Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2268: 5 heavens!

Shi Fanfan and the four strongmen were indeed terribly afraid of Ling Xiao. After all, the scene where Yuanchen Shengzi died in Ling Xiao's hands was too shocking. Ling Xiao's combat power was unfathomable, and it was already the third heaven. Of the strongest, so that none of them have the confidence to fight one.

But now, the temptation of the compass of the years has completely surpassed their fear of Ling Xiao. For this extremely emperor soldier, and for the no inheritance of the emperor of the years, they still chose to shoot Ling Xiao!

What's more, Ling Xiao certainly hasn't had time to refining the compass of years, this is their best chance to shoot!


Faced with the attacks of Shi Fanfan and the four powerful men, Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce and fierce, with a powerful momentum rising around him, and he punched directly.

The terrifying fist seals are intertwined with chaos, covering the world and all the figures of Shi Fanfan and the four powerful men. They are strong and unmatched, just like an ancient god, suppressed from the years of floods.

Click! The sky's sword light shattered, and the attacks of the four powerful men were all turned into powder at the same time. All five of them felt like they were struck by lightning, and they all flew back suddenly, feeling their bodies full of blood and blood.

"Depending on your strength, dare to die?"

Ling Xiao said faintly that the vast and terrifying breath around him erupted, and his blood rose like a hot sun, giving people a great sense of oppression, like a chaotic **** and demon, who looked extraordinary from top to bottom.

"Long Aotian, you must be arrogant! If you don't hand over the compass of the years today, you will definitely die!"

Shi Feng's eyes showed a hint of madness.


His colorful blood rose, and his breath rose sharply, breaking the limit of the situation in an instant, and he climbed to the peak of the heaven before stopping.

In the extraordinary body of the time, the power of time interweaves, like the chain of order gods, turned into a dense sword awn, and finally gathered into a fiery white ancient sword, blooming immense fairy light.

When Shi Fanfan held the fairy sword, an extremely dangerous breath burst out of him!

"Four Dao brothers, go all out! Long Aotian must die today!"

Shi Fanfan didn't look back, his eyes were full of fierce killings, staring at Ling Xiaohan's voice.


The fairy sword in his hand glowed fiercely, and suddenly the sky was twisted, so that the void was twisted, as if it exceeded the limit of time and space, and instantly came to Ling Xiao.

Jian Guang's incomparable fierceness is the time source of Shi Wanfang's whole body, which represents his understanding of the power of time, coupled with his powerful cultivation, is even more terrifying.

"This is kind of interesting!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, **** were stretched out gently, and the fairy sword was clamped in an instant. His crystallized fingers exuded an immortal luster, directly shattering the sword light, and then flicked gently.


The trembling of the fairy sword changed Shi Bian's face all the time. He felt an unmatched divine power hit, and his arms were tingling.

He was spinning like a top in the void like a gyro. The sword light intertwined like a dragon. He suddenly rushed to the sky, and the power accumulated to the peak on the nine days, and then swooped down, spurting toward the top of Ling Xiao.


Seen from a distance, it was like a huge tornado struck to tear everything apart.

And the four strong men all roared at the same time, their terrifying breath rose, and the cultivation climbed sharply, and they all reached the heavens instantly.

They are all celestial arrogance, various secret methods and celestial skills in hand are emerging one after another, and naturally also have explosive secret techniques, allowing them to temporarily have the cultivation and combat power of the heavens.


The burly young man holds two giant axes and crosses each other, as if a black whirlwind is coming from the sky. The huge axe is extremely overbearing, as if to split the world and the world in half.


The youth in black was extremely feminine and instantly turned into a shadow of nothingness, hidden in the void, waiting for an opportunity to launch a killing blow towards Ling Xiao.

The other two strong men, a young man in white robe holding a war sword, and a young man in purple robe speared out like dragons, intertwined with each other's breath, abandoning one length and one short, and even performing the art of joint strike, while killing towards Lingxiao.

When Shi Fanfan is on the scene, the four strongest men came from all around and trapped Ling Xiao in the center, all of which exploded with the most powerful force!

The top five heavenly powerhouses shot, even ordinary people will be instantly hit even if they are not dead.

But Ling Xiao is not an ordinary person.

When Shi Bufan waited for the top five to kill at the same time, he also shot.


There is an ancient and mysterious dragon sound exploding in the void, like the earthly ancient ancestral dragon proclaiming the majesty of its overlord to all beings, and the vast dragon power explodes from Ling Xiao!

He was surrounded by a golden divine glow, and every pore in his body was blooming with chaotic light. The blood vessels were oscillating like a dragon, and the blood veins were surging like the rivers and seas. The breath was terrified in an instant.

Ling Xiao crossed his arms like a dragon's claws. In a flash, a golden golden dragon with a golden body gleaming around his body looked lifelike. The dragon scales were sharp and strong, forming a golden dragon-shaped enchantment.


The extraordinary fairy sword is fierce and unmatched. It fell from the sky above the nine days and instantly fell on the dragon-shaped enchantment, and the attack of the four powerful is almost together with Shi extraordinary, at the same time Blasting on the dragon-shaped enchantment, a terrifying divine storm erupted, and the sound waves diffused, just like the thunder and thunder of the Nine Heavens.

The blazing divine light ascended towards the surroundings, dispersing all the surrounding haze and turning into a vacuum.

But after the blazing divine light spread out, Shi Wanfan's gaze suddenly shrank from the top five, and his face showed incredible shock.


The huge dragon-shaped enchantment suffered a terrifying blow from the five great heavenly powerhouses, but it remained immobile and showed no signs of breaking. It was still incredibly strong, shining with immortal light, and even reflected Ling Xiaodan However calm face.

"No, rewind!"

Shi Banfan's heart beat violently, and he felt a breath of extremely dangerous from Ling Xiao's eyes. He didn't want to retreat toward the rear in an instant.

After hearing the extraordinary words of the time, the four strong men, after a little stunned, all retreated at the same time, and fell behind the extraordinary time.

But it's still late!


The golden dragon shrouded in Ling Xiao's body seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, opened his golden eyes, the huge dragon mouth opened, and a terrifying sound of dragon yin broke out!

The sound of terror exploded, like a golden sun exploding in the void. The kind of dragon chant sounded as if it could break the universe, let the heavens fall, and explode billions of stars.

The four strong men took the lead and immediately rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge by the wave of sound. They only felt that a force of terror exploded in the sea of ​​knowledge, instantly making them dark, and the Yuanshen almost It's about to break apart, the whole person is shaking, want to fall from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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