Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2196: 5 trips!

Wuxing Yuanling is really ugly.

It looks like a round ball of meat. Although it exudes five-color Shenxia, ​​that face is too ugly, big and small eyes, rosacea, crooked mouth, looks like it was hit by a stone same.

It exudes an extremely pure breath of five elements all over its body, and the laws of the Five Elements Avenue are intertwined. Without introduction by Jin Se, Ling Xiao knows that this is the spirit of the five elements!

"Five Elements Yuanling, since you know that I have the Yin-Yang mystery technique, do you catch your own hand, or wait for me to beat you to death?"

Jin Se said, staring at Wuxing Yuanling lightly, his expression very cold.


After Jinse finished speaking, Zhou Shen exuded a circle of yin and yang divine light, and the power of the five elements around her were used towards her body, and the mist filled her body, making her look more and more dusty.

Chaos is divided into yin and yang, and yin and yang are divided into five elements!

The five elements of yin and yang, although they are essentially one of the avenues, the yin and yang avenues can evolve the power of the five elements. To a certain extent, the yin and yang mysteries can restrain the five elements of the spirit.

Therefore, when seeing the Yin and Yang mystery of Jinsehui, the Five Elements Yuanling will be so anxious and corrupt.

The eyes of Wu Xing Yuan Ling flashed and said to Jin Se: "Well! I know I am not your opponent, but I don't want to die either. I will exchange my life with a message, how?"

"What news do you think can match your life?"

Jin Se said coldly, his breath became stronger and stronger, as if he did not intend to let go of the five elements.

"I know the news of the Five Elements Secret Technique! As long as you promise to spare my life, I will tell you where the Five Elements Secret Technique is, how? That is the Five Elements Secret Technique, if you have the Five Elements Secret Technique, you can refine the innate Five Elements, At that time, whether it is to break the limit of the physical body or to prove the sanctification, it is a small meaning!"

Wuxing Yuanling shouted quickly.

"Five Elements Secret Technique?"

Ling Xiao and Jin Se looked at each other and were a little surprised.

"Are you saying that there are five elements in the five elements? Where are the five elements?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"I can tell you the news of the five-element secret technique, but you have to make an oath of heaven, otherwise... otherwise... I will explode and you will get nothing!"

Wuxing Yuanling said very surely.

"it is good!"

Ling Xiao and Jin Se thought about it and both nodded.

In their current practice, Heavenly Dao's oath cannot be easily set up, otherwise Heavenly Dao will bite away, and the soul will be scattered in an instant.

Therefore, the oath of heaven is still very binding on them.

However, Ling Xiao and Jin Se also have their own considerations. If they can get the five-element secret technique, even if they forgive the five-element spirit, it is nothing.

"I swore..."

"I have a vow..."

Both Ling Xiao and Jin Se both nodded their promises, and then took the Oath of Heaven in their own name. As long as the Five Elements Yuanling told them where the Five Elements Secret Technique was, they let the Five Elements Yuanling go.

"Can I speak now?"

Ling Xiao stared at Wuxing Yuanling and asked.

"Okay! The five-element secret technique is indeed in the five-element sky! You don’t know that the five-element sky once fell a five-element emperor. The five-element emperor refined the five-way heavenly path and used the five-element secret art as the basis of enlightenment. The Five Elements Avenue is shrouded, and naturally formed the Five Elements Yuan Spirit for me! And the Five Elements Great Emperor also left the Five Elements Secret Technique here..."

Wu Xing Yuan Ling saw Ling Xiao and Jin Se making the heaven vows, and then he was relieved, and began to speak incessantly.

"Say the point!"

Ling Xiao frowned, interrupting the Five Elements Yuan Ling.

"The five-element secret technique is in the center of the five-element sky, among the five-element mountains!"

Wuxing Yuanling points to the depths of Wuxingtian, where there is a towering mountain, which is the tallest among the five elements, surrounded by clouds, misty, steamy, and looks extremely extraordinary.

"Mount Wuxing? Very good, you take us there!"

Jin Se said lightly.

"The two heroes, Wuxing Mountain is the forbidden area of ​​Wuxing Yuanling. I can't get there at all. How about going by yourself? You can rest assured that I will not lie to you!"

Wuxing Yuanling said with a cry on his face.

"Either lead the way or die! How do you choose?"

The ancient sword in the palm of Jinse refers to the Five Elements Yuanling, spitting a fiery sharp edge, and a circle of yin and yang divine light bloomed, making the Five Elements Yuanling instantly froze.

"I'll take you, two heroes and move slowly!"

Wuxing Yuanling said with a wry smile.

"Very good! I advise you not to worry, otherwise I will kill you directly!"

Jin Se said coldly.

She performed the Yin-Yang mystery technique, her body breath was unmatched, and the Yin-Yang Shenguang locked the Five Elements Yuan Ling, as if a strong blow would burst out at any time.

Wuxing Yuanling did not dare to have the slightest movement, and could only take Ling Xiao and Jin Se to fly towards Wuxing Mountain honestly.

Wuxing Mountain is located at the very center of Wuxingtian. It is a huge mountain that is thousands of meters high. It floats in the endless sea of ​​clouds. It looks ancient and majestic, exuding a kind of wildness. It is as mysterious as the ancient **** mountain.

Under the leadership of Wuxing Yuanling, Ling Xiao and Jin Se came to the foot of Wuxing Mountain.

Ling Xiao can feel that the Wuxing Mountain contains the power of Wuxing, and Wuyuan Yuanling comes here as if he is bound, as if he must be assimilated by the power of Wuxing in Wuxing Mountain at any time. .

Such a strong and pure power of the Five Elements is by no means what the average person can do. Ling Xiao feels more and more that there might be the Five Elements Secret Technique in the Five Elements Mountain.

"Where is the Five Elements Secret Technique?"

Ling Xiao asked faintly.

"Five Elements Secret Technique? Of course it's there, look!"

The eyeballs of Wuxing Yuanling turned around, and then pointed towards the front.

Both Ling Xiao and Jin Se looked in the direction of the Five Elements Yuan and found the ancient trees towering there, the dense forest was covered with mist, but at this moment two figures slowly came out of it.

They were two pretty women, both wearing red dresses, with extremely hot bodies, skin like jade, black hair like waterfalls, but their faces were very cold, and there was a kind of indifference and refusal for thousands of miles away. Arrogant.


At this moment, the Wuxing Yuanling flashed all around, and instantly disappeared within the perception of Ling Xiao and Jin Se. At the next moment, Wuxing Yuanling appeared directly around the two red-dressed women. With a sigh of relief, he pointed at Ling Xiao and Jin Se and yelled.

"Two fairies, go and report to the master! These two jerks are just so deceiving, and they want to catch me? I don't know what to do, let the master pick them up!"

Wuxing Yuanling pointed to Ling Xiao and Jin Se, his eyes full of sneer.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early. Well, I admit that I have forgotten to read the codewords during the two days of watching the World Cup. I have sinned and sinned, but I have lost all my panties. I can only run back to the codewords, don’t hit me, escape.

(End of this chapter)

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