Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2205: Chaos breaks everything!


Wu Ji Shengzi punched Ling Xiao's chest with a punch, the chaotic light exploded, Ling Xiao flew upside down, his chest collapsed, and there was a crack in his body, as if it would break apart at any time .

The Mystery of the Battle of Heaven was urged to the extreme by Ling Xiao, and the Chaos Mystery of the Four Great Soldiers were unmatched, but they lost to the Promise Son, and were shattered directly.

Promise Son is standing in the sky, the chaotic light is flowing around, there is a mysterious scene of the endless world of life and death, the avenues are intertwined, and the runes floating around are as bright as stars, so that he has all the power of heaven and earth.


Wu Ji Shengzi took a shot, the blazing thunder light exploded, palm prints covered the sky dome, crushed down across the sky, shattered the golden dragon behind Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao stumbled back, and then cast a secret move technique , Quickly back away.

"Is this the mystery of Chaos?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were sharp and unmatched. Although his face was pale, and there was a trace of bright red blood on the corners of his mouth, the whole body's fighting intentions became stronger and stronger.

The mysterious chaotic technique of Promise Son, let Ling Xiao finally realize how terrifying the secret technique known as the first in the sky.


Ling Xiao screamed, and the five-color Shenxia was sprayed out of his body. He used the five-element secret technique to devour the origin of Zhoutian Five-element Avenue, and at the same time cast the yin and yang secret technique, turned into a fierce yin and yang sword light, splitting towards the infinite son. Falling.

Yin and Yang Jianguang seem to divide the sky and the earth into two halves, sharp and unmatched, able to cut everything in the void.


The Promise Son was indifferent, stretched out his arms to block the space, his arms were shrouded by the mist of chaos, showing a chaotic color, and collided with the Yin and Yang sword lights, and the sound of gold and iron clashes erupted, and the clang sounded.

His palms snapped, and Yin and Yang Jianguang were caught between his palms, and suddenly burst into burst.

From the palm of Promise Son, a chaotic light shot toward Ling Xiao, like a chain of order gods, wanting to bind him all over.


Ling Xiao rises in the sky, the five elements of his body are dazzling and dazzling, letting him exude a kind of aura that does not invade the atmosphere. At the same time, he casts the mystery of swallowing the sky, and the vast sea of ​​swallowing the sky appears behind him, and the figure of the whole person becomes Unreal.

That chaotic light shot into the sea of ​​swallowing the gods in an instant, and then stirred up a huge wave.

Ling Xiao fully urged the mystery of swallowing the sky, completely swallowing that chaotic light, and then from the sea of ​​swallowing the sky, a light of reincarnation emerged instantly, containing the past and the future, gestating the mystery of life and death, horizontal Kong came over towards the Promise Son.


Ling Xiao drank coldly, and the light of reincarnation seemed to completely lock the Son of Wuji, and wanted to cut off Shou Yuan of Wuji, and send him into the circle of reincarnation.

Reincarnation mystery broke out!

This is the first time Ling Xiao has fully urged the secret technique of reincarnation. Although his current practice is not enough to explode the secret technique of reincarnation to the extreme, the light of reincarnation is terrifying, even the saints are difficult to resist.

A circle of reincarnation light rotates, and every rotation seems to be able to cut off Wan Zai Shou Yuan, destroying endless vitality.

However, the Promise Son was enveloped by the light of reincarnation, the chaotic light around him was eternal and mysterious, and even resisted the invasion of the light of reincarnation. The whole person seemed to be unaffected by the slightest influence.

"Five Elements Mystery, Yin-Yang Mystery, Swallowing Mystery and... Reincarnation Mystery?! How can you have so many Tiangong Secrets?"

Wuji's eyes were full of shock, and stared at Ling Xiao slowly.


A thin chaotic light sprayed from his arms, a rune emerged from his arms, and then his arms pushed out laterally, and the fierce runes exploded, and the light of reincarnation that enveloped him all around, also It was all broken directly.

Wu Ji Sheng Zi's heart was extremely unsteady, and he became more and more curious about Ling Xiao.

With so many celestial arts secret techniques, this kind of opportunism and creation made him feel jealous. Although he is a chaotic holy body, he has been inherited by the mystery of chaos, but it has also undergone countless years of hard work, Only then the chaotic mystery was cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng.

And now, Ling Xiao knows so many secrets of Heavenly Skills, and each kind of accomplishment is not low.


The battle between Ling Xiao and Promise Son is getting more and more fierce. Although Ling Xiao possesses several great celestial skills, it seems that they are all controlled by Chaos Mystery. As a result, Ling Xiao has no way to form an effective counterattack. Below, began to suffer a lot of injuries.

A chaotic light blasted into Ling Xiao's body, causing Ling Xiao to tremble, and the flesh appeared cracked, as if it would break apart at any time.

"Chaos, the Sect of Ten Thousand Methods, the Source of Heaven's Way..."

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a light of enlightenment, his flesh was buzzing and trembling, and also a mysterious chaotic light emerged, making his flesh stronger and stronger.

The chaotic light that was blown into Ling Xiao's body by Promise seemed to become the nourishment of Ling Xiao's flesh, so that his flesh began to undergo some kind of transformation, becoming more powerful and terrifying.


The sound of Longyin shook the sky, and Longyin contained Xiaoyinxiaoling in the body. The golden dragon with golden light turned into chaotic color. An ancient and mysterious power spewed out of Lingxiao's body.


The thunder was blazing around him, the fog was chaotic, and the fiery glow shining on the sky dome, his body burst into a wave of extremely terrifying power, and a halo filled with circles.

The mysterious chaos technique of Promise Son seems to have become a sharpening stone for refining Ling Xiao's body, which caused some strange transformation of Ling Xiao's body, and his strength began to skyrocket.


Ling Xiao drank a loud sound and punched out with a punch. The boxing marks were unparalleled. There was a vast boxing spirit of Heavenly Emperor. The chaotic void in front of him exploded, as if an immortal world emerged from it.

Wu Ji Sheng Zi, only felt an invincible momentum used, just like a resurrection of the ancient emperor, that peerless and invincible boxing will make his face slightly change.

"Chaos, make it work!"

Wuji Shengzi drank a low voice, his fists swelled out, his fist prints were unparalleled, containing the unmatched divine power that could penetrate the world, directly colliding with Ling Xiao's one punch.


The blazing divine light exploded, the chaos was surging and surging, as if there was an ancient world crashing apart, the violent divine light wave spreading, making the Tiangong tremble violently, and the runes burst apart, and then Split directly from the middle!


An incredibly blazing divine light beam shot from the heavenly palace, rushed to Jiuxiao in an instant, and illuminated the entire sky dome!

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