Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2182: Stop the way!

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"Is there no way to bury the Tianbao coffin to get me back the lost memory?"

Jin Se sighed softly, and his expression returned to calm again.

She could feel that the mystery of the buried burial coffin contained an incomparable mysterious power, which could open the deepest seal of her knowledge of the sea, but it was closed again just for a moment.

All the past, all disappeared.

But Jin Se still remembered those eyes, bright, shining, and full of silent affection, which made her ancient mood impulsively tremble slightly.

Perhaps, as long as she finds the owner of those eyes, she will be able to find the memories she once had.

Jin Se did not know why she was so curious about the memories of the past. She practiced too much to forget the emotions, took the heart of heaven as my heart, and evolved the path of humanity with humanity, so that she has a very fast cultivation speed. In a short time, just let She broke the limit and was promoted to three heavens.

But after she broke the limit, she found that it seemed that there were some strange scenes and characters often appearing in her sea of ​​knowledge. One person kept calling her Jin Se, but she couldn't figure out who that person was.

Therefore, this time she will come to the funeral coffin and want to see if she can restore her previous memories.

Unfortunately, it failed!

Jin Se turned around, preparing to leave the funeral coffin.

And everyone was stunned at the moment.

Just now, the bright nine-color divine light was emitted from the funeral coffin, which contained the mysterious power of the five elements, yin and yang, and light and darkness. It seemed that they could destroy this side of the world. That kind of breath was simply their only life.

They are wondering at the moment, what exactly did Jinse get from the burial of the heavenly treasure?

"You said, what kind of treasure did this lady of Jinse get?"

"I don't know! But the burial of the Tianbao coffin is too terrifying. Even the Emperor Fa Yu was born, there is no such amazing weather!"

"I almost believed that she was really looking for the lost memory. I'm afraid that was an excuse! She must have exchanged for some amazing treasure!"

"It's more terrifying than the breath of the Great Emperor's Law? Do you say that there is no God, Great Emperor's Classic, or... Extreme Dao Soldier?"


Everyone is talking and talking, all eyes are full of greed and fiery look.

The breath of the burial coffin was so amazing that they had to wonder what Jinse got from it.

However, they all know that Jinse is powerful, and most people are afraid of the power of Taishang Palace. Although some people are greedy and questionable, no one dares to step forward to stop Jinse.

However, there was still a figure in front of Jin Se.

"Santa Virgin, it's been a long time!"

Emperor Ziyang's expression was indifferent, and there was a smile on his lips.

"Hua Ziyang?"

Jin Se's eyes flashed, also recognizing the origin of the Ziyang Emperor in front of him.

It turned out that this Ziyang Emperor was Hua Tian who was once wanted to hunt Ling Xiao, but was defeated by Ling Xiao and had to flee.

Jinse and Hua Ziyang obviously knew each other before.

"Holy Lady Jinse, my ancestor once went to the Taishang Dao Palace to raise relatives. I didn't expect you to reject my ancestor. Is it because you can't look down on my Hua Ziyang? Then I'm really sad!"

Hua Ziyang smiled slightly.

"Step aside!"

Jin Se frowned slightly, and said indifferently.

She did remember that the ancestors of the Chinese came to Taishang Palace for courtship, but the sages of the Taishang Palace practiced Taishang Forgetting Love. Although there is a saying about history, it was never possible to marry others companion.

Jinse's impression of Hua Ziyang was not good, and he was slightly unhappy.

"Sister Jinse, you are so unforgiving! It's easy to let me go. Take out the treasure you just got in the burial coffin, and I will let you go, how?"

Hua Ziyang smiled coldly, showing his original face.

He was also interested in Jinse's harvest in the burial coffin. He did not think that Jinse was just looking for memory. It must have obtained the unimaginable treasure in the burial coffin.

That kind of nine-color divine light penetrates the sky dome and makes the entire burial of coffins glow, which is a scene only when treasures are born.

"I didn't get any treasure in the burial coffin, and there is no way for the burial coffin to help me find the lost memory! If you want the treasure, you can get it yourself!"

Jin Se said lightly that he would bypass Hua Ziyang and leave here.

"Virgin Jensen is too dishonest! The terrible breath just now must be a sign of the birth of some kind of treasure. The Virgin Jessor used the lost memory as an excuse, I really admire it!"

Hua Ziyang sneered.

"Do you believe it or not! Give it away, otherwise don't blame me!"

Jin Se's expression chilled slightly.

"Virgin Jinse, since you are toasting instead of eating fine, then I can only capture you!"

Hua Ziyang said indifferently.

"It's you alone?"

Jinse's eyes seemed to have flashes of swords, fierce and unmatched, and his body exuded an extremely dangerous breath.

"Hand it over or die!"

A black armor warrior said coldly, the sound was like thunder, full of cold air.

"How can you treat the priest Jinse so badly? It's not good to call and kill! Let's capture her alive, don't hurt her. This is the future concubine of the emperor, and it hurts to hurt her! "

Hua Ziyang said with a smile, but slowly backed away.

The eight black armor soldiers behind him surrounded Jinse.

Each of the eight black armored warriors is extremely tall, with a height of tens of feet. The whole body is hidden in the black armor. The whole body is full of breath, and the eyes are full of bloodthirsty killing intentions.

They locked up the Jinse, and the breath of the eight people was connected to each other, as vast as the sea, as if they could suppress all existence.

The strongest of the eight major worlds and three realms, and they still seem to have the same mind, and the joint battle will surely explode the earth-shattering power!

"It turns out that Ziyang Zizi turned out to be Hua Ziyang?"

"Don't you hear that he died in the hands of Long Aotian in the Temple of War? Didn't expect that he not only didn't but also got a great chance to cultivate for great advancement!"

"Hey, Taishang Dao Palace and the Temple of War are allies, but they are rivals with Tianzongzong and the Chinese. I'm afraid I won't let her go so easily!"

"There is a good show now!"

Everyone was staring at Hua Ziyang and Jin Se.

Jinse is the sage of Taishang Dao Palace. The strength of Taishang Dao Palace is extremely terrifying. Every disciple is a wizard of heaven and earth. Jinse is obviously the strongest man in the world. This battle has caused everyone Curiosity and interest.

But they generally believe that Jin Se is not Hua Ziyang's opponent.

After all, the eight black armor fighters under Hua Ziyang are too deterrent. The strongest in the eight worlds is enough to suppress everything!

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