Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2491: Strike the light!

Although Hong Qing’s broken blade is a broken imperial soldier, it is not something that the saint’s physical body can contend with. Everyone thought that Dark Lingxiao would definitely die under this knife, but he did not expect to be caught by Lingxiao’s palm. Living.

"How can his bones be able to contend with impoverished imperial soldiers? How is this possible...!"

Everyone's eyes are full of incredible looks.

Even if the flesh is sanctified and the flesh is strong and powerful, there is a limit. It is impossible to withstand Ji Dao Di Wei. Ji Dao Di Wei is a power without God, and it is the most terrifying killing power in the heavens. It is not something that the strong word can overcome.

But now, Ling Xiao seems to have broken their cognition.

"Damn! How could you stop my Xuanming Slash?"

Hong Qing's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of horror.

Moreover, he found that he had no way to pull the broken blade from between the hands of Dark Lingxiao. The hands of Dark Lingxiao seemed to contain some extremely mysterious power and imprisoned the broken blade.

"If you have a complete Ji Dao imperial soldiers, maybe I am not necessarily your opponent! But the incomplete imperial soldiers dare to arrogant in front of me?"

Dark Ling Xiao sneered a sneer, his eyes were deep and deep, and the cold killing intention permeated.


He sprayed a vast magical light around him, like a sky covering the sky, the unparalleled power sprayed out from his palms, and the broken blade shook violently in an instant.

Dark Lingxiao kicked out of the sky, kicked directly on Hong Qing's chest, kicked him out, and the broken blades all flew away, leaving him out of control.


The eyes of the dark Lingxiao were full of cold killing intentions, bullied himself, and punched Hong Hong with a punch, the punch was strong and unmatched, and contained a monstrous evil spirit, as if to blow the entire devil out of a hole. Come.

He is the dark avatar of Ling Xiao condensed with the original demon bone. The original demon bone is the magic treasure, and even the wordless book has no way to divide it, let alone the incomplete imperial soldiers in the area, naturally impossible to cut Broke Ling Xiao's hands.

Losing the broken blade, Hong Qing is just an ordinary saint. Where is Ling Xiao's opponent? Under this punch, he instantly felt a very strong threat of death.

"Brother Daoguang, save me!"

Hong Qing's eyes inevitably showed a trace of panic, and he could not help shouting.

"Dark Lingxiao, take me a boundless light punch!"

The bright eyes flashed in the eyes of the bright Son, and naturally it was impossible for Hong Qing to die in the hands of Ling Xiao.


He exploded with immense punches all over his body. One punch was suppressed towards Ling Xiao, as if a bright sun had fallen from the sky dome, and Ling Xiao enveloped Ling Xiao.

The infinite amount of light is full of mysterious waves, dispelling all darkness and evil.


Dark Lingxiao didn't even look at the Bright Son, and the other hand squeezed the fist seal and struck in the air. He had a hard touch with the Bright Son, and in an instant inspired the vast wave of divine light, making the Void In violent tremor.

The Bright Son was directly blown out by Dark Lingxiao.

Dark Lingxiao's body seemed to have recovered some kind of violent force, and the whole person was unstoppable, and immediately killed Hong Qing in front of him, and then a lightning fast punch, instantly hit Hong Qing's chest Above.


There was blood in the void, and a huge blood hole appeared in Hong Qing's chest instantly, and he was completely penetrated by Ling Xiao.

Hong Qing's severe coughing of blood in his mouth, his eyes full of terrified expression, even showed a hint of prayer.

"Dark Lingxiao, Hong Qing's brother Hong Zhan is the elder holy elder of the original Devil Sect. If you dare to kill him, Hong Zhan will never let you go!"

Sheng Shengguang shouted and threatened.

The Primal Demon Sect, together with the Undead Demon Sect and the Blood Prison Demon Sect, are called the three most powerful Demon Sects in the Demon Realm. They are the ancestors of the three Devil Emperors. Don't dare to blame him.

The Son of Light has determined that the Dark Devil Sect will not dare to offend the original Devil Sect.

"What about the original Devil Sect? Anyone who offends my Ling Xiao will have to die!"

Dark Lingxiao sneered a bit, did not put the threat of the Bright Son in his heart, and spewed out the violent magic energy in his arm. In a flash, Hong Qing was torn apart, and it was directly exploded into a blood mist, completely There is no bone.

Even Hong Qing's Yuanshen was directly swallowed by Dark Lingxiao in the Dark Ancient Realm.

The disciple of Yuanlou Demon King was so suffocated that he died in the hands of Dark Lingxiao!


Bright Son's face instantly became very ugly. How could he believe that Dark Lingxiao offended the original Demon Sect? That was the supreme holy place where the original Devil Emperor sat.

"Bright Son, it's your turn now!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, and went straight to kill the Son of Light!


The magic light around him rose, the dark breath overwhelming, almost enveloped the entire Yuanling Realm, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, like a peerless fiend.

Dark Lingxiao obtained the Dark Scriptures from the ancient chaotic land. Over the past hundred years, he also cultivated several powerful emperor arts into the state of Dacheng. Although the Light Son was powerful, he was still not Dark Lingxiao's opponent.

Although the Son of Light tried his best to resist, he soon fell into the downwind and became dangerous.

At this moment, except for a few dozen Yuanling tea leaves that were taken away by other saints, most of them fell into the hands of the dark Lingxiao and the bright saint.

" You have seen it! Most of the Yuanling tea leaves have fallen into the hands of Dark Lingxiao, and everyone will follow me to kill Dark Lingxiao. I don’t want the Yuanling tea leaves on him, all For everyone!"

The Son of Light shouted towards the crowd.

Faced with the extreme power of Ling Xiao's horror, he was also a little bit terrified, knowing that he was not an opponent of Dark Ling Xiao at all, and he wanted to call on everyone to deal with Dark Ling Xiao together.

"Do you give us all the Yuanling tea?"

Many saints were suddenly agitated, their eyes glowing, revealing a eager look.

Among them, only a few of them grabbed Yuanling tea. Most people did not get Yuanling tea. They were extremely unwilling. After all, it was related to whether they could break through to the treasure of the Great Saint as soon as possible, even if they knew the dark Ling Xiao is very powerful, but at the moment it's also a little emotional.

Gathering the power of dozens of saints, it may not be possible to cut the darkness!

ps: The third session is over, everyone rests early.

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