Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2222: Too much yin and yang!

"Jin Se, what shall we do?"

The old goat looked at Jinse and asked.

Wuliang Daoren and Feng Qingyang also both looked at Jin Se, and Ling Xiao was practicing at the moment. They unconsciously regarded Jin Se as the main backbone.

Jin Se thought for a while and said slowly: "Since the primordial and undead emperors have decided to hunt Lingxiao, then no matter whether the Promise Son and Yuanchen Son expose this place, we can't take it lightly! We will lay a large yin and yang formation here, block this place, hoping to delay some time, and we will leave here immediately after Ling Xiao exits!"

"Too big yin and yang array? Is it the legendary Taishan Dao Palace's large mountain protection array? That's great! Too much yin and yang array is the legendary godless array, even if it can evolve a thousandth of the emperor array , Enough for us to protect ourselves!"

The old goat's eyes lit up.

"What's good? Sister Jinse, I don't agree! Taiyin yin and yang formation is my godless formation in the Taoist palace, but even the saints can hardly use their own strength to arrange this formation. You can't take risks! "

Feng Qingyang hurriedly stopped, and his eyes were full of worry.

"I have decided! I'm a Taishang Dao body, and I have a Taishang sword. Although it will pay some price, it shouldn't be a problem to arrange the Taishang Yin and Yang formation, but you have to help me!"

Jin Se said lightly, his expression calm but calm.


Feng Qingyang wanted to refute anything, but when he saw Jin Se's expression, he knew that Jin Se had made up his mind, smiled bitterly in his heart, and nodded and said nothing more.

"Jin Se, thank you!"

Both the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist said solemnly.

Although they knew the relationship between Jin Se and Ling Xiao, even if they died for each other, there would be no hesitation, but today Jin Se is not the former Jin Se, she does not remember Ling Xiao, and forgets the past, but It is already commendable to be willing to take risks for Ling Xiao.

"You're welcome, I owe him!"

Jin Se said lightly.


She rose in the sky in an instant, a red skirt fluttering like a flowing flame, and white hair flying, making her like a nine-day mysterious girl, she has a breath of breathtaking beauty.

Her eyes are dazzling and dazzling, like the stars above the nine days, deep and vast, containing a sense of indifference like heaven.

At this moment, she looked up at the sky dome, and the bright sword-mans in her eyes shot through the hole.


She radiated a vast and mysterious atmosphere around her body, like a mysterious heavenly path, full of the power of the avenue, like a bright sword light, formed around her, and went down below in an instant.

Jin Seshi exhibited the Yin-Yang mystery. There were chaotic fog rising around the whole body, the world and the earth were trembling violently, the vast and ancient breath sputtered out, a huge formation enchantment fell across the sky, all Ling Xiao and the surrounding sea of ​​blood Enveloped, surrounded by clouds and mist, it instantly merged with the surrounding void.


Thunderlight rises fiercely, and around Jinse seems to form an ancient world, the yin and yang rise, the chain of order traverses the void, forming a fierce sword light, just like the field of swords.

Jin Se's complexion turned pale at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Obviously, this arrangement was also a huge burden for her.


The Taishang sword in Jinse's hands rose horizontally, radiating a dazzling light, and instantly flew into the huge formation enchantment, fell to the center, like a pillar of sky, straight into the nine days.


In that huge formation enchantment, the divine light surged, the thunder was fierce, and the sword gas raged, and a vast Taiji figure vaguely appeared.

Jin Se was standing in the Tai Chi picture, the black Yin Yang fish eyes, the whole body's breath rose, and the power of terror was infused into the Tai Chi picture.

"Feng Qingyang!"

Jin Se took a whisper.


The wind and Qingyang, which has been prepared for a long time, instantly rises in the sky, and the blazing flames rise around the body, blooming infinite light and heat, and directly fall on the white Yinyang fisheye.


Between Jinse and Qingyang, two qi and yin flow, and a mysterious momentum from above erupts, as if heaven and earth are manifesting and dominating this world.

Both Jinse and Feng Qingyang's body are madly rushing towards the formation enchantment, making the atmosphere of the formation enchantment weaker and weaker, and then blending with the surrounding heaven and earth completely.


Jin Se scowled softly, then bit his tongue, and a spit of blood was sprayed from his mouth. The blood mist rolled, and each blood bead became crystal clear, falling into the void around, intertwined into a mystery The big net is hidden.

There are huge earthquakes around the world, and the sun and the moon are not light. The divine light turns into a storm and spreads around. The powerful space fluctuates and oscillates. It can be seen vaguely that a huge array of enchantments envelops this void~www. The clouds outside are completely foggy and completely transformed into a part of Wuxingtian.

Jin Se and Feng Qingyang were all trembling, almost falling down from the void, the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist quickly rushed into the sky, and helped them both down.

"The Taiyin Yinyang formation has been completed, even the saints are hard to find here, and the Taiyin Yinyang formation is both offensive and defensive. It should be able to delay for a while, I hope Ling Xiao can get out of the barrier soon!"

Jin Se said pale as paper, said slowly.

"Sister Jinse, don't talk anymore. Hurry up and serve this healing pill, so you can cultivate yourself!"

After Feng Qingyang served a Shengdan, he handed the Dan bottle to Jin Se, and said with great concern.

"I'm fine!"

Jin Se shook his head and said, instead of taking the panacea, he sat down directly, his body breathed mysteriously, and began to devour the power of the surrounding sources to heal.

"I hope Ling Xiao can get out of the gate earlier. I always feel that Taishang Yinyang is strong, but I am still unable to contend with the original emperor and the undead emperor!"

The old goat glanced at Ling Xiao and said with some concern.

"I also smelled a dangerous approaching breath! It has been nine days, and the primordial and undead emperors are just about to arrive! This time the Demon Race is determined to kill Ling Xiao, we must help anyway He delayed enough time!"

The unscrupulous Taoist took a deep breath.

Their space has been shrouded by the Taiyin yin and yang array, and it is opened from the outside. This area is surrounded by clouds and looks very ordinary. It is no different from other areas of Wuxingtian.

At this moment, there are already unexpected guests approaching Wuxingtian.

(End of this chapter)

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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