Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2901: Peerless killer!

The sky is the afterimage of the emperor of the corpse, but each afterimage is like a real one, and there is no way to tell which one is true.

The chance of selecting the Heavenly Corpse Emperor is very good. It was when Ling Xiao fisted with the Wuling King and flew upside down at the same time.


Ling Xiao felt that a crisis had struck, and did not dare to carelessly, his arms exuded a fiery Jinxia, ​​and suddenly swept away behind him!

Mars is shining, the sky is exploding, Ling Xiao’s arm collides with the corpse’s wings, but before the action of Ling Xiao’s movement, the wings of the Heavenly Corpse prince suddenly slipped away, and once again towards Ling Xiao’s Cut the neck!

boom! boom! boom!

Lingxiao fist is like a dragon, each punch contains great power, and it constantly collides with the emperor of the heavenly corpse, but the wings of the emperor of the heavenly corpse seem to contain all the power fluctuations that break apart, in the arm of Lingxiao, There was a trace of blood on the body and neck, and there was a black poisonous corpse poison that wanted to enter Ling Xiao's body.

Heavenly Corpse Emperor's greatest strength is not his combat power, but Heavenly Corpse's poison!

Heavenly Corpse Poison is from the bloodline of Heavenly Corpse Emperor. It originates from Heavenly Corpse Emperor.

The wings of the emperor of the heavenly corpse, after countless years of refining, have long become the top sacred treasure. Rao is Ling Xiao’s powerful body, and it is impossible to resist it completely. He still suffered some injuries.

The corpse of the corpse entered Ling Xiao and got into the body. Soon Ling Xiao turned into a dark body, and his body became a bit stiff, as if he would be dead at any time and become a zombie!

"Awesome corpse poison!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and the corpses of the corpse were extremely horrible. Even if his mystery of swallowing the sky exploded, there was no way to completely dissolve the corpses of the corpse. If anyone else was already dead, he would be dead.

But Wu Zi Tian Shu is different now. After Ling Xiao gained twelve days of merit, Wu Zi Tian Shu became a little different. As if he began to recover, he began to show different mysterious powers.

With Ling Xiao's thoughts moving, the wordless scripture shines brightly, and the corpse of the corpse has begun to be swallowed by the wordless scripture!


But at this moment, the change is steep!

In Ling Xiao's blood, an extremely terrifying force burst out, instantly turned into a chain of **** gods of order, traversing Ling Xiao's whole body, binding his entire person, even forcibly closing him Yuanshen knows the sea.

"Father, kill Ling Xiao!"

The voice of the immortal emperor came from Ling Xiao's body, and contained extremely eager fluctuations.

It turned out that after the Undead Sky Sword was smashed by Ling Xiao, the undead emperor even lurked into Ling Xiao's body with some kind of incomprehensible means. He also moved instantly in the sea of ​​knowledge where the corpse began to attack. Too.

Those **** chains of order contain magnificent vitality, but they are completely different from the power in Ling Xiao's body. They banned Ling Xiao's acupuncture, and even the sea of ​​knowledge was sealed by him!

"you wanna die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and there was a monstrous murderous intention in his heart. He didn't realize when the undead emperor was attached to his blood.


The vast divine light of Ling Xiao's body surged, and the power of the twelve days of mystery exploded. The **** chains in his body seemed to be unbearable, and they were to be completely broken.


The Heavenly Corpse Emperor seized the opportunity, the murderous eyes overflowed, and suddenly came out of the sky, the wings of the sky fell, and a terrifying force erupted around him, directly hovering Ling Xiao.

Then, his golden fangs snapped towards Ling Xiao's neck!


The blood was permeated, and the corpse fangs of the emperor's corpse fell into Ling Xiao's neck, and he began to devour the blood of Ling Xiao's body insanely!

"Ling Xiao, let me die! Wan Di locks the spirit destiny curse!"

As soon as Tian Zi gritted his teeth, his eyes showed an extremely fleshy look, and an ancient rune rose in his palm. He instantly traversed the sky and printed it directly on Ling Xiao's eyebrow.

This Ten Thousand Emperor's Destiny Mantra is the last card in the hand of the emperor!

However, he was sure that even Emperor Hao, who was guarded by the Emperor of Heaven, could not withstand the Emperor's Destiny Curse. Even though Ling Xiao is strong today, it cannot resist the power of the Emperor's Destiny Curse!


The ancient and mysterious spell was imprinted on Ling Xiao's eyebrows, and a violent wave of divine light erupted in an instant, like a mysterious line, spreading towards Ling Xiao's body, binding Ling Xiao's body around Got up.

Those lines are the laws of the avenue, spreading towards Ling Xiao's flesh, Ling Xiao's Yuanshen and Ling Xiao's fate, as if to seal Ling Xiao completely!

In a flash, Ling Xiao suffered the deadliest crisis!

Whether it is the corpse of the dead, the chain of immortality or the destiny curse of the Emperor, even the sage and even the great sage can't contend. If the average person is hit by this method, he can only obediently capture and let anyone slaughter.

Not to mention, Heavenly Corpse Emperor is still engulfing the blood in Ling Xiao's body, Ling Xiao feels that the vitality in the body is passing by quickly, and the whole person seems to be caught in eternal darkness!

"No! I can't die!"

A trace of madness appeared in Ling Xiao's eyes.

"I still have a lot of things to do! I still have to protect the most important people in my life! I have not set foot on the peak of martial arts, how can I die in their hands?"

Ling Xiao's heart shouted and screamed, and his eyes turned blood red in an instant.

boom! boom!

As if feeling the crisis of Ling Xiao at this moment, Wu Zi Tian Shu shined at this moment, blooming the nine-color Shen Xia, and quickly spread towards his whole body.

And the jade dish made in Lingxiao's knowledge of the This moment is also slightly trembling, a circle of mysterious Daoyun diffuses, as if there are three thousand avenues intertwined, containing indescribable Supreme power!

The blood-colored chain wrapped around Ling Xiao broke into pieces instantly, and all the corpses were poisoned by the wordless book!

The seal formed by Wan Di Suo Ling Tian Ming Curse is unexpectedly strong. Even if the wordless Tianshu and the forged jade dish are shot at the same time, there is no way to smash it.

However, the Wordless Heavenly Script and the Forged Jade Disc are supreme chaotic treasures. Under the suppression of the two great treasures, the Emperor's Locked Destiny Curse is temporarily suppressed!


A horrible wave of divine light erupted on Ling Xiao's body, bursting out thinly, as if to tear the Sifang Sky Dome, making the Wuling King and other people's faces change greatly.


The immortal emperor screamed, and the whole person flew out directly, and most of his whole body's blood hadn't had time to escape, all swallowed by Ling Xiao.

Only a half and a half fled out and re-condensed the appearance of the immortal emperor!

The Emperor Tiancorp also felt the changes in Ling Xiao's body, and his heart was not good. Although Ling Xiao's blood was so delicious for him, he wanted to run away without thinking at this moment.

"Don't you want to **** my blood? Then stay and **** enough!"

Ling Xiao's cold voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the emperor.


Suddenly a vast swallowing force exploded inside Ling Xiao's body. The corpse of the corpse emperor's fangs could not be pulled out, and he was still stuck in Ling Xiao's flesh.

But what made the Heavenly Corpse Emperor's soul dead was that the power of the bloodline in his body surged down his fangs and was swallowed by Ling Xiao!

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