Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2891: Wan Di Lock Spirit Destiny Curse!

Just like the ancient emperor woke up from a deep sleep, the breath is ancient, mysterious, majestic and terrifying, as if it can tear the sky, making the three of the Witch King all suddenly change their faces and feel the fluctuation of palpitations .


The monstrous divine light was surging, the endless chaotic energy was surging from all directions, pouring into Zhao Ritian's head, so that his whole breath began to rise sharply.


It was like a certain seal in the sea of ​​knowledge was broken, and a vast torrent of information poured into Zhao Ritian's sea of ​​knowledge, allowing him to see countless ancient and mysterious memory fragments.

"Samsung forever, the true spirit is immortal!"

The ancient and mysterious sound exploded in Zhao Ritian's knowledge of the sea, like the sound of heaven and earth, majestic and mysterious, and the four corners of the world began to boom violently.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A mysterious aura came from the chaos, containing extremely powerful soul fluctuations, and immediately poured into Zhao Ritian's sea of ​​knowledge.

In his consciousness of the sea, infinite light blooms, illuminating the boundless world. His Yuanshen sits in the mysterious void, exuding an ancient wave, and each spiritual light is integrated into his Yuanshen. , Let his Yuanshen increase by one point, his Yuanshen is getting stronger and stronger, more and more mysterious, exuding an immortal implication.

"Hahaha...the real name today, I know you are you, Zhao Ritian, you finally woke up..."

The voice of the second uncle sounded in Zhao Ritian's sea of ​​knowledge, which contained joy, gratification and excitement, but Zhao Ritian was immersed in that vast torrent of memory, and was accepting the metamorphosis of Yuanshen, the whole person Very calm.

"Damn! How can you break away from the Emperor's Destiny Mantra?! Di Hao, you **** it! I am the real Di Hao!!!"

The emperor was also shocked by the horror that erupted in Zhao Ritian.

His eyes were full of unbelievable looks, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy, full of monstrous killing intent!

Only one step away from success!

As long as the skull of Zhao Ritian is smashed and his forbidden soul is swallowed, the emperor will be able to complete completely, and with the practice of Zhao Ritian who has not justified the sanctification, there is absolutely no way to get rid of the mantra of the emperor's locked spirit of?

"What if you break the Wandi Lock Spirit Destiny Curse? Even if you restore your old memories? Your flesh and blood, your bones, and your power are all mine! No one can save you today, you Must die!"

The emperor seemed to be crazy, and a tremendous murderous intention broke out all around him. The power of the real body of the emperor was pushed to the extreme by him.


The vast body of the Emperor Tiandi became more and more solid, but the body of the Emperor Tiandi was trembling violently, as if he wanted to escape the **** of the Emperor.

"Old things, are you still not reconciled after so many years? Hahaha... I will not only kill you completely, but also your son! I am the real Emperor Hao, the real Son of Heaven! "

Tian Zi murmured to himself, his eyes were covered with blood, his terrifying power rose, and a chain of order traversed the heavenly dome, firmly blocking the true body of the Emperor.

boom! boom! boom!

He walked towards the morning sun, the killing intention of his whole body was like a substance, and there was a red blood in his palm, which contained all the power fluctuations that swallowed, and slowly came towards Zhao Ritian.

Even if Zhao Ritian was awakened, but his physical body was destroyed at this moment, even if the immortal Yuanshen recovered, he was not at all an opponent of Tianzi. He was confident that Zhao Ritian would be completely killed and then turned into a complete part of himself!

"What is he crazy about?"

Feeling the mad killing intention of the Son of Heaven, the three of the Wraith King could not help changing their faces.

Although they instinctively felt something was wrong and felt that the relationship between Zhao Ritian and Tianzi was unusual, they were not willing to take action at this moment. Tianzi was on the verge of anger, and they were not willing to provoke such a Tianzi.

"Fool, want to hurt my big nephew? Are you worthy too?"

In Zhao Ritian's knowledge of the sea, the two uncles saw the emperor coming slowly, the murderous flash in his eyes, and the whole body exuded a very terrifying atmosphere fluctuation.

But suddenly he seemed to feel a certain breath, and he couldn't help but stunned slightly.


In the chaotic battlefield, the blazing divine light rises, the sky shakes, a figure of Sheng Xue in white appears on the battlefield instantly, looks chic and elegant, but at the moment, the eyes are full of monstrous murderous intentions, simple and simple Fist slammed towards the emperor.

"God, you are dead!"

The icy sound was like a thunder blasting, and the fist seal came to Tianzi in an instant.

"Ling Xiao? I haven't found you yet, but you came to your own door! I don't know what to do!"

A cold flash of light flashed in the eyes of the emperor, and he instantly recognized that this white figure was Ling Xiao, and the terrifying power of his whole body exploded, and the fist of the emperor greeted him directly.


The violent shock of the void, the blazing divine light exploded, and the endless chaos of haze has been annihilated!

The original incomparably indifferent suddenly changed his face. Although he felt that Ling Xiao’s fist print seemed simple, but it contained a dominance of the world and the invincible peerless power. Even his fist of Heavenly Emperor could not bear it.

The emperor was shocked, and the whole person flew out directly!

In the void, the blazing divine light rises, Lingxiao's white clothes flutter, and his black hair flies, keeping the fist posture. The whole portrait is rooted in the sky dome, and there is no backwardness, the power of a fist, and even the Sri Lanka!


The Wuling King, Heavenly Corpse Emperor and Undead Emperor were all shocked and took a breath.

However, they knew how strong the emperor who broke out the real body of the emperor, and the fist of the emperor broke out with all his strength, even if the three of them could not directly follow, but the emperor was kicked back by Ling Xiao.

What is the power of this ancient and modern history?

After seeing Ling Xiao, they were still extremely hot and greedy in their hearts, coveting the wordless book on Ling Xiao's body, but this punch crushed all their greed.

"Emperor, do you dare to hurt Zhao Ritian? Is it because you want to die?"

Ling Xiao looked at Tian Zi Road lightly, his voice was full of domineering and fierce fluctuations!

Today's Ling Xiao has fully integrated the twelve days of skill, and has gained the power of the luck of Bailongma and others, condensing the purple luck, so he can enter the battlefield of this final battle.

The Protoss Yin knows the world and even reveals everything in the final battle to Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, so he also saw Zhao Ritian and Tianzi's eccentric battle.

Therefore, as soon as Ling Xiao entered the battlefield, he immediately sent a thunder blow to Tianzi!

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