Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2258: Hukou grabs food!

Lei Zhuo died.

Before he died, his eyes were full of incredible panic, and he didn't even have time to ask for mercy, and died in Ling Xiao's hands.

Xiongtu dominates the industry and the ambition of the future is completely reduced to nothingness at this moment.

Lei Zhuo couldn't figure it out until he was about to die. Why couldn't Lei Di's eyes help Ling Xiao?

He didn't even know Ling Xiao's name. The horrible fighting power exploded from Ling Xiao made him feel desperate, and finally died in such suffocation.


Ling Xiao's eyebrows glowed, and Wu Zi Tian Shu burst into an extremely powerful swallowing force, swallowing Lei Zhuo's Yuanshen fragments.

Lei Zhuo’s primordial spirit is very strong. Although it was penetrated by Ling Xiao’s finger, it still contains the majestic power of the Thunder Dao. Among Xiao Yuan's Yuanshen, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen was also a little stronger. Ling Xiao was among the grassland Lei Zhuo's Yuan Shen fragments, and saw some of Lei Zhuo's memories.


However, Ling Xiao hadn't had time to carefully explore Lei Zhuo's memory. He heard two sounds of breaking through the sky, and the target pointed directly at the eye of Lei Di in the void.

The eyes of Lei Di shed bright light in the void, Zixia 氤氲, thunder blazing, looks like a purple Shenyang, the breath is powerful and unmatched.

And those two figures from the sky, just want to **** the eyes of Lei Di.

"court death!"

There was a cold flash in Ling Xiao's eyes, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to pick peaches at this time. He didn't want to punch out with a punch at the same time. Thunder's vortex, casting a powerful mystery of heavenly punishment, grabbed towards the eye of Lei Di.


Ling Xiao's punch was a furious blow, and he showed no mercy. The horror of his whole body erupted, as if a chaotic mountain appeared in the void, leaving vast and mighty, containing the power to suppress all.

The two figures were slightly sluggish, and I felt that Ling Xiao’s fist was not easy to provoke, and did not choose to directly resist, but instead, the whole body flashed in the flash, performing the technique of void movement, avoiding Ling Xiao’s this. fist.

But at the moment, they also missed the best time to collect the Eye of Lei Di.


The eyes of Lei Di were shining brightly, and instantly turned into a stream of light, which was caught by Ling Xiao.

"It turned out to be you?"

Han Xiao flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, staring at the two figures in the void and said.

Those were two young men with great vigour, one wearing a unicorn armor and holding a Fangtian painting halberd, with a breath of fierceness, and the other wearing a five-colored robe, looking handsome and handsome, but with an extremely proud look.

Ling Xiao, who had seen these two, was the Son of Death and the Son of Yuanchen!

The two followers of the emperor appeared here.

"Are you...Long Aotian?"

After seeing Ling Xiao, the Son of Death and Yuanchen Son were shocked, and there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

They noticed that there were fluctuations in the war here, and the breath of the Eye of Lei Di was too strong. The bright light that bloomed on the sky dome attracted their attention, so they moved to **** the eye of Lei Di. Idea.

But they did not expect that they would meet Long Aotian here.

Long Aotian's strength is extremely strong, they have seen in the eyes of the previous battle with Tianzi, although they do not think that Long Aotian will be the opponent of Tianzi, but they have to admit that Long Aotian is stronger than them.

"Sacred Son of the Dead, Son of Yuanchen, how dare you rob my stuff? What a bold courage!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, a cold killing intention appeared in his eyes.

He and Tianzi were already intolerable. There must be a battle between the two. Naturally, they didn't have any good feelings for Tian Xiao, his follower, and immediately moved to kill.

"Long Aotian, don't get me wrong, we are just passing by here, much interruption, leave!"

Yuanchen Shengzi's face slightly changed, he bowed his hands to Ling Xiao, and then looked at Shengzi Shengzi, and turned to leave.

"Want to go? Keep your life!"

Ling Xiao's icy voice sounded in the void, the sky swayed in an instant, the void roared, and the blazing divine light exploded, Ling Xiao punched towards the Son of Death and Yuan Chen.


At the same time, Ling Xiao's thunder and light were fierce around him, and he cast a mysterious technique of heavenly punishment. A thick thunder was like a mountain, covering all directions, like a huge thunder, bounding the Son of Son and Yuanchen Sheng Zi's ​​back road was cut off.

If you don’t take it, it’s just a thunder, and Ling Xiao didn’t even plan to let them both leave.

"Long Aotian, don't bully people!"

The Son of Death is furious, the eyes are cold and cold, the Fangtian Huaji in his hand shines brightly, and the unparalleled divine power explodes and suddenly falls towards His whole body is covered with the breath of silence. This blow has almost infinite power to destroy the world. Although his cultivation is just the situation, he is the son of the temple of silence, after all, he has inherited the secret technique of silence, shot It is also extremely fierce.

He knew that Ling Xiao was powerful, so he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately cast a mystery of silence!

"Long Aotian, do you really think we are afraid of you? Kill!"

Yuanchen Shengzi also screamed angrily, a five-colored ancient sword appeared in his palm, the breath of Wuxing Avenue flowed, and the sky spurted toward Ling Xiao, and the five sword lights intertwined with each other. Incomparably fierce.

At the same time, he has a five-element breath rising around him. It seems that an ancient five-element enchantment has formed around him. The power of the five elements has perfectly merged together to form a perfect balance.

"It's too deceiving? When you surrender to the emperor and ambush me, you should think of your end today!"

Ling Xiao's voice was indifferently indifferent, the fist prints were in the void, and the mighty suppression was like a peerless invincible emperor. The fist shining on the three thousand worlds, the horizontal sky and the Fangtian painting halberd in the hands of the son of the dead collided together .


The fiery light exploded, and there was a sound of thunder in the void. The Son of Death only felt an unmatched divine power strike, and Fang Tianhua halberd was violently trembling, as if he was about to fly away.


At the same time, Ling Xiao glanced in like a huge blade of light that separated the world and the sky, directly broke through the powerful air of silence around the Son of Son of Death, and fell towards the top of his head.


The Son of Death is so frightened that his soul is frightened, and his face is extremely ugly. As soon as Ling Xiao shoots, he feels the horror of Ling Xiao, which is simply not what he can resist today.

Reading Yue, reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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