Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2232: Demon Realm!

The magic light was surging in the void, the arms of the primordial prince were crushed by Ling Xiao's fist, and the whole person could not bear the terrifying power, and suddenly flew back!

His eyes were full of unbelievable looks, his face was extremely ugly, and he didn't think that Ling Xiao's punch was so terrifying and overbearing.

Although he quickly stopped his body, and there was a black magic light surging in his arms, the flesh and blood regenerated quickly. When he reached his level, he had approached the undead body indefinitely, and he could be cured quickly if he suffered fatal injuries. , So his arms grew quickly, but it was still a shame for him.

"Long Aotian, you have angered me completely!"

The primordial emperor said coldly, his eyes full of fierce killing intention.

As the heir of the original Devil Emperor, he bleeds the blood of no God, and is a high presence in the Devil Realm. Except for a few emperors who can compare with him, even the Devil Realm's peerless arrogance can only be in front of him. Bowed his head and claimed his position.

Now, the frustration in Ling Xiao's hands has inspired his infinite killing intention.


The primordial emperor had a black flash of thunder and blood surging, as if there was a terrifying power of awakening, so that the chaotic light of his whole body rose, the magic energy filled, like everything turned into chaos, came to the beginning of the world.

He pointed at the sky and pointed towards Lingxiao. The void of hundreds of millions of miles instantly disappeared. The heaven and earth avenues merged into one, forming an aurora ray. The speed seemed to exceed the time and space, and instantly came to Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he felt a dangerous breath. He didn't want to directly perform the evacuation technique. His figure shook slightly, and suddenly turned into hundreds of millions of phantoms, shooting towards the surroundings, each one was incomparable. Really, no one can tell which one he is.


But the aurora ray seemed to be spiritual, and it instantly penetrated countless figures, and the shadow followed him behind Ling Xiao, as if he would not pierce him through the hole.


Ling Xiao drank a low voice, and an ancient rune rose in his palm. In an instant, an ancient and mysterious world appeared, swallowing the aurora rays in an instant.

Swallow heaven!

This time, Ling Xiao's mystery of swallowing the sky finally broke the limit and reached the state of consummation.

The horror of Heaven Swallowing Mystery that swallowed everything in the world was also completely exploded. Although the aurora ray was unmatched, it was quickly swallowed and refined in the Heaven Swallowing World.


The primordial emperor's black hair was scattered, his eyes cold, his body radiated with violent violent power, and the blood in his body was boiling and burning, so that the primitive magic flame around him seemed to form a vast sea of ​​fire.

He punched out, the flames of the sky gathered together, forming a black sun, covering the sky dome, the huge fist print was terrible, and rumbling suppressed towards Lingxiao.

"Prince Emperor, is this the primordial emperor's blood? Is it terrifying!"

"Not only the primitive emperor's blood, but also the legendary primitive scripture! This fist is the emperor's technique in the primitive scripture, the magic handprint!"

"Did this Long Aotian even push out the primordial emperor's cards?"

Many demons are secretly panic-stricken, feeling the horror that erupted from the primordial emperor's body, all of them were pale and palpitated.

"Is the mystery of swallowing the sky? It seems that the thing is probably on him!"

The undead emperor on the side glanced at Ling Xiao lightly, with a strange color in his eyes, and said softly to himself.


Ling Xiao greeted the primordial prince with a punch, and the whole body was chaotic, and the mysterious light of reincarnation diffused from behind him. The rune was bright in his palm, and an ancient rune was radiated. A circle of reincarnation light, and then with Ling Xiao's punch, the fiery reincarnation light greeted him.

The devil's big handprint is unmatched in power, but it is apocalypse, but after hitting Ling Xiao with a punch, not only did it not burst into a fiery scene as imagined, but instead seemed to be stuck and fell into reincarnation. Light.


The light of reincarnation is filled with mysterious light, as if there are endless years of time and space, and it is like the cause and effect of burying the heavens. With the light of reincarnation in circles, the handprint of the magic sky trembles slightly and emerges faintly. An ancient black rune.

That black rune seems to contain vast avenues and principles. It looks extremely complex and profound, with a mysterious Tao rhythm. It vaguely looks like it is a cultivation method of the devil's handprint!

"Dare you covet the original scripture? Find death!"

The primordial emperor was shocked and angry, his eyes full of cold killing intentions.

He didn't even think that Ling Xiao's secret technique of reincarnation, the light of reincarnation, could even trace the origin, pointing directly at the essence of the mysterious handprint of the devil's handprint, not only silently cracking this supreme emperor technique, but also trying to decompose The practice method of the Devil's Handprint ~ ~ This is simply the reverse scale of the primordial prince.

The Primitive Sutra is his greatest reliance, and it is the life-time effort of the primitive Devil Emperor, which contains the secret of Godlessness.

Who dares to covet the original scripture, is the enemy of the original emperor!


The blood around his body began to burn, and the monstrous anger was rising. A magic light gathered around his body and turned into a million scary magic soldiers, swords and halberds, axe, hook and fork, and all kinds of strange weapons gathered and distributed. All of them are terrifying and fierce.

The magic soldiers in the sky are like a torrent, and they are madly killed towards Ling Xiao. It looks very chaotic, but it implies a rule of law, like a world of magic soldiers, covering Ling Xiao in it.

Demon Realm!

This is also a kind of supreme mystery in the original scriptures, which can form hundreds of millions of Taoist magic soldiers.

"It's really boring! Every boxing technique, I haven't seen it yet!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his expression was very calm.

His eyes fell on the primordial emperor in the distance, touching each other, even the sound of gold and iron clashes broke out, and a powerful and unmatched fighting intention broke out from Ling Xiao!


His whole body of war was rising, pure and powerful, as if he could penetrate Jiuxiao, and the chaotic light was rising, forming a very mysterious field around him, as if even the Void Avenue was twisted.

Ling Xiao became an invincible warrior who was invincible and invincible. The powerful fighting intention made everyone around him unable to change his color slightly.


The sky full of magic soldiers came turbulently, but when they touched the realm of Ling Xiao, they were extremely strangely still in the void!

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