Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2213: escape!


In the void, the thunder was fierce, the divine light was raging, and the power of terror swept the Quartet, so that the sky dome was shaking violently, and a huge crack appeared, as if it must be completely broken at any time.

The old goat, the unscrupulous Daoist, Feng Qingyang and Yuanchen Sage all shot at the same time. They felt the great threat of the blood demon emperor and knew that they must work together at this moment, otherwise I am afraid that everyone will die here.

Only Jin Se was still standing, trembling slightly, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if some kind of struggle was going on inside.

"Hahaha... Just rely on your group of ants, and dare to contend with the great Blood Demon Emperor? You all have to die, and you will all turn into the nourishment of the Blood Demon Emperor.

The blood prisoner roared, his eyes full of hatred and murderous opportunities.

Although the blood demon emperor's strength is extremely strong, but in order to summon this **** demon emperor's avatar, all the flesh and blood of his body has been swallowed up, and even Shouyuan has consumed most of it.

The most important thing is that after the blood demon emperor is released by him, he wants to completely surrender the blood demon emperor and get the blood demon emperor's inheritance, it will have to pay ten times and one hundred times the effort and price.

And all this was caused by Ling Xiao and Promise Son, etc. The hatred in his heart can be imagined.


The blood evil spirit of the blood demon emperor rises in horror. Facing the killed old goat and others, the blood of the blood demon emperor swept through like a big wave, like a volcanic eruption, and immediately attacked the attack of old goats and others. Then swept away.

Old goats and others were struck by lightning, their faces were extremely pale, and they flew out directly!

Several big arrogances joined hands in one blow, so pale and weak in front of the Blood Demon Emperor.

"Is this... an imprint of the blood demon emperor?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook and his eyes were full of dignity.

The blood demon emperor in front of him is not a real emperor and strong man. Otherwise, all of them will instantly turn into powder under a single blow, and there is no chance to contend.

But even if it is just an emperor's doppelganger's brand, it is already strong enough to give Ling Xiao and Wu Ji Sheng Zi a feeling of powerlessness in their hearts.


The blood demon emperor stepped toward the Promise Son, and the huge footprints were like a supreme mountain, containing the power to suppress all.

And the blood around him was turbulent, the laws of the avenue between heaven and earth were all broken, the power of the blood channel's origin locked the Promise Son completely, so that he could not dodge at all.


Wuji's son gnawed his teeth and suddenly spurted a blood spit out, showing a chaotic color, containing the mysterious and ancient power, and instantly integrated into the broken knife in his palm.


The broken knife trembles slightly, and suddenly rises out of the air. Like a complete recovery, the runes are dazzling and a fierce and breathy atmosphere emerges from the broken knife.

The broken sword became fierce, as if it could cut the heavens and the earth, and suddenly fell towards the footprints of the blood demon emperor.


The violent shock of the void, the blood demon emperor's footprints suddenly broke, and vaguely as if the blood demon emperor had been cut in half from the middle with a broken knife.

Blood and rain flew in the void, filled with a thick **** gas.

"Is the Blood Demon Emperor dead?"

The eyes of the old goat and others are all bright, and their eyes are full of hope.

The blood demon emperor is terrifying, almost has the power to destroy the world, so that everyone has a strong sense of powerlessness, they all hope that Ling Xiao and Wuji saint will be able to kill the blood demon emperor.

The Promise Sage possesses the Chaos Eucharist, possesses the Chaos Mystery, and at the same time controls the incomplete Emperor Ji Dao soldiers. The real combat power is enough to kill the Holy.

This devastating knife even split the blood demon emperor directly in half.


The eyes of the blood prisoner were full of ridicule, as if he didn't feel the slightest accident.


At this moment, the blood demon emperor who had been split into two halves in the void shivered slightly, his body united instantly, and a terrifying monstrous force erupted from his body, and his eyes opened instantly. opened.


It was like two **** lightnings piercing the sky, the eyes of the blood demon emperor were cold, mysterious and vicissitudes, as if they were a heavenly emperor who regarded all beings as ants, which was a kind of indifference that penetrated into the bone marrow.

He shot with a palm in the air, shot the blazing light of the broken sword into powder, and then cast his hand unrelentingly, suppressing it toward the Promise Son.

The blood was turbulent, and it turned into an endless sea, covering all the world.

The blood demon emperor erupted into the blood of superpowers, and the blood raged into various mysterious scenes, spreading towards Ling Xiao and Promise Son, as if they were to devour all their vitality.


Wuji Son's face changed a lot. I didn't expect that even if it were like this, he wouldn't be able to kill the Blood Demon Emperor, but instead, it allowed the Blood Demon Emperor to inspire a more powerful fighting He felt his scalp numb, thinking He didn't want to recall the broken knife directly, and blocked it in front of him. At the same time, the mystery of chaos erupted, his arms pushed out laterally, and a vast chaotic world emerged.


The blood demon emperor's palm is extremely red, like blood stained with red, which contains the power to make people tremble, and suddenly shot on the broken knife, and directly shot the broken knife into the chaotic world.

The vast chaotic world suddenly exploded, and then slapped fiercely on Wuji Son!


Wu Ji Sheng Zi trembles all over the body, suddenly spitting out a mouthful of blood, directly hit by the blood demon emperor.

A stream of blood rushed towards the body of the Promise Son, wanting to take advantage of the vitality in his body, and the blood demon emperor did not give him the slightest opportunity to continue to kill him, wanting to kill him completely .

"Long Aotian, the blood demon emperor is too strong, I am not an opponent, please ask for more blessings!"

Wu Ji Sheng Zi shouted, the whole body of chaos and light rose, his whole person exploded in an instant, and turned into countless figures flying in all directions. No one could see his real body.


The blood demon emperor's palm fell, and the sky's blood exploded, and most of the figure in the void instantly turned into nothingness, but there was still a fierce sword light, and the sea of ​​blood was broken in an instant, and several figures were rolled up. , Directly disappeared into the void!

The Promise Son fled this time!

"Damn! No one of you can escape, the blood demon emperor will kill me!"

The Blood Prison Emperor shouted angrily, and then pointed to Ling Xiao and others, and spit out a bit of blood, making the blood demon emperor's breath more terrifying!

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