Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2276: Dark Lingxiao VS Tianzi!

Heavenly Daoist World Light is the most powerful emperor technique practiced by the emperor. It contains Heavenly Emperor's perception of Heaven and Dao and all realms, which can destroy all vitality and incomparable terror.

In the face of the destruction of the world, Xue Wei and Bai Longma's complexions changed suddenly.


Xue Wei's skin was crystal clear like jade, a circle of mysterious runes emerged, her slender jade fingers were imprinted in the void, and the vast power of reincarnation spewed out of her body. There were six ancient and mysterious vaguely between them. The worlds are intertwined with each other, containing the power wave of terrifying terror.


Xue Wei urged the secret technique of reincarnation to the extreme, and evolved a supreme forbidden technique. Incarnation of six reincarnations can bring all heavens and billions of life into the reincarnation.


The white dragon horse roared upwards in the sky, and a sound like a dragon yin broke out in the mouth. It was ancient and desolate, majestic and magnificent, and contained the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Behind the White Dragon Horse, there is a giant dragon shrouded in chaos. The dragon is covered by the world, just like the ancestor of the dragon family. There are hundreds of millions of stars falling between the throughput.

Zulong Yin!

This is the supreme supernatural power of the archaic ancestor dragon, and it is also a sonic mystery inherited from the blood of the white dragon horse. At this moment, it exploded completely, making the chaotic void around all exploded.

Faced with the destruction of the world, Xuewei and Bailongma both chose the strongest force to cope with it!


The light of heaven and the world fell down, as if to penetrate this world, and it suddenly collided with the world of six reincarnations, and erupted hundreds of millions of fierce waves of divine light.

Zulong Yin erupted, the terror wave collided with those divine lights, and at the same time it was annihilated.

But what shocked Xuewei and Bailongma was that the power of the Six Dao Reincarnation World and Zulong Yin broke apart, but after the Dao Dao Shiguang broke the Six Dao Reincarnation World and Zulong Yin, it seemed that it was not affected a little. Still shooting towards Xuewei and Bailongma, they want to penetrate them directly.

The light of heaven's destruction reflected the indifferent and majestic face of the emperor, and he was completely murderous!

Both Xuewei and Bailongma felt a threat of death. Both of them exerted their speed and retreated towards the back, but it seemed that there was no way to avoid the attack of the world's destruction.

Seeing that the Heavenly Daoist World Light was about to hit Xuewei and the White Dragon Horse, suddenly the sky violently oscillated. A black palm protruded from the void, and the endless darkness surged. Together, then at the same time annihilated.


God's eyes flashed in the eyes of the emperor, and fell on the void in the distance.

He vaguely felt that there was an extremely powerful breath fluctuation, which made him feel a powerful threat.


The void oscillates, the chaos lingers, and an extremely pure dark breath spreads like a black sun, floating in the void.

From the black sun, a figure wearing a black robe came out, exuding majestic, mysterious, overbearing, and invincible power fluctuations!

It was a handsome young man with a slender and muscular body, a radiant body, a powerful breath rising around him, filled with black light, and a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, which looked very evil.

His expression was indifferent. His deep eyes stared at the emperor. His whole body was magnificent and unmatched. He vaguely resisted the court with the emperor, and did not fall at all.

"It's him?!"

The old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist looked at each other, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

The coming person is the dark hill!

Although they knew that Ling Xiao's avatar, Dark Ling Xiao, had gone to the Devil Realm, and had also entered the ancient chaotic world to participate in the natural elections, they did not expect to see Dark Ling Xiao here.

"Is the young master sending avatars to save us?"

Xue Wei thought secretly in her heart, with clear big eyes sparkling like stars, staring at the dark Lingxiao intently.

After the appearance of the dark hills, the old goats and others unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had found the backbone.

"The evil spirits of the demon tribe? Among the demon tribes, only the primordial emperor and the undead emperor can reach the third heaven. Who are you?"

Tianzi stared at the dark Lingxiao and said in a cold voice.

He could feel the terrifying breath of the young Mozu in front of him, and Xiu Wei had already reached the third heaven, but he had no impression of the young man in front of him.

Especially just after the dark Ling Xiao raised his hand and throwed his feet, the heaven and the world were destroyed, so that the look of the emperor was also a little solemn.

"Want to know my name, I will wait until you win!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled indifferently, and then his eyes flashed sharply, his whole body of war rose, and he shot directly at the emperor!


The dark magic light around the dark hills swelled, and the chaotic void screamed all around in an instant, as if all turned into a dark realm, the monstrous magic power surged, just like the birth of an ancient devil.

The black fist print rose from the sky and enveloped the whole body of Tianzi!

Dark Lingxiao has been inherited by the Dark Devil Emperor Not only did he break through into the realm of heaven, but also got several major secrets of killing, which made his combat power reach an unpredictable point.

After seeing the emperor, Dark Lingxiao was also happy to hunt, and wanted to fight with emperor to prove his current combat power!

"court death!"

Tian Zi's eyes were cold. He didn't expect this young man of the Mozu who had never seen him to be so arrogant. Even the primordial emperor and the undead emperor did not dare to be so big in front of him, and the attitude of Dark Lingxiao was slightly irritated. Got him.


Emperor Tianzi fists out of invincibility, chaotic fist prints cross the void, and the vast and terrifying fist emperor fist prints have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and want to directly kill the dark Lingxiao!


The two fists collided, and the violent shock of the void made all the heavens and earth rumbling, the dark magic light surging, and the vast divine power faintly spread out.

Dark Lingxiao and Tianzi were shocked and flew away at the same time!

"Is the fist of the heavenly emperor? Hahaha... Yes, I really want to see how powerful the fist of the heavenly emperor in the legendary Megatron is!"

Dark Lingxiao's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly, and drove towards the Son of Heaven.

boom! boom! boom!

Dark Lingxiao is surrounded by the power of the dark source, wherever the world is turned into darkness, the sun and the moon are broken, all beings are dead, everything has entered the state of returning to the ruins, so that his fist print has a great power of destruction.

The end of all beings, the place where the heavens and the world return to the ruins, is eternal darkness.

The darkness has penetrated into the true meaning of darkness, contains the supreme power of ruining the heavens and the earth, has obtained the Ling Xiao inherited by the dark devil, and has realized the dark road, and can use the power of the dark source Eat the breath of everything.

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