Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2236: Great melee!

Five element days away.

"Hey, those devil cubs have extremely powerful imperial soldiers, and they have enveloped the entire five-element sky!"

Yuan Chen exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

They were on the periphery of Wuxingtian, and they saw a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers rising out of the sky, blooming an endless expanse of divine power, and swallowed Wuxingtian into it.

The ancient picture in the void contains strange runes, chaotic mist and fog, and a mysterious scene of mountains and rivers, with a terrifying atmosphere.

Yuan Chen was scared after feeling a while, if they rushed into the Five Elements Heaven, they might have been caught in the urn at the moment, and they were caught by the demon.

"Master Tianzi, are we going to take action? Mo Zizi dispatched Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, fearing that Long Aotian will die! The gap between them is getting bigger and bigger!"

Yuan Chen respectfully saluted toward the Emperor's chariot.

"Da Luo Tu Juan? It seems that the undead prince shot! Forget about it for now, just wait and see its changes! If the undead prince can't deal with it, he is not worthy of my opponent!"

The faint voice of the emperor came from the chariot of the emperor.


A moment in Yuan Chen's heart, the Son of Heaven was to kill him, not to mention that Ling Xiao and others might not be able to cope with the Ji Dao imperial soldiers, even if they could handle it, there was also a Tianluodi network laid down by Tianzi and others.

In any case, Ling Xiao and others are dead.

Of course, many of the Devil's strong men are also unable to live, and the winner of this battle is destined to belong to Lord Tianzi!



Yan Diding and Da Luo Tuan collided violently for a while, and in an instant the empty space oscillated, the endless divine light was annihilated at the same time, and the mountains in the five elements were all exploded at the same time, turning into the most original particles.

There are even a few people who are weaker demons, who were stricken by the horrible fluctuations and bleed to death. All their bodies were blown into a blood mist.

The collision of Ji Dao imperial soldiers is like a duel between two emperors. The horrible fluctuations make everyone feel the scalp numb and feel cold all over.

If it weren’t for Da Luo Tu Juan who protected the demons, Yan Di Ding protected Ling Xiao and Jin Se and others. I’m afraid that everyone will be swept away by the violent Ji Dao Di Wei under this blow, and the soul will be completely scattered. Die!


Yan Diding sprayed out endless flames, which contained the scenes of the world's birth and death, and transformed all kinds of powerful creatures. They looked incredibly mysterious, and rushed toward the big Luotu scroll.

In the Da Luo picture scroll, there are billions of mountains and rivers, and the heavens and the world, which constantly collide with the Yan Emperor Ding, and erupted in terror.

Between Yan Di Ding and Daluo Tujuan, it seemed as if they were stalemate with each other, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat for a while.


The murderous flash in the eyes of Ling Xiao, Da Luo's picture has been pinned by Yan Diding, his blazing divine light rises, blood swells, the sound of the dragon and tiger roars in the void, and in a flash of gold 'S fist seals blasted towards the immortal emperor!

"Long Aotian!"

The eyes of the immortal emperor also showed a strong killing intention. A palm shot across the sky, the runes rose above the palm prints, and gathered the vast laws of the road, Tianwei Huanghuang, and Ling Xiao collided together.

He has determined that the Wushu Tianshu is on Ling Xiao's body. He is determined to win this chaotic treasure, and today is the best opportunity. Ling Xiao must be captured.

If you can get a wordless book, what is the so-called son of heaven?


Fists of palms intersect, the void trembles violently, the endless void turbulent flow, Ling Xiao and the undead Emperor both retreat at the same time.


The undead emperor took a cold sigh, and his body was surrounded by immortal light. It seemed to be ethereal and mysterious. He fell down with a palm knife, like splitting the world into two halves, and the huge sword swept across everything, arousing The monstrous waves.

Ling Xiao did not dodge, but killed him in the face of the undead emperor. Chaos light emerged between his arms, turning into a vast engulfing vortex, as if he could swallow the entire world.

Ling Xiao can feel the power of the immortal emperor, far exceeding the original emperor.

If Ling Xiao was able to maintain a strong advantage in the battle with the primordial princes, he could quickly defeat the primordial princes and even suppress them.

However, in the face of the undead emperor, Ling Xiao felt a strong pressure, so that he had to shake his spirit and deal with it with all his strength.

"Is the Undead Emperor even practicing Demon and Martial Arts? Is this son of my God Realm?"

Ling Xiao shook his heart, his eyes dignified.

The white robe of the immortal emperor in front of him was elegant and handsome, and there was no trace of evil in the whole body. The whole person was very indifferent, and the atmosphere of heaven was implied.

And Ling Xiao can feel that the undead emperor did not show his true face, but covered up the original breath and face, but he showed the traces of initiates of martial arts and demon path between his People, only the evil spirits lurking in God Realm!

In other words, the undead emperor is a powerful demon in the realm of the gods, otherwise he will not cover his original face and breath.


Ling Xiao and the undead emperor are like Qifeng's opponents, and Qiu Liangcai, they have launched a terrifying battle with each other!

"Prince Emperor, come here, let your grandpa Zhao Ritian play with you!"

When Zhao Ritian's eyes flicked, he stared at the primordial emperor, sneered, and killed him directly.

The primordial emperor was almost completely reached by Ling Xiao before, but at this moment he recovered his body again, but his strength was also greatly affected. He already held a fire in his heart. At this moment, he saw Zhao Ritian provoke, Suddenly broke out.

"court death!"

The primordial emperor shouted, the murderous intention boiled in his eyes, the primitive streamer appeared in the palm of his hand, and in a flash, the dazzling rune shook in the void, as if billions of stars were moving towards Zhao Ritian fall.

The primitive streamers in the hands of primitive emperors are imitations. Although they are not true extreme imperial soldiers, they can also be called quasi-imperial imperial soldiers, which contain powerful extreme imperial emperors.

The primordial emperor wished to shoot Zhao Ritian directly with primitive streamers.

"Prince Emperor, you are a weapon that bullies you that Grandpa Zhao Ritian didn't have it! But Grandpa doesn't shoot you! Hahaha..."

Zhao Ritian laughed, his breath became hot and violent, and he punched out, and the stars swayed, the fiery fist marks blasted away the stars, and then collided fiercely with the original streamers.


The sky is broken and chaos explodes!

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