Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2184: Black God Zombie


There was another thunder blast between heaven and earth. The roar of the black armor warrior, like the roar of the ancient demon, contained the power of destruction. Among them, a wave of sounds diffused toward the sea of ​​Jinse's knowledge. Zhong Chong came and wanted to shatter her Yuanshen directly.

This sudden sonic attack made Jin Se a bit unprepared, and he suddenly felt a huge shock, and his face was pale.

Although her Yuanshen is extremely powerful, and is protected by Yin and Yang, the sound wave contains extremely strong qi and death, as if the roar of billions of gods and demons can shatter this world and let her Yuanshen Also suffered a certain degree of damage.

The eight black armor soldiers did not give Jinse a chance to react, and they directly bullied and straightened up, and black death gas appeared all over the body. Both arms and legs had fierce claws growing out, and green hair, it was very strange. , Directly towards Jinse.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Jin Seqiang endured the dizziness in his mind, holding the Taishang sword to resist, the black armor soldier's fierce claws collided with the Taishang sword, and the sound of gold and iron clashes broke out, and Mars was everywhere.


In the end, Jin Se was still scratched on the arm by a black armor soldier's claw, and the wound immediately shrouded a layer of black mist, and spread quickly towards her body.

Jin Se's face changed slightly, and he pointed like a sword, and the yin and yang divine light shot out of her palm, which contained a strange power, instantly hitting her arm, and then pulling down, her arm The toxin in it turned into a blood sword, which was shot directly by the Yin and Yang Divine Light.

"It's weirdly poisonous! It really is a zombie family!"

Jinse's eyes were extremely cold. Although the poison was resolved, one of her arms became extremely numb and lost part of her fighting power.


At this moment, the eight black armored warriors seemed to be extremely mad, and there was a terrifying roar in their mouths, and at the same time, their fierce claws continued to attack toward Jinse, just like a violent beast.

Jin Se resisted constantly, but she found that her arms became more and more numb, and even spread towards her body, making her actions slow down.

"The poison of zombies has not been completely resolved?"

Jin Se's face was a little ugly, and even a hint of abnormal green appeared, her lips also started to darken, and her arms were shaking slightly.

"Holy Lady Jinse, you still give up resistance! How can you fight me even if you can't fight with my men? Obediently follow me back, when my concubine waits for me to prove to be an emperor, you are the mother of the world Emperor, how?"

Hua Ziyang smiled slightly, he could see Jinse's current state is very bad, already the end of the strong crossbow, may be defeated by the black armor soldiers at any time.

He knows more than anyone about the poison of zombies on the black armor soldiers, not to mention Jin Se, even if the saint is poisoned by this kind of poison, there is no way.

When he thought of the sacred girl who was so clean and clean in Taishang Road, he would be taken back to the Chinese by him and let him ravage him, and he was very excited.

"You... stop thinking!"

Jin Se gritted his teeth.


The Taishang sword in her hand suddenly burst into immeasurable light, swept away, and forced all the eight black armor soldiers to retreat, and then she exuded a terrifying wave of terror.

Behind Jin Se, black and white divine light interweaves, yin and yang are filled with anger, and an ancient and strange world emerges vaguely.

"Yin and yang are changing, breaking the sky!"

As Jin Se snorted, the vast power exploded, and the yin and yang qi behind her rose into the sky like two black dragons and one white dragon, exuding a breath of incomparable breath.

The void all around trembles violently, the space is distorted, and the chaos is filled with fog, so that all her surroundings are filled with extremely violent power, just like a volcano about to erupt.

"not good!"

Hua Ziyang's face changed, and a wave of palpitations surged into her heart.


But he hadn't had time to make any response yet. The yin and yang qi around Jinse suddenly shattered like a chain reaction. The voids around him all exploded at the same time.

Chaos light rises, thunder is fierce, the law of Dao becomes extremely chaotic, everything seems to become part of chaos, and it completely disappears.

The first to bear the brunt is the eight black armor warriors, and the black armor suddenly shattered completely, revealing their true colors.

It was a humanoid monster measuring eight feet tall, covered with dark hair, and had sharp claws on both hands and feet, shining with green light.

Their faces are extremely grim, their eyes are blood-red, the breath of their whole bodies is extremely violent, and they exude a fearlessness.

This is the zombie family, and the black **** zombie who is about to evolve into a saint!


Hua Ziyang didn't even think about it. There was a **** flag in the palm of his hand, which hung over the bodies of the eight black **** zombies, resisting the destructive power of Yin and Yang.


The eight black **** zombies are trembling violently, and the battle formation they formed has broken apart, and there are cracks all over their body. If it is not for the protection of the black banner, they may also be in this Under the blow, it was completely wiped out!

"Is it a forbidden move in Yin Yang Tian Gong? Saint Jinse, you really surprised me, but do you still have the power to fight back?"

Hua Ziyang's expression was indifferent, his body was terrified, and he slowly walked towards Jinse.

Jin Se's figure was a little trembling and pale. This yin and yang change was indeed a forbidden move among the yin and yang celestial skills. With her cultivation as the original, there was no way to exert it. Forcibly erupted into the strongest power, so that she was also subjected to A huge backlash.

At this moment, in the face of Hua Ziyang, she really has no power to fight anymore!

"Hua Ziyang, you are still so shameless!"

Jin Se said There is no slight fear in his eyes.

"Shameless? Hahaha... It's just a defeat of the king! The weak will always just make excuses for themselves, and the strong will eventually dominate the world! No one can save you, so you should follow me! "

Hua Ziyang laughed loudly, and his eyes were full of evil colors, and the detectives of the sky caught towards Jinse!


But at this moment, the sky above the burial coffin was violently shaken, billions of gods of light exploded, and a huge void vortex appeared directly, and five figures emerged from it!

"Hua Ziyang, you are dead!"

A cold voice rang above the sky dome, containing endless anger and killing intentions, transformed into an invincible fist that enveloped the world and suppressed towards Hua Ziyang!

Ps: The third session is over, everyone rests early. ()

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