Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2912: Heavenly old man!

It was an old man with white hair, dressed in a robe, and his face was ruddy like a baby, and he looked like a fairy bone, and had a temperament that lingered.

Especially his pair of eyes, vicissitudes, ancient, wise and deep, as if through the years and rivers, seeing through the vast red dust, has a sense of freedom.

He came from the chaos, the original shadow was still unreal, but when he walked in front of Ling Xiao, it seemed to have passed through the endless time and space and became real.

"who are you?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, staring at the old man.

He did not feel the slightest bit of cultivation from the old man, but the old man gave him an unfathomable feeling, as if it were the endless sea of ​​chaos, which made people feel throbbing.

"Who am I? This is really a long-term question. The young man who asked me this question last time seemed to be called Emperor Zhuan!"

The white-haired old man smiled slightly, and his expression was very kind.

"Emperor Zhuan?!"

Ling Xiao's heart was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

He once talked to Zhao Ritian, and he also knew that the real name of Emperor Tian is Emperor Zhuan!

This white-haired old man actually called the Emperor Tian as a young man. Could it be that he met the Tian Emperor at the end of the last Demon Era at the General Election Conference?

In this way, the origin of this old man is terrible!

"Senior, Emperor Yan is my emperor's emperor. Didn't the senior meet His Majesty at the last general election? Who is the senior?"

Ling Xiao bowed his hand toward the old man.

He did not feel the slightest hostility from the old man, but instead had a very close atmosphere, which made him more curious about the old man's history.

"Yes! Emperor Zhuan was indeed the son of the last natural election. I did not expect that the kid would be so stunning in the end. Not only did he become a generation of human emperors, but he could really sweep across the heavens and create a human race era! He is indeed The most shocking and beautiful person I have seen since countless eras!"

The old man smiled slightly and said with some emotion.

"As for who I am? Can't you guess?"


The old man's voice just fell, and a vast and majestic Dao rhythm filled the entire body instantly, making the chaotic seas of the four sides trembling violently, and the lines of Dao law filled out, as if they could connect the heavens, together with the world, mysterious Unpredictable.

"This is... this is the breath of heavenly path? Could you just..."

Ling Xiao's whole body was shocked, and there was an incredible shock in his eyes.

From the old man, he actually felt the breath of Three Thousand Avenues, and exuded the power of the world's origin. Facing this old man, Ling Xiao was like facing the world and the world.

This old man, could it be the supreme heavenly path of the heavens and the world? !

This thought shocked Ling Xiao in his heart, and even felt crazy, but it was a very real feeling.

"Yes! I am Heavenly Dao. To be precise, I am the Spirit of Heavenly Dao and the embodiment of Heavenly Dao. Only when the era tribulation is about to appear and the world is about to be destroyed and reborn, can I wake up from a deep sleep!"

The old man smiled slightly.


He stretched out his arms slowly, his five fingers wobbled slightly, and suddenly a rune rose, and a chaotic light exploded directly, opening up an ancient world and giving birth to countless creatures.

With the palm of his hand, the world on the other side suddenly collapsed and returned to chaos.

Behind the old man, Ling Xiao could see that in the chaotic light, an ancient world emerged. The endless world was born and died, but the old man's body exuded an eternal wave of immortality.

Almost instantly, Ling Xiao believed!

This old man was able to control the Three Thousand Avenues, and he could control the chaos of the earth at will. The vast source of breath was endless and endless. Ling Xiao felt that even the great emperor was in front of this old man.

This old man is not heavenly, who will be heavenly?

"Senior Daoist? I originally thought that Tiandao is a regular order, there is no entity, and I did not expect that Tiandao can even be transformed into a person. It seems that the younger generation really sits down and watches the sky!"

Ling Xiao said with emotion.

He felt an atmosphere of the same origin from the Tiandao old man in front of him, and almost immediately understood the meaning of the Son of Heaven.

The so-called Son of Heaven is the person chosen by Heavenly Dao, who is blessed with Heavenly Dao luck and possesses the fortune granted by Heavenly Dao, in order to be able to advance bravely and march forward on the next martial road!

The Heavenly Dao luck on him should come from the Heavenly Daoist old man in front of him, and even the Chaos energy is given by the Heavenly Dao old man, otherwise Ling Xiao will not be so easily sanctified in person.

"Everything has spirits, grasses, mountains and rocks have spirits. Why can't heaven have spirits? Ling Xiao, you can come here, not only because I have chosen you, but also because of your talents and talents. Choose a son!"

Heavenly Old Man smiled lightly.

"Senior Daoist, you are the heavens of these heavens and the world, how come you are here? Is there something I need to do?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he bowed his hands in a courteous manner.

"You don't have to test me, I'm not malicious to you! I am both heaven and nature, omniscient and omnipotent! I appear here, of course, with my mission and waiting for you!"

Tiandao old man looked at Ling Xiao, and his eyes were deep, as if he could see Ling Xiao through one glance.

"Waiting for my arrival?"

Ling Xiao asked with some doubt.

"Yes! Do you know the origin of the election?"

Heavenly old man nodded.

"do not know!"

Ling Xiao shook his The natural selection conference only appeared at the end of the era, in order to maintain the order of these heavens and the world, select the talents with super talents from hundreds of millions of races, and give them the gas Fortunately, it can lead a race to prosperity and create a new era. This is the origin of the Son of Heaven! And you are the 108th Son of Heaven! "

The old man of heaven said slowly, his voice was very calm.

"One hundred and eight? Could it be that the world has gone through 108 eras?"

A shock in Ling Xiao's heart, the mysteries of the heavens told by the old people of Tiandao, also caused him great shock.

An era of hundreds of millions of years, I do not know how many powerful races were born, how many peerless characters, how many prosperous civilization.

One era is long enough to make people forget what happened in the last era. ()

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