Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2391: Hongmeng open sky!


Ling Xiao spoke four words lightly.


The vast purple air around Ling Xiao suddenly became surging, like a thin volcano, and the power of terrifying terror was like a big wave, directly hitting the body of the burning king and the king.


Both the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Sky Burning Flame Sword burst at the same time, and the two of them were too close to Ling Xiao, swept away by the terrifying power of Hongmeng, and were suddenly struck by lightning. Little half of the body was broken, and blood spewed wildly in his mouth.

The Yin Demon Saint King hidden in the dark, and the countless magic shadows he transformed were all annihilated under this blow at the same time, although it was not like the King Ba King and the Burning Heaven King. Ling Xiao's blow, but also suffered some injuries, was directly retreated.

On Ling Xiao's body, the vast purple air rises, as if to explode this void, just like the origin of the world, the power of the beginning of chaos, ancient and mysterious.

"This... this little son of Ling Xiao, is it the rebirth of the ancient emperor?!"

The three Hu Feng were completely shocked.

They originally thought it would be an extremely fierce battle, and at the end of the battle, it was hard to say that Ling Xiao could defeat the three holy kings.

But the result of this battle was far beyond their expectations.

They didn't even think that Ling Xiao's flesh was so horrible. Not only did he block the three Holy Kings' joint blows, but also severely injured them in an instant.

"Is Hongmeng immortal? I have never heard of such a physique! Could it be that Mr. Ling Xiao created it himself?"

Master Zilei suppressed the stormy waves in his heart and said in disbelief.

"I seem to feel a source of heaven, the power of chaos at the beginning! This son of Ling Xiao is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe the ancient emperor is really born again!"

The giant axe also grew his mouth and said.

"Brother Ling Xiao, is it so strong?"

Jin Se's eyes were full of surprises.

Previously in the World of God, Ling Xiaoshan battle, Ling Xiao sacrificed Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, and then barely hurt the Holy King, but now Ling Xiao does not have Ji Dao Emperor soldiers, and Xiu Wei has just reached the completeness of the Sacred Realm, but by himself. The power to suppress the three holy kings!

What kind of fighting power is this?


Ling Xiao's face suddenly turned white, and he grunted, showing a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

This time it's too much to pretend!

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart. He faced such a fierce attack from the three holy kings. He also deliberately wanted to try the power of Hongmeng's immortal body, but the result was that Hongmeng's immortal body did not live up to his expectations. It was so powerful that it not only blocked the attacks of the three holy kings, but also made a great deal of damage to the three holy kings.

But in fact, the attack of the three holy kings also reached the limit of the Hongmeng immortal body, and because his Yuanshen is still a little weak, he also suffered some injuries himself.

Hongmeng's immortality is indeed Ling Xiao's own creation.

The battle in the Lingxiao Mountains was too tragic, especially in the end outside the Demon Realm. Ling Xiao detonated Wuzi Tianshu and Yuanlou Demon King to die together. Ling Xiao was already crushed, and even the soul was scattered.

But the red qi in his body saved him.

Hongmeng Ziqi is the power of the origin at the beginning of chaos, and contains the creation of heaven and earth, the ultimate secret of life. Although Ling Xiao did not know the specific use of Hongmeng Ziqi, Hongmeng Ziqi saved him in endless time and space. Among them, he collected his broken Yuanshen, recondensed his body for him, and led him to the blood yang of Heavenly Prison under the guidance of Mingming.

The blood yang of Heavenly Prison contains a very vast source of life, interacting with Hongmeng Ziqi, and finally due to the double cultivation with Jin Se, Ling Xiao's body regained the balance of yin and yang, and then survived.

Of course, Ling Xiao did not know all this.

All he knows is that after he detonated the Wordless Heavenly Script, the Wordless Heavenly Script, and even all the treasures in his body, such as the jade dish fragments and the Taixu Temple, were completely broken up and played a role in the Hongmeng Ziqi. Below, blended into his flesh.

Ling Xiao did not know exactly what his physical state is now. After the initial fusion of many treasures such as Wordless Heavenly Script, Forged Jade Disc and Taixu Temple, his physical body has even been transformed into a treasure.

This immortal body is the name that Ling Xiao gave to his physical state now.

Hongmeng's open style is also the most powerful technique he realized with Hongmeng's purple energy, combined with his now powerful and perverted flesh!

The fusion of Chaos Treasure and Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers, even if this fusion is only preliminary, but it is not difficult to resist the attack of the Holy King.

It's just that Ling Xiao's Yuanshen is still too weak relative to the flesh, unable to control the perverted Hongmeng immortal body, so he still suffered some injuries.

"He was injured too? I knew that he couldn't stop our attack so easily!"

The Burning Heavenly King, King Overlord, and Yinmo Saint King noticed the blood on the corners of Ling Xiao's mouth, and they couldn't help but lighten their eyes and relieved a little.

If Ling Xiao really blocked the attack of the three of them unscathed, and even hit them easily, then their three holy kings really became a joke.

They now prefer to believe that Ling Xiao is holding on to fight against them, in fact, he has been seriously injured!


The three great holy kings were surrounded by a blazing divine light, and their breath of life was surging, and their broken flesh soon returned to its original state.

In fact, the Holy King has already stood at the pinnacle of the Holy Path, and the Dao fruit in the body has already grown into a towering tree. The source of life is endless, and even if he is injured again, he can recover quickly.

Unless you can kill a holy king directly in a thunder, it is very difficult to kill the holy king.


The three holy kings are all killing in the once again came to Lingxiao.

Everyone who can cultivate to the realm of the Holy King is a strong man with a decisive mind. If he does not reach his goal, he will never give up. As long as Ling Xiao does not have the strength to kill them with one blow, they will have nothing to fear.

On the contrary, they can rely on the vast source of life of the Holy King Realm, and they will die Ling Xiao.

In their view, Ling Xiao is just the cultivation of the sage realm, even if it is extremely powerful, but in the face of such a fierce battle, the speed of power consumption must be faster than them.


The three holy kings exuded monstrous grief, and their eyes were extremely cold. They exhibited Xeon Treasures and came to Lingxiao!

PS: Something happened temporarily last night, so I only changed one chapter. I added two chapters first, and there were three chapters at night. (https:)

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