Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2819: Retrograde slaughter, kill emperor!

"Master Kunwu, don't you really plan to intervene? The Lord of Reincarnation and the ancestors of the Chinese people are both emperors and powerful men. If they all died in Ling Xiao's hands, it would be great for the human race. loss!"

Above the God Realm, in the endless chaotic void, a handsome middle-aged man dressed in a robe, with a trace of intolerance in his eyes, sighed.

Beside him, the chaos is misty and shrouded in a mysterious figure. Although he can't see his face clearly, he is tall and as tall as an ancient mountain, as if he can propagate chaos.

Especially those eyes are vicissitudes and bright, as if they contain traces of endless years, and the imprint of the road is as thick and immortal as mountains.

"Jiang Yuyang, you need to understand that the human race needs them, but they don't need the human race!"

Lord Kun Wu said lightly.

"Hey...I also understand! They are indeed damn, for the sake of their own self-interest, they must obliterate the sons of my human race! But they are after all the powerful emperor realm, the era of catastrophe is coming, our human race is still too weak!"

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly.

He understands the meaning of Lord Kunwu. Lord Kunwu did not intend to intervene in this battle, and looking at the meaning of Lord Kunwu, he wanted to regard the reincarnation master and the Chinese emperor as Ling Xiao's whetstones.

Speaking of this, Lord Kunwu really values ​​Ling Xiao!

"Human races are weak and need self-improvement! In these years, human races are too comfortable, there is no threat from foreign enemies, no **** battles, and it is impossible to create an emperor! The era of catastrophe is a disaster for the human race, but it is also an opportunity! If a great emperor could be born, he would be better than a thousand emperors and ten thousand emperors!"

Lord Kun Wu said lightly.

"I understand! I hope this battle can teach those immortal holy places a lesson!"

Jiang Yuyang nodded.

"Jiang Yuyang, you are about to cross the emperor's robbery, right? The old man is not enough to protect you. When this battle is over, you can go to Ling Xiao and let him protect the law for you. It should be able to make you a safe breakthrough! I want to go Take a trip there!"

Lord Kun Wu said slowly.

"Okay! Where? Could the situation deteriorate again?"

Jiang Yuyang's complexion could not help changing.

"No! It should be Van Gogh Emperor Road to start again. This should be the last time Van Gogh Emperor Road has opened before the heavens and the worlds have completely merged! This time there will be a great fortune to be born. This may also be the greatest opportunity for the human race. You can Tell Ling Xiao that he is qualified to fight for Vanguard Road!"

Lord Kun Wu said.

"Emperor Emperor Road? Emperor Emperor Road? Good! You are right, perhaps Ling Xiao is really the most promising one! But his cultivation and accumulation are still a little bit worse. Hope that when Emperor Emperor Road opens, he Can go one step further!"

Jiang Yuyang was shocked and took a deep breath, revealing a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Void chaos.

Seeing Ling Xiao killing, the face of the Lord of Reincarnation changed greatly.

He was destroyed twice by Ling Xiao, and he was also the dominant force of Ling Xiao. Cultivation was almost about to fall from the emperor's realm. Where could he be Ling Xiao's opponent?

He just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.


However, the two divine emperors of Tianwei, such as the prison monument and the compass of the years, came out from the sky. The divine emperor Wei interweave and slammed against the six samsaras, causing the six samsaras to tremble violently.

Yuanshen, the Lord of Reincarnation, wants to urge six reincarnation coffins to break through the void and escape from here, but it is very difficult to do.

"Samsara Lord, don't waste your time!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, Ling Kong punched out, and the purple fist seal contained all the power to destroy it, and instantly covered the Yuanshen, the **** of reincarnation.

"Ling Xiao, do you dare to kill me? My reincarnation ancestor will not let you go!"

The reincarnation's primordial expression Li Nei roared, his eyes full of terrified look.

In the end, the great fear between life and death cannot be escaped.

The Lord of Reincarnation finally reached the emperor's realm, how could he be willing to die in Ling Xiao's hands?

"Reincarnation ancestor? If he doesn't know life or death, I will send him to see you! But today, no one can save you!"

Ling Xiao's face was indifferent, and the purple fist print came down.


The primordial spirit of the reincarnation master trembles violently, and the protective enchantment formed by the six samsara coffins trembles, as if they will break at any time.

However, with the suppression of Tianwei as a prison monument and years of compass, it is difficult for the six-way samsara to continue to protect the samsara, so that there is a trace of fear in the eyes of the samsara.

"Ling Xiao, you let me go! I will no longer be an enemy with you, don't kill me... I am the emperor of the human race, and I can resist the invasion of the demons..."

Under the threat of life and death, the Lord of Reincarnation's incredibly difficult opening revealed a hint of prayer in his eyes.

He was completely scared!

He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die like that.

There was a trace of regret in his heart. If he weren't enemies with Ling Xiao, how could he end up so badly?


Ling Xiao said lightly.


The powerful enchantment formed by the six sacrificial sacrificial caskets shattered apart, and Ling Xiao's unmatched fist marks were crushed down, directly blasting on the Yuanshen, the Lord of Reincarnation.

The prince of the reincarnation trembles violently, and finally breaks apart.


In the palm of Ling Xiao, there is a vast fire that swallowed the sky, and instantly shattered the broken soul of the reincarnation master, and directly wiped out the true spirit and consciousness of the reincarnation master!

Lord of reincarnation, die!

In the God Realm, the sky is shaking, the void roars, the law of the avenue comes, and the sky drops blood and rain, as if weeping for the fall of the Lord of Reincarnation.

The emperor and the strong touched the origin of the avenue, and every move contained the heaven and earth avenue, so after the fall, it will naturally cause the world to interact with each other.

"The Lord of Reincarnation, has fallen?!"

In the **** realm, everyone's eyes are terrified.

Although they had expected it for a long time, the scene of seeing the reincarnation master killed by Ling Xiao was very shocking!

An emperor and a strong man, so fell into the hands of Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao took a step returned from the chaos of the void, reappeared in the sky above God Realm, exudes a mighty momentum, as bright as the sun.

No one dared to stare at them, and they all lowered their heads, their eyes full of awe.

"The Lord of Reincarnation is dead, everyone listens to my orders and kills the enemy of the eight super powers!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and his eyes fell on the panicked eight super powers. The cold voice said, directly ordered strongly.

"Respect the Lord's Command! Kill!"

"Respect the Lord's Order! Kill!"


Many of the Tianzun and the saint's legion under Ling Xiao slammed their voices, and their eyes were full of fanatical worship, full of warfare, and they were like a torrent in a flash, towards the power of the eight super powers. Kill them!

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