Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2475: Complete despair!

Who is Ling Xiao?

Everyone's heart is full of doubts. They can't imagine why a holy king would willingly call Ling Xiao the master, especially those who are strong in Shinto, and all of them are trembling, and their eyes are full of fear.

Hua Xuan Ling instantly fell like an ice abyss.

He felt as if countless slaps were drawn towards him, making him feel hot on his face, and the words and expressions of Ling Xiao just seemed to become a deep satire.

He had just talked to Ling Xiao, the ancestor of the Holy King representing the Chinese, and even after the collapse of the condition, he sacrificed the Saint King avatar to kill Ling Xiao.

But what I didn't expect was that Ling Xiao summoned a Saint King in a blink of an eye, and shot the Saint King's avatar into a sparse.

"The Holy King is a servant? This... how is this possible?!"

Bo Lin also widened his eyes, full of incredible looks.

The holy king is the king of the holy way, standing at the pinnacle of the holy way. Among the heavens and the world, he can be regarded as a peerless powerhouse. The emperor and the emperor cannot be found out. The holy king is the absolute master.

Even if it is an emperor, it is difficult to make a holy king a slave, and to be able to use the holy king as a servant, perhaps only the supreme emperor can do it!

Naturally, Bo Lin also had the means given to him by the Devil Realm to let him kill Ling Xiao at the right time. He was still waiting for Hua Xuanling's shot, and he thought of gaining profit.

But after seeing the Burning Heavenly King appear, all the thoughts in his heart disappeared, leaving only deep fear!

Above the reincarnation of the sea, Lingxiao stood in the sky, and the King of Burning Heaven respected him before him respectfully. All of them were forced to kneel down on the ground and were shivering like ants.

"Get up!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Burning Heavenly King stood up, standing behind Ling Xiao incomparably, acting as a loyal guardian, looking at Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin and others in front of him with cold eyes.

"Master, do you want me to kill all these ants?"

Burning Heavenly King asked, in his view, these people who are not even in the sainthood are naturally a group of weak ants, and even ants are not as good.

"No need for the time being! These are our baits. If you kill them, how can you catch a big fish?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his eyes indifferent.

He did not expect that God Realm and Demon Realm were so decisive. After learning that he was still alive, he immediately threatened and tempted, and tempted to kill the killer without success.

If Ling Xiao is really just an ordinary saint, he will definitely die in the face of the Divine King.

It's just that God Realm and Devil Real miscalculated his cultivation behavior and the huge power of his men!

"Catch a big fish? Did he want to..."

Both Hua Xuanling and Bo Lin were shocked, and there was an incredible panic in their eyes, they could not help but take a breath.

The Divine Saint King avatars were not taken into account by Ling Xiao, could Ling Xiao still want to deal with the true Saint King?

crazy! He is really crazy!

"Ling Xiao, you die!"

Suddenly there was a hint of madness in Bo Lin's eyes. There was a bright light blooming in his palm, which suddenly soared in the void, turned into a colorful knife light, and the sky cut towards Lingxiao Falling.

That blade of light was unmatched, containing the mighty divine power, as if there was only this single blade of light between heaven and earth, which blocked everything, and even the King of Burning Heaven changed under this sword. It was a bit overshadowed.

"Huh? Is the Ji Dao Emperor's full blow? Devil Realm really can deserve my Ling Xiao! But do you think that with this knife, you can pass the news back to Demon Realm?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with precision, revealing a trace of surprise.

This is the full blow of Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers, which contains the vast Ji Dao Emperor. In the face of this knife, even the Heavenly Saint King is a little dignified. A knife was greeted.

However, Ling Xiao knew that the reason why Po Lin inspired the Ji Dao Emperor's blow was not to kill him, but to break the seal under Ling Xiao's cloth and pass the news back to the Devil Realm.

Although Bo Lin felt that Ling Xiao's so-called big fish fishing was crazy, which made him hard to believe, but after seeing Ling Xiao's eyes, he suddenly had a feeling that Ling Xiao really had the power to slaughter the Holy King!

Bolin knew that he was going to die, but as a Bozen emperor, he must never die so worthless. He must send the news back to the devil world, otherwise he is the sinner of the Bozen emperor!


The vast colorful swords are fierce and unmatched, and contain invincible power, as if instantly breaking through the enchantment of the Burning Heavenly King.

But Bo Lin forgot, the vast vortex in the void still exists, and at this moment there are several extremely powerful breaths rushing out of it, and suddenly turned into nine figures, all exuding the horrible power fluctuations, Directly laid a vast enchantment, enveloping the whole Ares Realm.


The blazing thunder light rose, the chaotic light behind Ling Xiao was filled, and an ancient and mysterious stone monument appeared vaguely, as if it could connect the world and the earth, containing a majestic and terrifying atmosphere, just like a huge prisoner, the whole God of War Realm All wrapped up.

Tianwei is like a prison monument!

After the appearance of the Tianwei Ruyu monument, the colorful sword light seemed to be pumped out of energy, buzzing and trembling, losing any brilliance, and then being bombarded with a fist!

"Want to send a message to Demon Realm? Unfortunately you are still too weak!"

Ling Xiao looked at Po Lindao lightly.

"Meet the master!"

The nine figures were also respectfully saluted toward Ling Xiao.

Nine other holy kings of the heavenly world have also arrived!

"Ten Saints?! This is impossible!"

Bo Lin shouted trembling all over, his face pale and very pale, instantly showing a look of despair.

The nine terrifying figures in the void, like the Saint King of Burning Heaven, are all peerless strongmen in the Holy King Realm!

It turned out that Ling Xiao had ten servants of the Holy King!

And that piece of Tianwei as a prison monument made Bo Lin's heart tremble. Although Ling Xiao didn't have a wordless book, yet there was another extremely emperor soldier in his hand.

How many cards are there on Ling Xiao's body?

"What kind of existence did my Chinese cause?"

Hua Xuanling's eyes were also full of shock, fear, unwillingness and regret. He suddenly felt that the Chinese had provoked Ling Xiao and made an unimaginable mistake, which was even enough to destroy the entire Chinese!

ps: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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