Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2432: Good luck!

This world was completely boiled because of a guru meeting.

Whether it is the Great Zhou Dynasty or the Mongolian Yuan Empire, whether it is the Jianghu School, or the major families, they are all shocked, shocked by a name.

Ling Xiao!

On the top of the Tianshan Mountain, Ling Xiao suppressed the three Grand Masters and Wushuang Master with his own strength, and released the words to hold the Grand Masters Conference in Taichang Mountain three months later.

You must know that the three most powerful masters in this world are the three most promising masters, and they have also become the most promising existences of broken voids. If the masters are enemies, even the emperor of a country will have to be treated with caution. Yunzi and Murongjin, that's the existence of a proud country.

But now, there has been a trumpet, which has suppressed the three grand masters and the unparalleled sons alone, which makes people shocked and unbelievable.

Could it be that Ling Xiao has reached the state of broken void?

Even more terrifying to everyone is that the three Grand Masters and Wushuang Masters have confessed to the people of the world in person, they have already recognized Ling Xiao as the master, and the news of the Grand Master Assembly came from their mouths.

So during this time, many people came to Taichang Mountain, which was originally inaccessible.

Dynasty, Zongmen, aristocratic family, hidden world strongmen... Whether above the temple, or below the rivers and lakes, they all gave birth to countless curiosity about the name Ling Xiao, thinking about the emergence of such an existence. How much influence and change the world brings.

The guru came, and under the rumors of the three guru and the unparalleled sons, they dared not come.

In addition to the guru, there are many innate and even acquired strongmen who have come to Taichang Mountain. Taichang Mountain, which was originally inaccessible, has become somewhat heated.


The highest mountain in Taichang Mountain, although it is not as beautiful as Taiyi Peak and has the essence of heaven and earth, but it is like a sword in the sky, extremely steep.

Above the Tongtian Peak, there is an ancient pine, a bluestone, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds is misty, peaceful and magnificent.

At this moment, Ling Xiao hugged the embankment, sitting on the bluestone, watching the sea of ​​clouds in front of her eyes exhale, and her body exuded a dusty temperament.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Four sounds of breaking the sky came, and instantly there were figures of Chonglou, Tianyunzi, Murongjin and Wushuang Gongzi, and then respectfully saluted Ling Xiao.

"Master, all the masters in the world, in addition to the four of us, a total of 1,025 people, all together, now under Tongtian Peak!"

Zhonglou respectfully respected Lingxiao for a courtesy.

"Let them all come up! The Guru Meeting is held above this sea of ​​clouds!"

Ling Xiao did not look back, said lightly.


Chonglou nodded and left Tongtianfeng with Murong Jin and Wushuang son to announce Ling Xiao's order.

Only Tian Yunzi was left behind Ling Xiao, and Tian Yunzi's face was full of complexity.

"How did you find out?"

Tian Yunzi looked at Ling Xiao and said slowly, his voice a little deep.

"I can see my origin at a glance. The indigenous people of this world are not so capable! And, Tian Yunzi, don't you think you are too smart?"

Ling Xiao turned back slowly, looking at Tian Yunzi and said, his eyes were calm.

If Tianyunzi didn't have a word, someone might not understand it, but Ling Xiao understood it, and Tian Yunzi also found that Ling Xiao had already seen through his identity.

"I asked myself that I was full of kindness to you, and I didn't take action against you! But I didn't expect you to be so cruel, not even my old man! It's unbelievable!"

Tian Yunzi smiled bitterly.

"Tianyunzi, I'm really curious, how can you survive to the present! But I heard that every generation of Tianyunzi's suzerain is called Tianyunzi, is it because you have practiced some kind of infinite reincarnation exercises? ?Hey, if you let the people of the Heavenly Prison Realm know that Tianyunzi, who has done his best, is living like a mouse here, I don't know what their expression will be!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and there was a trace of fineness in his eyes.

That's right!

The Tianyunzi in front of him is the Tianyunzi in the Heaven Prison Realm, who left a name on the Tianwei Ruyu monument, second only to Tai Yi.

Ling Xiao had long discovered that he was a bit wrong. After much trial and error, Ling Xiao discovered that Tian Yunzi really discovered that he was not a person in this world.

Moreover, from the strange behavior of Tianyunzi, Ling Xiao also guessed Tianyunzi's identity in his heart.

Therefore, regardless of whether Tianyunzi was kind or malicious towards Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao did not make any distinction when he shot, and the three grandmasters suppressed them together!

However, before waiting for Ling Xiao to ask Tian Yunzi, Tian Yunzi himself admitted!

"You are right! I did get a chance to get a rebirth indefinitely! Although I have endless birthdays, do you know? I am still desperate in the face of Taiyi, and I dare not even break even now Void!"

Tian Yunzi sighed softly, without concealing anything, and admitted directly.

"Is Tai Yi very strong? Even if he has been here for countless years, but at most it is a broken void realm? How did he do it and be able to kill so many people?"

Ling Xiao asked seriously.

"The power of Taiyi is beyond your imagination! Although I have never broken the void, but for hundreds of millions of years, I have seen many peerless arrogances in this world, but there is no accident. In the end, the broken void, but all died. In the hands of Taiyi, it turns into the food of Taiyi!"

Tian Yunzi's eyes had a gloomy look.

"Really? So you would rather reincarnate again and again than crush the void to face Tai Yi? You have lost the courage of a battle, or Tai Yi has become your flayer!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

"You're right! Taiyi has indeed become my heart demon. I have reincarnation again and again, hoping to find someone to defeat and even break this side of the world and take me out of here!"

Tai Yi sighed softly.

In the face of Ling Xiao, he did not hide anything, nor did he have any need.

"Then do you think I can beat Taiyi?"

Ling Xiao asked faintly.

"Maybe, so I'm here! But I think your chances are less than half, but I think maybe you are different from others! So this time, I'm here!"

Tian Yunzi said seriously, looking directly at Ling Xiao's eyes, his eyes full of calm.

"Even if it is less than half successful, but I will fight! Tianyunzi, this is the difference between me and you. If I can't overcome Taiyi, I will fight vigorously, otherwise I will reincarnate forever, what is there to die from? the difference?"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes full of sharp colors.

(End of this chapter)

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