Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2246: That one must be fun!


In the void, a powerful momentum rose, and the atmosphere became extremely dignified.

Ling Xiao and Tian Zi's eyes collided across the air, like a thunderous fierce, both of them exude a very powerful fighting intention.

The momentum of the two of them collided like a substance, surging violently, causing the emptiness around them to tremble violently.

Ling Xiao's side has loneliness for defeat, Pangu Tiangang, Zhao Ritian, Long Xiaoxiao and others. Their strength is not weak, even if they are not as weak as the man called by the emperor at the moment.

The emperor knew that it would be impossible to kill Ling Xiao today, but it was still a battle.

As the son of the Heavenly Emperor, he has his own supreme pride. Whether it is other emperors or the arrogant evils of the heavens and the world, he is suppressed by his light, and he is awed by his prestige. He is all The most dazzling peerless genius in heaven.

Even if he could not kill Ling Xiao, he would use this battle to tell everyone that his Son is still the strongest!

Ling Xiao's eyes were calm and deep, and his whole body of war rose. The grudge between him and the emperor began before he entered the ancient chaotic land. He could feel the power of the emperor. It was an unspeakable feeling, as if it were The fate of the enemy.

But Ling Xiao also knows that if the Heavenly Emperor Sword in Tianzi's hands could not be solved, he could not really fight with Tianzi.

Now that the forged jade dish has been exposed, Ling Xiao simply prepares to sacrifice the forged jade dish directly, blocking the Heavenly Emperor Sword in the hands of the emperor, and then fighting with the emperor!

At this moment, the emperor suddenly shuddered, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, and a violent anger suddenly appeared, and the anger was extremely extreme.

"The evil spirits of the demon clan, dare to kill the guardians of the clan, and rob me of the clan seal? I won't kill you thousands of times, it's hard to let out my hatred!"

The Heavenly Son roared up in the sky, his terrifying breath rising, causing the Void to tremble violently, and then burst out.

The horrible chaos of his whole body rose, his black hair was spread out, and he was dancing in the wind, and a violent evil spirit erupted from his body.

"What?! Human race seal was robbed?"

The words of the emperor suddenly shocked everyone.

The Human Race Seal has always been regarded as forbidden by the emperor. If it was not for some reason, he had already grabbed the Human Race Seal into his hands and refined it.

This era is the human race era, if you can get the human race seal, in the final competition for nature, the chance of becoming the son of the natural selection will also be greatly improved.

Everyone also thinks that no one is more suitable to get the seal of the human race than the Son of Heavenly Emperor.

But now the emperor is, the human race seal has been taken away by the devil's remaining evil?


Among the holy cities of the human race.

The black magic light surged, forming a huge enchantment, covering a young man in black robe and an old man with white hair.

And a black magic knife in the hands of the young man in black robe just penetrated the old man's chest. The horrible dark magic energy spread towards the old man, making the old man's eyes full of unbelievable horror.

At this moment, the young man in black robe slowly stretched out an arm, broke the old man's chest, and grabbed a white and flawless ancient seal from the position of his heart.

" could you break the invincible enclave of my human race? I am invincible, I am invincible..."

The old man made an extremely miserable cry, and his eyes were horrified.

The old man with white hair is naturally the guardian of the holy city of the human race. Today, an uninvited guest came to the holy city of the human race. Not only did he defeat it in a moment, he even found the location of the human seal very accurately. Cruel means pulled the human seal from his heart.

"There is nothing impossible, because you are not a true human guardian at all, but at best it is a slave of the human race. Forget it! Tell you a secret, in fact...I am also a human race!"

The young man in black robe has a tall figure and a handsome face, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, especially a pair of eyes, with a dark vortex, as if he can swallow all the light into it.

The dark magic knife in his hand lifted the guardian of the human race, holding the human seal in his hand, his eyes full of surprise.

"The Human Race Seal is finally here! With the Human Race Seal, it is presumed that the body's chance of becoming the Son of Heaven can be greatly increased!"

The young man in black robe said to himself.

And he is a dark hill!

After obtaining the inheritance of Split Heavenly Heaven, Dark Lingxiao not only reached the third heaven realm in one fell swoop, he even knew the secrets of many chaotic ancient lands, he resolved the invincibility of the human guardian by extremely strange means The power, then took away the human seal in its hands.

Without the human seal, the human guardian is just an ordinary saint, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the dark Lingxiao!

"Are you...human race?! This is is impossible! Who the **** are you?"

The guardian of the human race shouted in horror, his eyes full of despair.

He stared deadly at the dark sky, his eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

He could feel the incredibly rich dark magical energy emanating from the whole body of Dark Lingxiao. This is the unique breath of the Demon Race. How could it be a human race?

He couldn't figure it out if he wanted to break his head. Dark Lingxiao is Lingxiao's body!

"Childish! But I can satisfy your wish before you die. This undead emperor, the true identity is the peerless arrogance of the Chinese! Compared to this seat, the so-called emperor is not even suitable for lifting shoes! "

Dark Lingxiao smiled, and then the dark magic knife in his hand suddenly burst into horror, and the body of the human guardian suddenly exploded into nothingness in the void, and the soul was completely dispersed.

"Huh... I saved the body again. The body is too weak now, even the Tianzi guy can't beat it! If it wasn't for me to reveal my identity, I really wanted to unscrew the head of Tianzi by myself!"

Dark Lingxiao said to herself with a slightly undetectable voice, turned into a magic light and shot towards the outside of the holy city of human race.

Behind him, the blood rain was flying, and there were broken limbs and broken arms everywhere. The law enforcers in the holy city of the human race had all been killed by him.

The reason why the dark Lingxiao will be before the death of the human guardian, or even blame the undead emperor, because he can perceive that there is a distraction of the heavenly son in the body of the human guardian, although it is very secret, but it is He could not hide his perception at all.

He would like to know, how embarrassed it would be when the emperor knew that the human race seal had been taken away?

that must be very interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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