Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2906: All ancestors are lucky, they belong to me!

"Ling Xiao, you must not die!"

The immortal emperor's face changed drastically, his eyes spitting fire, revealing the light of choice.

He knew that with the hatred between him and Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao would never let him go, but he did not expect that Wu Ling Wang was so shameless, fighting side by side in the last second, and betrayed him without hesitation in the next second. .


The immortal emperor didn't want to think about it, and directly turned into a stream of light and wanted to escape.


Ling Xiao's expression was indifferent, and a huge palm print came out in the air, containing all the power fluctuations that destroyed it, and suppressed towards the undead emperor.

The undead emperor had already been hit hard and consumed a lot of life essence. At this moment, there was no way to resist the palm of Ling Xiao, and he was directly shot by Ling Xiao and turned into a blood mist in the void!

The immortal emperor made an extremely miserable voice, and flesh and blood squirmed in the void, as if they were about to condense out of shape again.

"Kill him! I will spare you!"

Ling Xiao looked at the faint voice of Wuling King.


Wu Ling King's heart grieved, and suddenly he gritted his teeth, killing the undead emperor across the sky.

His fist of Wuzu before was extremely damaged, but after a short cultivation, it was considered to have recovered some vitality. At this moment, the undead emperor was once again hit hard by Ling Xiao, and it was naturally not difficult for him to come.

He understands that what Ling Xiao wants is to submit a name!


The Wraith King exuded the atmosphere of the ancient wilderness, with a punch, the blood of the undead Emperor exploded again!

The undead emperor has the blood of the undead demon emperor, and the flesh has the immortal material. It can be reborn with a drop of blood, and as long as there is a drop of blood, it can be continuously reborn.

But this rebirth is consuming the undead material in his body, not infinite, and the Witch King is also completely ruthless, with extremely fierce shots and fatal moves.

The blood and flesh of the undead Emperor continued to explode and rebirth, but in the end it became slower and slower, and he could even see the transparent Yuanshen, his eyes full of terrified expression.

"Ling Xiao, forgive me! I am willing to surrender to you! If you kill me, my father will never let you go. He is the Lord of the Devil, the undead Devil Emperor who suppresses billions of creatures, you are not him at all. Opponent!"

The immortal emperor shrieked inside.

"What about the Undead Devil Emperor? He was hit hard by the Nine Emperors of the human race one after another. At this moment, he doesn't know which mouse hole to hide and heal. Don't be delusional about his ability to save you! Go to death!"

Wu Lingwang sneered, slammed his fist, and the undead prince exploded again!


Under the repeated attacks of the Wuling King, the undead emperor finally could not bear the power of such a ruined land. Even the Yuanshen appeared a dense crack, and in the end it exploded!


Da Luo Tu Juan suddenly flew out of the body of the immortal emperor, radiating a tremendous light, enveloped him, and the chaotic void around him shook violently, as if to break apart.

Large pieces of flesh and blood of the undead emperor were all annihilated, but some flesh and broken primitives were protected by the great Luo Tujuan, who wanted to directly break through the chaotic void and escape from here.

Da Luo Tujuan, this extremely emperor soldier, is also the last reliance of the undead emperor!

As long as he can leave the final battlefield, he can escape.

"Want to escape? Or stay!"

Ling Xiao's faint voice sounded, and the next bright beam of light spewed out from Ling Xiao's eyebrows, exuding the nine-color Shen Xia, instantly covering the dome, a roll of ancient books appeared on the dome, toward Da Luo Tu Juan suppressed.

"A wordless book?!"

The Wraith King was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of awe.

This is the first time Ling Xiao has urged the wordless book with all his strength. Even the big Luotu scroll seems to be suppressed by the light of the wordless book. After all, the battlefield originally suppressed the strength of the imperial imperial soldiers.


Runes shattered apart, even Da Luo Tu Juan could not protect the flesh and soul spirit of the immortal emperor, and the bright enchantment suddenly broke open.

"Do not……"

The eyes of the immortal emperor are full of despair, and the final flesh and soul are instantly swallowed by the wordless book!

Immortal emperor, soul flying!

"Congratulations to Lord Ling Xiao for killing the undead emperor, Megatron!"

Wu Lingwang's face showed a very respectful look, and bowed down directly towards Ling Xiao.


As soon as he gritted his teeth, he flicked his eyebrows suddenly, the bright blood light bloomed, and a ray of natal spirit floated out. It looked exactly like the appearance of the Witch King, and flew towards Lingxiao instantly.

He expressed his surrender with practical actions.

As long as Ling Xiao refines this ray of his life and soul, his life will be controlled by Ling Xiao, and life and death will only be between Ling Xiao's thoughts.

"You are smart!"

Ling Xiao glanced at the Wuling King lightly. At that moment, he really had the idea of ​​killing the Wuling King with a wordless book, but the Wuling King Ruci was so good that he had no reason to do it. Ling Xiao, a wizard, has won the title of the chosen son this time, and he will certainly be able to prove himself as the emperor and become the master of the next era! I am willing to be able to follow Lord Ling Xiao! "

The Wuling King is respectful and authentic.

"Good! Your life is saved!"

Ling Xiao nodded his head lightly, reached out his hand and refined the ray of the mortal spirit of the King of the Witch Soul, and suddenly a mysterious connection occurred between the two. Ling Xiao could feel that as long as he thought about it , The Soul King will be distracted immediately.

And the witch luck above the head of the Wuling King, like a torrent, came toward Lingxiao.


The purple qi in Ling Xiao's whole body rose, and the ray of purple qi was like the chain of order gods, which enveloped his whole body, making him look more and more mysterious.

On top of Ling Xiao's head, there seems to be a purple galaxy, among which there are stars rising and falling, representing the luck of the tens of thousands of people, all gathered at this moment on his Yirao body.


Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt a magnificent purple luck surging, like the vast ocean, so that in the purple galaxy above Ling Xiao's head, there was another bright star, just like the sun exudes Brilliant light.

The purple luck star river seems to be completely completed, filled with endless noble energy.

"Zhao Ri, you..."

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a surprised look, looking at Zhao Ridao.

It was Zhao Ri who gave up his human fortune and gave it to Ling Xiao just now.

"Ling Xiao, this is what you deserve! Thank you. Now that I am in a hatred, my heart is already calm! And you are the real choice and the real hope of my human race!"

Zhao Ri pointed at Ling Xiaodao seriously.

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