Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2152: Give up!


The blazing divine light of Dao Zun's whole body bloomed, the vast law of the Dao burst out, and a very mysterious Taiji figure emerged, as if containing the supreme power of the earth, directly smashing the original magic flame of the whole body. !

Dao Zun's eyes are full of decisiveness, and the speed is so extreme that he directly moves the void and instantly appears in front of the unscrupulous Daoist, blocking the monstrous magic flame!


The icy primordial magic flame collided with the Tai Chi figure suddenly, erupting a wave of extremely terrifying power, but for a time, there was no way to break through the Tai Chi figure's defense, and they were all blocked out.

"court death!"

The primordial emperor's eyes flashed with a murderous opportunity, shot directly across the sky, an endless magic light was sprayed from the palm, and a mysterious power of decomposition exploded, as if to break everything into the most original particles.


The primordial emperor took a picture of the Taiji figure, and suddenly caused the Taiji figure to tremble violently, and a rune exploded, and the Taiji figure also broke apart.

That palm print shot fiercely on Dao Zun's chest, making Dao Zun's body tremendously, like a lightning strike, and a spit of blood suddenly spurted from his mouth, and the whole person's face became paler.

"Do not!!!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Daoist instantly turned red.

He roared loudly, and the horrible sound wave shook the four heavenly heavens, and he suddenly rose into the sky, holding up the Dao Zun who was hit hard, and his eyes were full of shock, regret, and annoyance.

"Why do you save me? Do you know that I want to kill you and want to take away your Dao clan seal, why do you do this?"

The unscrupulous Daoist shouted with horror, holding his eyes full of endless pain.

He followed Dao Zun just to find a chance to kill Dao Zun and take Dao Zuyin from Dao Zun's hands, but he never thought that at this juncture of life and death, Dao Zun would be hit hard by himself while fighting Save him.

There is a violent pain in the minds of unscrupulous people, as if something most important is about to be lost.

"Cough... I know you want to kill me, but you may not know that the Taoist seal should have been yours! I am not sorry to die, but you are the hope of the Taoist future..."

Dao Zun coughed up blood and said to the unscrupulous Dao Ren with a smile.

"Who am I? Who are you?"

The unscrupulous Daoist suddenly froze after hearing Dao Zun's words.

"Of course you are the person of my Dao clan! After my death, I hope you can protect the Dao clan, treat the Dao clan well, and do not seek to enable the Dao clan to regain the glory of the ancient times, only the Dao clan can live a safe life and be happy!"

Dao Zun's eyes were full of nostalgia and reluctance.


Above his chest, it seemed that there was a circle of magic flame burning, and there was a mysterious decomposition force, which was quickly destroying the vitality in his body, making his breath weaker and weaker.

"No! You can't die, I don't want to owe your favor, you live for me, I want to commit suicide!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist were red and roared.

"Take care..."

Dao Zun smiled slightly at the unscrupulous Taoist, and suddenly his whole body burst into burst, and a powerful force fluctuated and rose directly into yin and yang. The unscrupulous Taoist was rolled up, and the next moment Break through the void and leave here!

It was the purest yin and yang qi. It contained the meaning of Taiyin and the sun. It was the essence of Dao Zun's life. Even the original magic flame could not resist the power of yin and yang. .

The Taoist seal is intertwined with the five-color light, forming a mysterious five-color enchantment, covering the whole body of the unscrupulous Daoist, and also demolishing the large array of Demon around the Daodao Mountain.

Seeing the unscrupulous Daoist about to escape from the encirclement, I saw a touch of sarcasm in the eyes of the primordial emperor, saying: "Want to go? Whether it is the Dao clan seal or your destiny, I have to make up my mind !"

The voice of the primordial emperor is subdued, with absolute confidence, as if everything is under his control.


A brilliant light burst into bloom, a mysterious ancient streamer appeared on the top of the primordial emperor's head, intertwined with various mysterious lines, overwhelming, exuding a vast dignified divine power!

Thunder and thunder, and the vacant turbulence, the four heavenly vaults seemed to explode at this moment, the chaos and mist rose, and the ancient streamer suddenly collided with the Taoist seal!

"Primary streamer?!"

The face of Wuliang Dao changed, and he recognized the origin of the ancient streamer.

According to rumors, the original Devil Emperor of the Devil Realm is the primitive streamer, but it is a fierce monstrous imperial emperor soldier. It is said that he once devoured the blood of hundreds of millions of souls in a large world. Zi actually brought this imperial soldier into the ancient chaotic land.


Although the yin and yang qi are extremely powerful, they are not opponents of the original streamers at all. After insisting for a while, they burst into bursts, and the Dao clan printed an infinite amount of brilliance, and the left suddenly burst again, but there was no way to bring With the unscrupulous Taoist escaped!

In the end, the Dao clan Yin Bang was suddenly flew out, and the primitive streamer exuded an immense vast swallowing force and fell towards the unscrupulous Daoist.


Suddenly, a cold voice exploded in the void.

The blazing light sprayed thinly, wrapped in a mysterious array, exuding the immense power fluctuations, coming from a distance very quickly, and suddenly collided with the original streamer!

Ling Xiao, Lao Goat, Xue Wei and Bai Longma and others finally arrived!

That array was made by the old goat sacrifice, containing the extremely powerful and mysterious Diwei, as if it could tear the world and swallow everything into it.

This is the quasi-imperial soldier given to him by the Emperor Swallow The Emperor Swallow Array is the treasure that the Emperor Swallow Heaven has personally refined!


The primordial streamers and the violent collision of the sky-swapping array, the terrifying extreme power of Diwei seems to be completely recovered, containing a vast amount of power fluctuations, but in the end, no one can help anyone, they are all blasted.

The unscrupulous Daoist took advantage of the opportunity to flash his whole body and appeared directly in front of the old goat and the white dragon horse!

"Old Goat, you are finally here! I will die in the hands of these devils a little later! Ling... Ling Xiao?! How did you come together?"

Wuliang Dao took a deep breath, but when he saw Ling Xiao and Xue Wei, he was naturally very excited and excited.

"Who are you?"

The primordial emperor did not continue to chase down the unscrupulous Daoist, his eyes fell on Ling Xiao and others, his eyes were burning, and the cold killing intention permeated.

ps: I'm on a business trip today, only one more change, everyone take a break early.

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