reason why he left the Dao clan sacredly this time was to take out the Daozu phalanx. He did not expect to encounter the original ~ And the power of the primordial prince was also unpredictable by Dao Zun, and one move made him defeat.

If he did not rely on the hard support of the Dao clan seal, he and the unscrupulous Daoist were already captured!

"Old goat, you bastard, hurry up! Or else, I will really die here!"

The unscrupulous Taoist smiled bitterly.

He originally followed Dao Zun and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Dao Zun to get the Dao clan seal, but he did not expect to get blood mold and met a group of primitive emperors and recognized him and Dao Zun as Dao clan. man of.

Wuliang Dao knows that he is not the opponent of the primordial prince, so he consciously became a tortoise.

He secretly told the old goat, although he hoped that the old goat could come to rescue him, but he did not have much hope.

After all, the old goat is now in the holy city of demon clan. It is said that he wants to seize the demon clan. When he will come to the holy clan of the Dao clan is not sure. When the old goat hears his voice, I am afraid his bones have been broken into pieces. !


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