Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2154: Devil's Land of Fall!

When Ling Xiao and others flew back to the Dao Holy City, the primordial prince came alone to a mountain surrounded by boundless magic energy. !

In the Magic Mountain Range, there is a legend that a Devil Emperor fell here, so this boundless Devil Energy Jedi will be formed. Only the powerful of the Devil Race can enter it, and the powerful of other races will die.

This magical mountain range, the ordinary Demon Clan dare not dare to set foot on it, so the original emperor will come here alone.

In the middle of the Moyu Mountain, a lonely peak, the primordial emperor saw a young man in black robe and his hair dancing wildly, looking very strange.

The young man in black robe had cold eyes and fierce breath, and all over his body exuded a domineering, majestic and arrogant momentum.

It's darkness!

When the primitive Emperor saw the dark Lingxiao, his eyes showed a hint of displeasure.

The primordial emperor, as the three great emperors of the demon world, commanded the countless arrogant evil spirits of the demon world, high in the position, and a very detached position. The arrogant and powerful people of the demon world saw them all without respect.

However, Dark Lingxiao did not have any respect for the primordial prince, but an equal posture. Sometimes he was even very reckless and did not listen to orders, which made the primordial prince very uncomfortable with him.

If it is not necessary to draw the Dark Demon Sect, but also need to use the power of Dark Lingxiao, I am afraid that he has slapped Dark Lingxiao to death.

"Ling Xiao, I hope your news is true, don't let me down! Have you really discovered the whereabouts of the Devil Emperor?"

The primitive Emperor glanced at Ling Xiao lightly and concealed the unhappy look in his eyes.

The reason why he gave up the Dao clan seal and did not fight Ling Xiao Lao Goat was because he heard the voice of the dark Ling Xiao and said that he had discovered the fall of the Devil Emperor, so he did not say that he gave up the Dao clan. Yin, came here.

For him, the Taoist seal can be obtained at any time, but the inheritance of the Devil Emperor is the most important thing, and it must be held in his hand. If he can get the inheritance of the Devil Emperor, then he will be the inheritance of the two Devil Emperors. He was able to stand out among the three great emperors, to fight for the supreme position of the son of the natural selection, and to win the chance for the Devil to win another era.

Therefore, although he was unhappy with the dark Lingxiao, he heard a little bit more patience when he heard that Lingxiao had found the place where the Devil Emperor fell.

"Yes! Devil Emperor's fall, in that valley, because I found the incomplete Emperor Array there, but I can't enter it!"

Dark Lingxiao nodded, his eyes showing a trace of regret.

"Is the incomplete Emperor's Array? That is most likely the place where the Devil Emperor fell!"

The eyes of the primordial prince lit up.

"I can take you there! But the ugly words say that if you find the Devil Emperor's inheritance, you must share with me!" Dark Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

The primordial emperor's brow furrowed, and his heart was a little unhappy. He hated the bargaining attitude of Dark Lingxiao the most, as if it made him feel provoked.

However, this attitude of Dark Ling Xiao also dispelled some of his doubts. I am afraid that Dark Ling Xiao really found the place where the Devil Emperor fell, so he dared to bargain in this way, which made his heart a little hotter.

"If you really discover the inheritance of the Devil Emperor, you will naturally have a copy! But I don't want anyone to cheat me, the consequences are clear to you!" The original Emperor glanced at Dark Lingxiao with some warning.

"Relax, you will definitely have a big harvest!"

Dark Lingxiao laughed casually, and then stood up straight, flying towards the valley covered by the endless magic light in front.

Although the surface of the mountain is very casual, his heart is sneering. It is just because he sensed the existence of the body, and the body transmits sound to him to let him lead away the primordial emperor, so he used this method.

I believe that the valley will surely surprise the primordial prince.


The primitive Emperor glanced indifferently at Dark Lingxiao, and also followed him.

It was a very ordinary valley, shrouded in magic light, and it grew some very strange magic trees. The void seemed to be twisted a little, and everything looked a little weird.

"Sure enough, there is a broken imperial array!"

The eyes of the primordial emperor flashed slowly and said slowly.

His eyes seemed to overflow with purple light, which looked like they were full of brilliance, majestic and mysterious. In his eyes, the valley in front of him seemed to be a little different, with mysterious lines intertwined, forming a very powerful Formation fluctuations.

However, those formations all look very old, like the remnant formations left over from the ancient times, a faint wisp of dignified dignity emerged, as if they could break through the emptiness of the Quartet.

The primordial emperor and the dark Lingxiao stood in front of the valley, and did not rush into it. Although the valley in front of him seemed calm, but if he took a wrong step, it might be the end of a dead place!

"Sovereign Emperor, I unintentionally discovered this valley, but I didn't have the ability to enter it, I can only rely on you!"

Dark Lingxiao laughed very casually. Although he was said to be the emperor, he did not have the slightest respect.

As if to verify what he said, a sword-shaped saint filled with divine power appeared in the palm of Dark Lingxiao, and the sky shot towards the valley!


Suddenly, the originally calm valley became a little manic because of this sword-shaped holy treasure.

The thunder was fiercely dazzling, and the voids around them began to twist. The imperfect imperial array seemed to be activated. From it, a chain of order gods was shot, and the cross-strike hit the sword-shaped holy treasure. Shengbao trembles violently, then suddenly burst apart.

"What a terrifying imperial array!"

When the primitive emperor saw this scene, he couldn't help but stare his eyes. He didn't think his body could be as strong as a sacred An indispensable sacred treasure can't last for a long time, and it shattered instantly. Breaking into it, I am afraid that it will end like the sword-shaped saint.

You must find a way to break the imperial formation!

Until now, the primordial emperor has truly put down his suspicion of the dark Lingxiao. He feels the trouble of nothing, and the dark Lingxiao certainly cannot enter, so there should be no conspiracy.

Devil's Land of Fall!

At the thought of the Devil Emperor inheritance it might contain, the original Emperor's heart became hotter!

"It's just a broken imperial array, you follow me, I'll break the array!"

The original emperor glanced at the dark Lingxiao lightly.


The primitive streamer in his palm flew out in an instant, soaring in the banner of the void, hunting, a vast and mysterious power spread out, no terror!


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