Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2438: Wait for 1 person!

"Brother Ling Xiao, and the thirty-six road anti-kings who are in chaos in the state, do all the fuss, am I very powerful?"

With a happy look on his face, he said to Ling Xiao.

"The 囡囡 has always been very powerful! Yes, it is possible to kill thirty-six strong virtual realm at such a fast speed, it seems that you are getting closer and closer to the real realm!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

Over the past ten years, Shinto has become the general trend in the world. Everyone has started to practice Shinto, and no one has to practice martial arts again, as if martial arts has become a taboo.

However, in this process, there are also some people who are unwilling to be lonely and want to claim the supremacy and even challenge Ling Xiao's authority.

Of course, those people failed.

It was like this time that the large-scale 36-way anti-king chaos in Binzhou, and the 36 strong powers of the False God Realm, were killed by the emperor in only three days.

"Miss Nanny is getting stronger! I really don’t know who will be worthy of Miss Nanny in the future!"

Tian Yunzi smiled slightly.

He is one of the few people who can say a few words with Ling Xiao, making the three people in Chonglou extremely jealous, but there is no way.

In recent years, Tian Yunzi has almost acted as a loyal dog-legged role, making plans for Ling Xiao and conquering the world's luck and faith.

Maybe others are not clear, but Tian Yunzi is very clear.

Today's Ling Xiao has gathered the endless luck of the world, and has gained the belief of billions of souls. The power of luck and faith has condensed around him, as if he has condensed an immortal **** body. , So that the strength of his entire person is extremely strong.

Although, Ling Xiao is still only the cultivation base of the virtual **** realm.

But Tian Yunzi knows that even if the strong broken void appears in front of Ling Xiao, there is no slightest accident, and Ling Xiao will be directly slapped to death.

Ling Xiao has only been suppressing his cultivation behavior, accumulating more powerful forces, but facing that terrible enemy!

"I don't want to marry anyone! I will always be with Ling Xiao's brother!"

The little boy blushed and smiled.

"Fuck, you go out with the four of them to experience it! I'm going to go for a walk too, I think this world is getting more and more interesting!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, then slowly stood up from above Tongtian Peak.


After Ling Xiao stood up, the four people in Chonglou couldn't help but feel a huge earthquake, feeling as if the world was overturned, an ancient and wild giant awakened from his sleep, exuding a monstrous momentum, so that they could not help but feel Horrified.

too strong!

Patriarch Ling Xiao, what level has he reached?

"Brother Ling Xiao, I want to go with you!"

Nian said with a small mouth.

"Fuck, good, I have some important things to verify this time. If you want to help me, try to cultivate to the true **** realm!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Seeing Ling Xiao refused, although the girl was a little disappointed in her heart, she also knew that Ling Xiao's temperament was not forcing, but nodded glumly.

"The patriarch is assured that we will take good care of Miss Nanny!"

The four people in Chonglou expressed their position quickly.

"Okay! I'm going!"

Ling Xiao nodded, took a step, and set foot on the sea of ​​clouds. Under the sun, the whole person radiated a dazzling golden light, but everyone felt the flower in front of him, Ling Xiao disappeared silently in all In front of people.

Ling Xiao left.

This was the first time he left ten years later. He wanted to see what secrets he didn't understand in this world.

In the void that no one can see, the vast power of faith flows towards Lingxiao like a waterfall, pouring into his sea of ​​knowledge, even for him to condense a mysterious Yuanshen.

Ling Xiao has now got the luck of the world. The endless luck and the power of faith belong to him. Ling Xiao even feels that he already has the power of the gods.

In his consciousness of the sea, the sentient beings of this world, all thoughts are intertwined and collided in his consciousness of the sea. He is like a omnipresent god, able to survey the ideas of all the creatures in this world.

But after so many years, Ling Xiao has discovered a very important problem.

He did not find the whereabouts of the Ten Great Saint Kings and Hu Feng, Giant Axe, and Zilei sons. They seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, or did not appear on this world at all.

"Perhaps it is said that there is more than one world in this trial? But why is Tai Yi in this world, and those who are on Tianyunzi, Shenxuzi, and even the steles have all left traces in this world? ?"

Ling Xiao's brow furrowed. This is a problem that he still hasn't figured out yet, and it's why he will leave Tongtianfeng.

The top ten holy kings and Hu Feng, Juxue, and Zilei sons all entered the trial world with him, but Ling Xiao did not find any trace of them at all.

However, when Xiao Xiao glanced through the ancient books, he was able to find that those people of the same generation on the stone monument had also left a mark of the same generation in this world.

This is a very contradictory thing, Ling Xiao does not know what is going on.

"Perhaps, is Tai Yi making trouble in it?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

In this way, he walked freely, entered the prosperous city, traveled through the Da Zhou Dynasty, came to the grassland, entered the Mengyuan Empire, and then traveled all over the rivers and lakes, set foot in all corners of the world, and left every corner of the world His footprint.

He had eaten and slept, led the natural power of the world like a mortal, stepped into the thunder and lightning, and once had a meal and a breath, traveling across the world in a blink of an eye, controlling the world.

Sometimes, Ling Xiao felt that he was about to see the secrets hidden in this world, but in the end he always felt that he was almost there, so that he could not break the last layer of fog.

Ten years Xiao returned to the small mountain village under Taichang Mountain.

He is forty years old, his temples are slightly pale, his eyes are no longer clear, and he has become somewhat vicissitudes. Although the source of life in his body is as strong as the sea, it seems that there is no way to block the laws of life and death in this world. He is getting old.

"Brother Ling Xiao, you are back!"

He stood on the stone bridge and watched Ling Xiao appear, his eyes inexplicably surprised.

She is still a blue dress with a graceful posture, which faded the girl's greenness and became mature, like a ripe peach, with a breath of breathlessness all over her body.

Over the years, the name of the goddess goddess has also spread throughout the world, countless talents of extraordinary generations, countless young handsome people, all of them have pursued madly in order to see the face, but they have all been rejected by the emperor.

They did not know that the naughty boy was waiting for someone. (https:)

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