Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2215: Jinse broke out!


Suddenly, a bright light bloomed, the sword in the void rose sharply, sharp and sharp, as if it could destroy everything.

Jin Se's body was full of sword energy, and immediately cut off all the **** tentacles around him, and then the whole person flew up.

Jin Se in a red dress fluttering, white hair like frost, face is extremely beautiful, but it is indifferent but indifferent, the whole person exudes a breath of breathless fluctuations.

Jinse’s eyebrows glowed, there was a faint world in the vagueness, among which there was a mysterious figure sitting in it, looking like a woman, intertwined with the sword and the body, between the rising of the sword, there was the world The scene of birth and death seems to contain a world in every sword spirit.

The strength of Jin Se's whole body skyrocketed, and soon exceeded the limits of the three heavens. The whole body of Shengwei permeated, and was promoted to the real saint's land, and it was still skyrocketing.

She held the Taishang sword, and her eyes were sharp and unmatched. It was like changing a person. The sword was mighty, and she was slain towards the blood demon emperor.


Both Jinse and the blood demon emperor's breath are terrifying, and a fierce battle has been launched in the void.

The sword gas raged, the edge was unmatched, the sword light shattered the sky dome, the endless chaos turbulent, the blood light burst into pieces, making this battle extremely exciting.

The figure in Jin Se's eyebrows became clearer and clearer, and he could vaguely see that she was a magnificent woman, as if she would wake up from a deep sleep.


Jinse rose from the sky, and a sword fell towards the blood demon emperor, and the sword was alive, as if there were countless mysterious worlds, and the blood demon emperor was drowned in an instant.

This sword is vast, horrible, ancient and mysterious, as if it were the supreme sword of the ancient emperor, and even heaven and earth can be completely cut in half.

Under this sword, the blood demon emperor was instantly split into two halves!


There was a violent blood in the void, and there was an endless blood gathering around the blood demon emperor, as if to be manifested again, but at this moment the sword gas was intertwined, and every sword light was extremely powerful, slashing the sky of blood. Now!

"Ling Xiao, shoot!"

Jin Se shouted towards Ling Xiao.

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the sky came instantly, and the speed was almost extreme. While the blood was smashed by the sword gas, it had not yet been time to re-coagulate the body of the bleeding demon emperor, Ling Xiao immediately launched The secret of swallowing the sky.


Ling Xiao's body swallowed the sea of ​​gods, and at the same time, the wordless heavenly book in his eyebrows shone brightly, blooming brilliant and dazzling colors, which made the power of the sky swallowing secrets even more terrifying.

The blood of the sky was swallowed up by Ling Xiao in an instant, and all of them were incorporated into the wordless book, which was suppressed by the wordless book!

The immortal imprint of the blood demon emperor was completely wiped out!


The Blood Prison Emperor was very angry, and the Blood Demon Emperor was beheaded. He also received a lot of backlashes. The whole person spurted blood and his breath became weak.

"Long Aotian, I remember you! One day, I will kill you!"

The Blood Prison Emperor roared with a scream, and suddenly his whole body of blood rose, and he would break through the void and escape.

He was extremely determined, knowing that after the blood demon emperor was beheaded, he continued to stay. It was already fierce. Although he was shocked and unwilling in his heart, he could only leave first.

"Blood Priest, do you think you can escape?"

Ling Xiao sneered, the murderous flash in his eyes, and the jade dish in his palm suddenly shone, and once again swallowed most of the blood in his body, causing him to look pale, almost standing unsteady, the whole person had to It fell from the void, but fortunately the old goat's eyes were fast and he held him up.

The jade dish made of light is brilliant, and the nine-color Shenxia controls the origins of the Heavenly Avenues. It comes from the sky, and the speed is so extreme that it directly blasts the void and cuts directly from the top of the blood prisoner.

"Ah... Father Emperor, save me!"

The blood prisoner's eyes were full of despair and shouted.


At this moment, above the blood prisoner's head, there seemed to be a void to be penetrated by some kind of power, and a very mysterious **** figure appeared in the void.


The light of the synthetic jade dish bloomed, and the void was broken in an instant, and the **** figure was penetrated by the synthetic jade dish, and then completely swallowed.

It was just a mark left on the blood prisoner's body, but unfortunately the distance was too far, and the power of the chemical jade dish was too strong, and he directly wiped it out.

"Is that... the idea of ​​the Blood Prison Emperor?"

Ling Xiao was shocked, and his expression became very dignified.


Without the imprint of the Blood Prison Emperor, the Blood Prison Emperor had no way to resist the cutting edge of the Forged Jade Disc, and was instantly cut in half by the Forged Jade Disc.

A series of colorful blood beads emerged from the body of the blood prisoner, and they looked like little contains a rich vitality machine.

"Swallow me!"

Ling Xiao swayed his heart, and his body exploded with a powerful force of engulfment. The mystery of swallowing the sky completely exploded. The flesh and blood of the blood prisoner's body, as well as those mysterious multicolored blood beads, were all Ling Xiao. Devoured.

Since the blood prisoner was killed, he was destined to offend the blood prisoner. Although offending a demon emperor sounded terrifying, Ling Xiao did not have the slightest fear.

This epochal event in the chaotic ancient land, even if it is the power of the great emperor level, can not interfere in the general election conference, or even know what happened in it.


But Jin Se also fell from above nine days, and the strong and unmatched breath of her body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her whole body was as if she was seriously injured, her face became extremely pale, and her body was trembling slightly.

"Jin Se, are you okay?"

Ling Xiao struggled to stand up, regardless of himself was also hit hard, looked at Jin Se with great concern and said.

"I'm fine! You killed the Blood Prison Emperor, this time I'm afraid that the Devil Realm has regarded you as a dead enemy!"

Jin Se shook his head calmly, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Yes! Ling Xiao, besides us, there are also Promise Sons and Yuanchen Sons who know that we need to cut the grass and roots and cut them both!"

The old goat also said slowly, there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

It’s not a trivial matter to offend a great emperor. If you change to another person, I’m afraid that my heart will collapse. But the matter is here. The impact of things.

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

(End of this chapter)


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