Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2510: 3 big demon saints!

   "What kind of pupil surgery is this?"

   The heart of the Black Dragon Sage shuddered, Ling Xiao's eyes made him feel cold all over his body, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes.

   This Ling Xiao is even stronger than he imagined!

   In Ling Xiao's eyes, the sea of ​​clouds in front of him seemed to have all disappeared, leaving only a line of law and mysterious runes intertwined, forming a very ancient array.

   It contains endless energy of Gengjin, which has gathered into a fierce sword light, as if it can destroy everything.

   And the hill that the Black Dragon Sage refers to is indeed the sight.

However, Ling Xiao discovered that the burst of eyes turned out to be a force to suppress the big burst. If the burst was destroyed, the big burst would lose control and it would not be broken immediately, but it would be like an erupting volcano, erupting a terrifying force. , Involved everyone around.

   When the time comes, I am afraid that even a sage will come to an end!

   "Black Dragon Daoist, this formation is not simple, it is not so easy to break the formation, let me try it!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes were very divine, and finally recovered the Yin and Yang divine light, and said slowly to the Black Dragon Sage.

"it is good!"

   Black Dragon Sage nodded.

   He also learned about the formation for a long time, and finally only found the position of the formation, but it was still a mess for breaking the formation. Perhaps this Ling Xiao can really break the big formation?


   Ling Xiao took Long Aotian together, flew towards the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, and suddenly the whole body was covered with clouds and mist, and their figures were completely drowned.


  The sea of ​​clouds was like boiling water, and it began to become turbulent.

As if he was aware of Ling Xiao's invasion, the ancient large array in front of him threw out a fiery glow, and a series of runes ascended and entangled, forming a terrifying storm of divine light, which completely involved Ling Xiao and Long Aotian. among them.

   Void concussion, beams of light rising up from the sky, containing a vast heavenly prestige, so that all the demon clan in the surrounding mountains shivered.

   Ling Xiao, who was in a large formation, was suddenly subjected to the most violent attack by the large formation.

   A sword qi condensed, densely unknowing that there are thousands of dao, each sword qi contains the rune of the avenue, each blow is comparable to the power of the saint, and they fell towards Ling Xiao's body.

   "What a terrifying array!"

  Long Aotian's scalp is numb, and his eyes are full of shock.

   He could feel that the vast sword gas like the ocean, he alone could not contend with it, I am afraid that it would instantly turn into powder.

   Ling Xiao's expression was extremely calm. She was dressed in white and fluttered, standing with Long Aotian on the air. The surging sword qi around him seemed not to be taken by Ling Xiao at all.

   Zheng! Zheng! Zheng...

A sword of energy slashed on Ling Xiao's body, and even made a sound of gold and iron fighting, as if it was cut on the hard **** gold, there was no way to cause any harm to Ling Xiao's body, even There is no way to leave a white seal.

   Ling Xiao was surrounded by a purple divine light, containing an immortal and mysterious charm. Behind him seemed to be an ancient world emerging, swallowing the sky with sword spirit.

  Hongmeng immortal body!

   This is Ling Pei's flesh body is a peerless body condensed from the fusion of Hongmeng Ziqi, Wu Zi Tian Shu and the chemical jade dish.

  Lingxiao took Long Aotian to walk towards the valley, it looked very relaxed.

  If I saw Ling Xiao so easily, he resisted the sky's lawful sword spirit, and I was afraid that the Black Dragon Sage would surprise his eyes.


   It seemed that Ling Xiao was invading the large formation, and the whole large formation began to explode!

   A fierce thunderous light rises, the chain of order gods interweaves, and turns into an extremely powerful attacking force, as if they can return everything to chaos and kill them towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes are extremely fierce. He punches like a dragon, and his body is full of purple energy. Each punch is violent and overbearing. It contains an invincible momentum. It rises like a purple gold Shenyang, attacking all of them. One after another.

   He turned out to resist the killing of the big formation, and took Long Aotian into the big formation!

Outside of the big formation, there was also a hint of turmoil on the black dragon saint's face.

The horrible fluctuations erupted from the Great Array made him feel his scalp tingling. He now regrets that Ling Xiao is going to break the battle. If Ling Xiao died in the big battle, he would like to find A strong ally like this is difficult.

   Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   At this moment, three sounds of breaking the sky sounded.

   The blazing light was thin, a powerful and unmatched breath fell over the mountains, and three breathy figures appeared in front of the Black Dragon Sage.

A young man in a black robe has a cold temperament, and his eyes are as cruel and bloodthirsty as a viper; a boy in a golden robe has a huge head, a short body, and a very ugly face. Dozens of sarcomas, filled with a smelly smell; a glamorous woman wearing a black gauze, with a very hot body, exudes thousands of styles and smiles with a smile.

   "Black Dragon Sage, who is in the big formation? You dare to come here and break the formation without your permission?"

   said the young man in a black robe said coldly, the whole body exudes a cold killing intention.

"Mysterious snake sage, golden toad sage, black fox sage, where will my black dragon want to go, what do I want to do, do you have to report it to you? This is the cave house of my predecessor of the dragon family, and the inheritance can only be obtained by the people of my dragon family !"

   The Black Dragon Sage sneered, his voice was extremely domineering, and there were rebellious fluctuations all over his body.

   This is the real dragon clan, tyrannical, overbearing, majestic and ruthless!

   Before the Black Dragon Sage faced Ling Xiao's courteous It was completely pretended, and now it is his true look!

   "Dongfu of your predecessor of the Dragon clan? I yuck! Black dragon, you rarely put gold on your face! You have been cast out of the dragon clan yourself, and you are no longer a dragon clan, and your face is called by the dragon clan?"

   said the black snake saint disdainfully.

"Black Dragon, did you invite the people in the large formation to break the line? This is a terrifying horror, not ordinary people can break it! I advise you to cooperate with us and break the line together, in the cave house We share equally, how?

  Jin Chan Sage looked at the surging large array in front of him and said slowly.

   "Hee hee... Brother Heilong, why are you running alone? Don't wait for the younger sister, it makes people sad!"

   The Black Fox Sage giggled and said with a wink at the Black Dragon Sage.

   "Sao Fox!"

The Black Dragon Sage scolded in a dark voice. The Black Fox Sage's amorous temperament, even he can't hold it, but he still coughed a sneer and said with a sneer: "What you said is light, if you can Breaking the array, I’m afraid I’ve already started it? It’s not because you are not sure! Don’t say it so nice, the treasure in this cave house has nothing to do with you!"


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