Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2255: Luck level!

"Is this the chaotic battlefield?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange color.

Under the traction of the **** clan seal, the sky's ray of light surged, blazing and dazzling, as if the layers of space shattered, Ling Xiao came to a strange area.

Sure enough, as he expected, the chaotic battlefield was randomly transmitted, and the old goats and others had completely disappeared, leaving him alone in the sight.

This is an ancient land, chaotic fog is diffused, vaguely can see the mountain peaks in the distance, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen can't perceive the whole picture of the entire chaotic battlefield.

Before, the chaotic battlefield floated above the sky dome, which looked like a small continent, but after Ling Xiao entered it, it was discovered that the chaotic battlefield was extremely vast, just like an ancient world.

It's just that the chaotic battlefield is filled with chaos and chaotic flow is intertwined, which contains extremely chaotic power fluctuations. If you are not careful, you may be directly turned into powder.

Moreover, the chaotic battlefield is full of a strange power fluctuation, which makes people full of blood, the fighting spirit is flourishing, as if they can't help but find someone to fight a battle.

The Protoss seal floats on Ling Xiao's head, filled with a stream of golden air, intertwined with each other, like a golden sun, blooming endless light.

That was the luck of the Protoss, floating at the top of Ling Xiao's head at this moment, isolating the evil spirit in the chaotic battlefield, and giving Ling Xiao a kind of wave that does not invade.

"It is still necessary to find Jinse and them as soon as possible. Although the Ji Dao imperial soldiers cannot be used in the chaotic battlefield, the strength of Tianzi and others cannot be underestimated. If they encounter Tianzi, they are afraid that Jinse will be in danger!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He sank the Yuanshen into the Divine Seal, and the powerful Yuanshen’s power diffused to cover the world in the Divine Seal.

In an instant, Ling Xiao felt that the whole world became clear, and the ancient battlefield in front of him was revealed in front of him incomparably clear.

"It really is the chaotic battlefield!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment, and his heart was excited.

The chaotic battlefield in front of him was indeed in the **** clan seal. Although he didn't know what state he was in the chaotic battlefield now, but in his primordial sense, the entire chaotic battlefield, All in his perception.

Ling Xiao can feel that one hundred and eight powerful breaths, like one hundred and eight stars, rise and fall in the chaotic battlefield, and each one bears a powerful force of luck, looking for each other in the chaotic battlefield. .

"Huh? Why do the colors of luck above their heads vary? Could it represent the strength of luck?"

Ling Xiao thought, secretly thinking.

He can feel that among the 108 powerful breaths, most people's luck is white, only a dozen people are silver luck, and gold luck, except him Together.

It is a pity that although Ling Xiao can perceive the location of 108 breaths, they all have ancient seals to cover their cultivation, and Ling Xiao has no way to distinguish their true identity.

"That golden luck should be Zhao Ritian?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

The owner of Golden Luck was the farthest away from him, but Ling Xiao thought of Zhao Ritian almost instantaneously. I am afraid that only the human race who is the master of the era can have such a strong Luck.

White, silver and gold are the three levels of luck known by Ling Xiao so far.

The specific role of various luck is unknown to Ling Xiao.

"Being able to perceive the location of 108 arrogances, this is just cheating for me! I don't know what is the existence of the Protoss seal, even the ancient chaotic land is hidden in it?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, but also full of strong confidence.

Being able to feel the position of 107 other arrogances, for Ling Xiao, took the lead, able to break those people individually, and finally swept the heroes, and became the only child of natural selection.

This is an irresistible temptation for anyone.

"In this case, then I will kill them one by one, and I will always be able to find Jinse and they can also use this opportunity to eliminate everyone; weaken the power of the emperor!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge, and took the lead towards the nearest Tianjiao.

It was a white luck, only tens of thousands of miles away from Ling Xiao, for Ling Xiao almost arrived in a moment.

"Huh, is it a ruin?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and he saw an extremely old and dilapidated building complex in front of him. Although it contained the mottled atmosphere of the years, it was still faintly powerful and magnificent, and the wall still remained strong. The esoteric formation runes.

And that figure is in this group of buildings.

Ling Xiao stepped towards the building complex, his expression was extremely calm, he felt the silence around him, and there was an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

The void around is slightly A black chain of order probing from the void, silently winding towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

"Huh? Was it found?"

Ling Xiao's gaze moved a step forward, and appeared instantly beyond the horizon, directly into the ancient buildings.


In an instant, he was thundering and violent around the body, and the sky was trembling. A wave of extremely powerful formations burst out, containing all the power to destroy, and he must be rushing towards Lingxiao at any time.

"Hey, really good luck! The trap in this seat has just been set up, and some people have come in without knowing it!"

An indifferent voice sounded in the void.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and saw a young man in a black robe slowly emerged in the black thunder. His whole body was strong and unmatched, his face was handsome, his figure was tall and magnificent, and his hair was purple. Silk flying, exuding a strong thunder origin.

Especially in his eyebrows, there was a purple lightning mark, which added a bit of majesty and mystery to him.

"Are you...Lei people?"

After seeing the young man in black robe, Ling Xiao recognized the origin of the young man as if there was no accident.

He has a terrific attitude, a strong and domineering breath, and the power of white luck above his head. It seems that he can provoke the power of heaven and earth between his hands and feet.

According to the appearance and breath of the young man in black robe, Ling Xiao instantly recognized that the young man came from the ancient Lei tribe.

What he didn't expect was that he originally wanted to take advantage of being able to perceive the positions of those geniuses in advance and eliminate them in advance, but he didn't expect that he had become a prey for others.

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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