Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2261: Years Aoyama!

Ling Xiao once obtained the five-element secret technique among the five-element sky monument, plus the Yin-yang secret technique obtained from Jin Se, let him break through to the second world in one fell swoop.

Now, Ling Xiao has discovered that among the inherited crystals of the five-element secret technique, the shining divine light makes the one of the five-element secret technique in Wu Zi Tian Shu actually become somewhat flawless.

"Huh? This is not a real five-element secret technique, is it the five-element sutra in the legend of the five-element Tianzong? Unfortunately, it is not complete!"

There was a trace of surprise in Ling Xiao's eyes. He found that the five-element secret technique above the inherited crystal was not exactly the same as the five-element secret technique he had obtained in the five-element sky. There were some subtle differences, but each other Mutual verification has made Ling Xiao's perception of the origin of Wuxing Avenue more and more profound.

Much like the Wuxing Tianzong's atheism, the Five Elements Sutra!

The Five Elements Sutra among the inherited crystals, even Wu Zi Tian Shu was also a little excited. In the slight tremor, the Wu Xing mystery above Wu Zi Tian Shu appeared again.


Wu Zi Tian Shu shook slightly, and the five-element secret technique suddenly turned into a vast torrent of information, pouring into his sea of ​​knowledge, and Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge, emerged a sharp sword mountain, appeared The forest with the majestic vitality of life, the vast ocean appeared, the burning flame appeared, and the thick ancient earth appeared...

The true meaning of the five elements of the golden wood, water, fire, and earth is slowly understood by Ling Xiao, which makes his whole person's understanding of the world clearer, and the whole person's breath is more and more subtle.

The five-element secret technique contains the five-element secret, which can be said to be a key to Ling Xiao's enlightenment to the heavens and earth. Ling Xiao parsed it out.

In Ling Xiao's eyes, heaven and earth have all become a mysterious line of law, combined with each other in a mysterious state, forming heaven and earth and forming endless creatures.

The five-element mystery technique appeared on the Wu Zi Tian Shu, shining brightly and colorfully, and shrouded the entire Wu Zi Tian Shu.

Ling Xiao felt that there was a mysterious power slowly recovering in Wu Zi Tian Shu, and his control of Wu Zi Tian Shu also became stronger.

"Sovereign Emperor Kunwu Mountain once told me that he must obtain twelve days of merit in order to be able to preach the sanctification. Is it because he must thoroughly control the wordless scriptures in order not to leave hidden dangers?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain once told him that Wu Zi Tian Shu is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Perhaps it is an ominous thing, so Ling Xiao should not rely too much on Wu Wu Tian Shu.

He also said that if Ling Xiao wants to control the Wordless Book completely, he must obtain the Twelve Days of Secret Technique before preaching the sanctification.

Nowadays, as Twelve Heavenly Emperors of Ling Xiao's Qiqi are getting closer and closer, Ling Xiao also realizes that his control of Wu Zi Tian Shu is getting stronger and stronger, and Ling Xiao also begins to think about the deep meaning in the words of Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

"Hey, the combination of the Five Elements Classic, the Five Elements Mystery Techniques, and the Yin-Yang Secret Techniques can actually display a colorful sky with a supreme ban!"

Ling Xiao's heart moved a little bit excited.

He found that the Five Elements Classic among the inherited crystals and the Five Elements Mysteries were complementary to each other. In addition, the Yin and Yang Secret Techniques produced a mysterious change, and a complete forbidden technique emerged vaguely.

The forbidden colorful sky contains the original power of the five avenues of yin and yang, which can break the world's law, nothing and nothing, and incomparable terror.

Even if it is a powerful holy treasure, under the colorful sky, it will be instantly decomposed into its most original state and lose any power.

Ling Xiao speculates that I am afraid that only Ji Dao imperial soldiers can resist the power of the colorful sky!

"Speaking of this, these colorful skylights are also the power of mystery fusion! If I could fuse all 108 mysteries together, how powerful would it be?"

Ling Xiao's heart was shaken, but he didn't expect that this time he would get such a big gain by getting the Five Elements Secret Technique.

"I hope that the primordial spirit of the Son of Death will not let me down! The complete mystery of Death will depend on him!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and began to devour the Yuanshen of the Son of Death.

He carefully sent the primordial spirit of the Son of Death into the Wordless Book. Since the Son of Death is the first arrogance of the Temple of Death, there must be no inheritance of the Temple of Death in his body. The technique should be in his primal spirit.


Ling Xiao saw that, under the swallowing of the Wordless Book of Heaven, the Primordial God of the Death Son slowly disintegrated, and the strong prohibitions were also broken one after another.

As the heir to the Temple of Death, the Son of Death is sure to have been left with various means among the primitive gods to prevent others from being robbed or searching for souls, but those means have no effect at all in front of the Wordless Book. The wordless divine book broke open.


In the depths of the dead God's Yuanshen, a bright verse slowly emerged, which was absorbed by Wu Zi Tian Shu and slowly manifested.

Tian Gang Ninth ~ ~ Mystery of Extermination!

Sure enough, as Ling Xiao expected, after refining the primordial **** of the Son of Death, he finally found a complete secret of death in it.

The breath of silence emerged in Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea, so that he began to realize the true meaning of the mystery of silence, and the whole person's breath became more and more unfathomable.

On the way to the inheritance of the Great Emperor of the years, Ling Xiao not only harvested the complete mystery of silence, but also got a colorful sky of supreme forbidden technique.

Although he did not practice, the real meaning of the mystery of death and the colorful sky is constantly evolving in the sea of ​​knowledge, making his deeper understanding of the magic of these two mysteries.

"Brother Long Dao, the inheritance of the Emperor of the Years is there!"

Yuan Chen Shengzi's voice suddenly remembered, waking Ling Xiao from the state of cultivation.

Yuanchen Shengzi didn't know the changes of Ling Xiao during this time. If he knew that Ling Xiao got two secret techniques in such a short period of time, and his strength increased greatly, I am afraid he would just take out five elements so refreshingly just now. It is hard to tell the inherited crystal of mystery.

At this moment, he pointed to the mountains floating in the chaotic void in front and said with some surprise.


Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

He saw a lush green hill floating among the chaotic mists in front, the ancient trees on the hill towering, the mist misty, containing the breath of life majestic, looks like a heaven and earth.

You should know that the mountains above the chaotic battlefield are all barren mountains, without any vitality. Such a green mountain suddenly appeared, which naturally surprised Ling Xiao.

"Yes! This is the place where the Great Emperor of the Years passed, and the mountains of the years!"

Yuanchen Shengzi said with great certainty.

PS: The last chapter of Tian Gang's secret technique is Tian Gang's eleventh, Mu Yu wrote Tian Gang's fifth, which has been changed, everyone forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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