Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2436: Martial arts!


Ling Xiao saw that Tian Yunzi's blood was rising around his body, and his eyebrows exuded a radiant light. In his body, there were two qi and yin rising, and then a Kunpeng rose up suddenly, exuding a fierce and fierce atmosphere!

Tianyunzi's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and he soon surpassed the congenital realm, and then broke the congenital with the momentum of breaking through bamboo, entered the realm of the master, and continues to grow stronger.

Chonglou, Murongjin and Wushuang son were followed immediately.

Their hearts are full of ecstasy. After practicing the powerful ideas passed by Ling Xiao, their originally abolished cultivation behavior, not only without any loss, but also began to gradually recover, and became leaps and bounds.

In addition to the four of them, the remaining masters of the masters also felt the power of these ten ideas, and each one began to practice seriously.

In this way, Ling Xiao passed the Shentian Fa on the Tongtian Peak and preached for nine days and nine nights.

During these nine days, the entire Tongtianfeng thunder masterpiece, the divine light rose, and the qi was filled, and the flowers and trees above the Tongtianfeng began to grow crazy, as if suddenly infused with extremely strong vitality.

Above the Tongtian Peak, ancient trees are towering and the trees are shaded, as if transformed into a sea of ​​life, making unimaginable changes.

In nine days' time, all the strong people who have been self-abolishing cultivation have recovered all their strengths after they have cultivated their ideas, and they have become stronger and stronger.

Condensate God Realm, Transform God Realm, False God Realm, True God Realm!

These four realms correspond to the acquired realm, the congenital realm, the guru realm, and the broken void, which is also the spiritual realm of Ling Xiao's creation of Shinto.

Nine days and nine nights, all the masters and masters have the cultivation of the virtual **** realm!

Their spiritual power is extremely powerful, and the hidden tibetan in their bodies begins to be opened, and they use their strong spiritual power to condense the spirits, enter the main tibetan, and control the power of the tibetan, making their spirit and flesh stronger than before.

It can be said that after the abolition of cultivation practice, the original people were almost desperate, but they did not expect to practice the top ten view gates passed down by Ling Xiao, so that their cultivation practice is advancing by leaps and bounds, and their strength is stronger than before.

"Patriarch Ling Xiao!"

"Patriarch Ling Xiao!"

"Patriarch Ling Xiao..."

After nine days and nine nights, when Ling Xiao ended the Shinto teachings, whether it was the four people in Chonglou or the thousands of strong powers of the False God Realm, all of them were trembling, and their eyes were full of extremely fanatical expressions.

They finally understood the greatness of Ling Xiao.

It turned out that this was not Ling Xiao's arrogant self-esteem, but Ling Xiao really created the supreme Shinto, enough to shoulder shoulder with Tai Yi Patriarch, even more than Tai Yi Patriarch.

Originally, everyone was under the oppression of Ling Xiao to abolish their self-cultivation, but at the moment they are all worshipping Ling Xiao from the heart, and naturally call Ling Xiao "the ancestor".

Ling Xiao's eyes slowly opened, which seemed to have a mysterious scene of world development and the evolution of everything, but disappeared without a trace soon.

He looked at the crowd, stretched out a hand and pressed it, and suddenly everyone was quiet, watching Ling Xiao extremely fanatically.

"Starting today, you are all the seeds of Shinto. I hope you can spread Shinto all over the world! Wu Dao is astray. I hope you can save those who have gone astray! You will be the most outstanding disciples of my Shinto, So everyone, work hard!"

Ling Xiao's voice was calm and indifferent, but listening to everyone's ears was like thunder, making them feel like they had been hit with chicken blood, and they were extremely excited.

"Shinto is in prosperity, martial arts are in extinction!"

"Shinto is in prosperity, martial arts are in extinction!"

"Shen Dao is in prosperity, martial arts are in extinction..."

The sound of mountains and tsunamis shook the sky, containing the power swings that destroyed the world, and the incomparable enthusiasm, as if at this moment whoever stood in front of them would be torn to pieces by them.

"Is this...the power of faith?"

Ling Xiao's eyes had a strange look.

He could see that when those people shouted fanatically, there was a mysterious power diffused in them, condensed around Ling Xiao's body, making his whole person look more mysterious and lingered.

Those are the power of faith in legend!

Ling Xiao pioneered Shinto, and all those who practiced Shinto will devoutly visualize the ten Fa-Phases and contribute their own faith, and those Ten Fa-Phases are all incarnations of Ling Xiao, and they visualize the Ten Fas , As if you were thinking about Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao had vaguely realized that Taiyi Patriarch pioneered martial arts and taught mankind to create a new civilization. In essence, it was also collecting the power of faith.

It is a pity that Tai Yi later chose the Broken Void, and did not intentionally make arrangements for this, so the power of faith he collected relied solely on the spontaneous contribution of practitioners of martial arts.

Nonetheless, the power of faith that Tai Yi has gained over these hundreds of millions of years is only afraid that it has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Ling Xiao's creation of Shinto was to break the source of Tai Yi's faith and collect the power of faith to contend with Tai Yi.

Under his conscious arrangement, I am afraid that it will not take long for this world to become a Shinto world!

Although Ling Xiao knows that after contributing the power of faith, these people will never be able to break through to the fourth realm and become the strong of the true **** realm.

But these people are the seeds of Ling Xiao, touching the seeds of a big change in the whole world!

"Patriarchs are assured that ten years from now, there will be no more martial arts in this world! My Shinto is the avenue and the right way! Those who do not practice Shinto are heretics!"

Chonglou knelt down heavily towards Lingxiao's respectful salute, his eyes full of fanatical worship.

If it was said that Chonglou was still a bit selfish, but after Ling Xiao carried out Shinto teaching, he has become Ling Xiao's number one admirer!

"Go! The future of depends on you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, focusing on Chonglou and others leaving Tongtianfeng.

They left, took the ten pictures that Ling Xiao gave them, and Ling Xiao told them to let them spread these ten views to the world for everyone to practice.

The seeds have been sown, and the next is the time for them to exert their strength. Ling Xiao believes that there are so many strong shots. I am afraid that it will not take long for Shinto to become the only cultivation method in this world!

Under Tongtianfeng, the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Mengyuan Empire, the family and Zongmen also witnessed the changes that took place on Tongtianfeng. They were completely stunned at the moment, and their hearts were full of shock.

In just a few days, they witnessed the birth of a peerless Tianjiao comparable to Taiyi Patriarch, and they threatened to destroy martial arts and create the only Shinto.

They shook all over, suppressing the fear that they did not know, but they also vaguely knew that this world was going to be in chaos!

(End of this chapter)

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