Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2163: Dao Wuxie!

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

In the void, a chain of colorful order gods came out of the sky, binding the color clothes all over her body. Although she had a nine-turn half-sacred practice, she did not have the slightest resistance in the hands of Dao Wuxie.

"Cai Yi, you can rest assured that I will not let you die! You are so beautiful, how can I be so cruel?"

A trace of evil color appeared in Dao Wuxie's eyes, and he flew to his side with a beckoning Caiyi, and then stroked Caiyi's cheek very frivolously.

"Dao Wuxie, you don't want to think about it! The new guardian lord has come. After the guardian ceremony tomorrow, the new guardian lord will not let you go!"

Cai Yi said angrily.

"The new guardian? Are you saying that Wu Liang's stupid boy? It's naive, tomorrow's guardian ceremony is his death time! The old thing died in the hands of the original emperor, and the Taoist seal was passed to him. Wu Liang? He doesn't have this qualification at all. Only me is the guardian of the Dao Clan! He must die!"

Dao Wuxie sneered, his eyes showing an endless murderous intention.

He originally planned to let the primordial emperor remove Dao Zun and complete his father's killing. Not only can his magic skills be able to break through, but he can also directly control the Dao clan by virtue of his innate advantages.

After all, the three elders of the Taoist tribe have secretly turned to him.

But people are not as good as heaven. He did not expect that Taoist Zun passed the Taoist seal to the unscrupulous Taoist before he died, which made him surprised and angry.

"Impossible! The new guardian controls the Dao clan seal. He is invincible in the Dao clan holy city. You cannot be his opponent at all!"

Cai Yi glared at Dao Wuxue Dao.

"It seems that you really don't give up! If so, then I will make you give up completely!"

Dao Wuxie smiled coldly, and suddenly a bright light appeared in his palm.


The entire Taoist palace trembles violently, and the colorful divine light interweaves in the palm of Dao Wuxie, a micro array appears faintly, as if there are hundreds of millions of stars intertwined, and it looks like a mysterious starry sky, forming The mysterious area of ​​black and white is like an ancient world.

"This is... this is... Liangyi's dust formation?! Impossible! How can you control Liangyi's dust formation without your Taoist seal?"

Cai Yi was shocked, an unbelievable look appeared in her eyes.

The large array of dusts in the two instruments is the celestial array method of the holy city of the Dao ethnic group, and contains the vast power of the celestial bodies. Just like the large array of Zhoutian stars in the holy city of the demon race, only the Dao clan can control it.

However, the scene in front of him broke the cognition of Cai Yi, Dao Wuxie, Ming Dao, and Dao Clan Seals, even controlling the two instruments in a dusty battle!

"This way is innocent, it really is not simple!"

Ling Xiao hiding in the dark is also a flash of glance among his eyes. Although the experience of Cai Yi is sympathetic, he did not help. His most important thing is to detect the innocence and truth, the life and death of Cai Yi Compared with the life and death of old goats, unscrupulous Taoists, Xue Wei and others, it seems insignificant.

Ling Xiao is not a good person. He knows which is more important, so he suppresses the anger in his heart and has been waiting for the opportunity.

Today, seeing the two instruments of dust in Dao Wuxie's palm, Ling Xiao was very surprised.

He controlled the two instruments in a large array of dust, that is to say, Dao Wuxie mastered the true power of Dao Holy City, even if the unscrupulous Daoist had the real Dao seal, it was not Dao Wuxie's opponent.

"Nothing is absolutely impossible! Although the Dao clan contains the luck of the Dao, the power of the Heavenly Dao can control the large array of two instruments! But Wu Liang is not the Dao in the Dao Holy City. India, there is no first time to control the two instruments of large dust, then he completely lost any chance! In the Dao Holy City, I am truly invincible!"

Dao Wuxie sneered, every word of him seemed to strike in Caiyi's heart, making Caiyi's face paler.

"Huh, right!"

Suddenly moved in Ling Xiao's heart, the black and white light flashed in his eyes, and the void became the most original line. His eyes could penetrate through the false, seeing the truth, and suddenly found the strangeness of the two instruments of dust. Office.

"This Dao Wuxie is just a bluff! Without Dao Clan Seal, he would not be able to control the Liangyi Dachen Formation! But he used some means to seal the relationship between the Liangyi Dachen Formation and the Daozhuang Seal. Get up, let the unscrupulous Taoists urge the Taoist seal, and there is no way to control the power of the two instruments of dust.

The reason why the guardian ceremony was held tomorrow is probably to find an opportunity to kill the unscrupulous Daoist and win the Taoist seal. Otherwise, when he entered the city today, he would be able to directly control the two instruments of dust and kill us all in the Dao holy city. "

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, his eyes revealing a hint of Gradually thinking about this mystery.

"Dao Wuxie, you... you killed me!"

Cai Yi was very angry, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, his face was full of despair, and there seemed to be a little pleading in the voice.

Tao Wuxie's words completely broke her hope.

"Cai Yi, I won't kill you! You can rest assured that when I kill Wu Liang's stupid boy tomorrow, I will get the Dao clan seal, and I will thank you for your sister together! Hahaha ..."

Dao Wuxie touched the cheek of cheek dress and laughed incomparably rampant.


I saw Dao Wuxie's palms in the sky, and the two instruments of dust were slowly separated. Dao Wuxie's finger-painted clothes, as well as the clothes on the ground, were all facing the two instruments. Fly away.

"Cai Yi, you obediently waited for me in Liangyi's dust formation, don't try to commit suicide, otherwise I will make you worse than life!"

Along with Dao Wuxie's sneer, Cai Yi was sent by Dao Wuxie to Liangyi's large array of dust.

Ling Xiao did not have any movements, but also followed Cai Yi into the large array of Liangyi dust. Ling Xiao felt that this was an opportunity, maybe she could find a way to unlock Dao Wuxie's large array of dust. The seal will help the unscrupulous Daoists to completely control the Dao Holy City.


The endless light in front of us interweaves, the chaos rises in mist, the voids are twisted, various mysterious scenes emerge, and Ling Xiao enters into the large array of dusts with the two instruments along with Caiyi.

Here is like an unfamiliar world, half of which is infinite amount of light, half of which is infinite amount of darkness, and there are stars rising and falling, intertwined with each other, just like everything is yin and holding the sun, and the air is thought to be peaceful, forming such a mystery Region.

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