Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2841: Run away from the wind!

The news that Ling Xiao extinguished the Nineth Emperor Que, as if he had wings, spread quickly throughout the entire world of God.

In the spirit world, everyone's attention is placed on Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao can be said to be the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone wants to see how the grievance between Ling Xiao and the major immortal holy places should end.

But they did not expect that Ling Xiao actually went to the door to ask for guilt, and the first one to destroy the nineth Emperor Que!

Among the twelve immortal holy places, the Ninefold Emperor Que is definitely not the weakest one, and it is the immortal holy place among the incomparably strong and overbearing. The Ninefold Emperor Que, which is known to have been inherited by the Heavenly Emperor and the Lei Emperor, has always regarded itself as orthodox. .

The Lei Di Jing is even more famous as God Realm, but it is Lei Di's no legacy.

But this is the Nineth Emperor Que, was still destroyed by Ling Xiao!

"It's so miserable! The Nineth Emperor Que originally thought that relying on the Heavenly Penalty Knife and the Nineth Heavenly Penalty Grand Array would be able to block Ling Xiao's attack, but he didn't expect that Ling Xiao had the Heavenly Penalty Secret Technique, and even directly fell into the Nineth Emperor Que. , Even the severance of many Tianzun strong men, and even the dispatch of the Heavenly Penalty Army, were completely wiped out by the whole army!"

Someone experienced the battle of Emperor Jiuzhong and slowly told him that his eyes were full of unabashed awe.

"Jiuzhong Emperor Que has been wiped out by the Tuzong? It turned out that Ling Xiao really did it! Now that the Jiuzhong Emperor Que has been wiped out, it's time to go down to that one's turn? Tianjuzong? Five Elements Tianzong? Or the Chinese ?"

"The background of the Godless Formation and the Sect Gate is the last resort of these immortal holy places! Now, the Godless Formation has no effect on Ling Xiao, and those immortal holy places are just afraid to panic!"

"I just don't know what choice they made. Did they choose to bow their heads to Ling Xiao, or choose to fight desperately?"

"Then there will be the Chinese, the Heavenly Mantra, the Five Elements Heavenly Sect, and the Space-Time Heavenly Gate. These four immortal shrines can be said to have always been in the state of the Union. I don’t know if they will respond to Lingxiao’s so fierce revenge!"

"There are thirty Heavenly Sovereign strongmen under the command of Ling Xiao, and the Army of 100,000 Saints. If there is no Godless Formation, it is enough to destroy any immortal holy place! I think they are afraid that they will choose a compromise!"

"Ling Xiao is really terrifying, and deserved to be the Son of Heaven! I am afraid he will replace the Ninefold Emperor Que and become another immortal holy place! From now on, no one will dare to ignore Ling Xiao in God Realm!"

"But Ling Xiao is cruel and murderous, has no mind, and ignores the overall situation. Such a person is still so powerful. I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to my race?"


Everyone was discussing the battle of the Nineth Emperor Que and also speculating about Ling Xiao's next move.

The Nineth Emperor Que was destroyed.

Everyone was shocked and didn’t have much thoughts. This was mainly because the Nineth Emperor Que was arrogant and arrogant on weekdays. The criticism in God Realm was not good. Everyone held a wait-and-see attitude towards the destruction of the Nineth Emperor Que. Attitude.

Ling Xiao's reputation is getting stronger and stronger, and it has become the world's attention that has attracted the world's attention. Every move affects the eyes of the entire God Realm!

"Damn it! Ling Xiao, he was able to dissolve the Nine Chongtian penalty punishment and directly into the Nine Chongdi Que? I'm afraid our Godless Array can't stop his footsteps. He has a wordless book and has twelve days of merit. Mystery, if we understand the origin of the five elements, our godless array can't help him!"

Among the five elements of Tianzong, many high-level figures showed a panicked look.

The destruction of the Nineth Emperor Que was completely frightened by them!

There are four immortal sacred places in the heaven domain of the Qing Dynasty, namely the Temple of War, the Ninefold Emperor Que, the Celestial Sect and the Five Elements Tianzong!

Now that the Ninth Emperor Que is destroyed, I am afraid that it will be their turn and the Heavenly Mantra Sect!

"Continuing to stay can only be a dead end! We will never bow our heads to zero, and now we will bring the treasures of the Zongmen, with all the elder disciples, we will go to Daluo Tianyu to find the Chinese!"

"Yes! Although Ling Xiao is strong, but he is definitely unable to break through the twelve gods of the Chinese clan! If he dares to go to the Chinese clan, he is a dead end!"

"Go, we will fight against the Chinese and Ling Xiao!"


Wu Xing Tianzong's high-level officials finally decided to go to Daluo Tianyu to take refuge with the Chinese, and could not stay and sit dead.

In addition to the Five Elements Heaven Sect, the Heaven Mantra Sect and the Space-Time Heaven Gate also received news that the Nineth Emperor Que had been defeated, and finally chose to go to Daluo Tianyu and seek refuge in the Chinese ancestral homeland.

There is an ally relationship between them. It can be said that they are both glorious and harmless, and they have the deepest hatred with Ling Xiao.

They knew that at this time, they were soft to Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao might be hard to let them go, and they were not willing to bow their heads to Ling Xiao.

They placed all their hopes on the Chinese, hoping that the Chinese could block Ling Xiao's attack and even kill Ling Xiao completely!

Soon, the people of God Realm were very surprised to find that the three immortal holy places of Wuxing Tianzong, Tianmanzong, and Space-Time Heavenly Gate abandoned the mountain gate, and all of them disappeared, and all chose to escape to Daluo Tianyu.

"Do they want to fight against the Chinese and Ling Xiao?"

"They are also afraid of Ling Xiao! Ling Xiao destroyed the Nineth Emperor Que, and they can only stay the same as the Nineth Emperor Que to stay!"

"What Ling Xiao hates most is the Chinese, who will definitely lead the powerful under his command to the Chinese, I am afraid this will be an earth-shattering showdown!"

"I don't know who wins or loses between Ling Xiao and the Chinese!"

"Walk around, we will also go to Daluo Tianyu! Such a terrifying battle, definitely not to be missed!"


In the God Realm, many strong people are extremely excited and excited after receiving the news, and want to witness this battle with their own eyes.

Everyone rushed towards Daluo Tianyu.

Ninefold Emperor Que.

Ling Xiao obtained the complete inheritance of the Lei Emperor's Scriptures from the Tibetan Scripture Hall. The Lei Emperor's Scriptures were indeed a Godless Scripture, which contained the Heavenly Punishment Avenue, but directly referred to the inheritance of the Godlessness.

Moreover, Lei Di is strong and overbearing, and his power is unmatched~ Zhiyang Zhigang is the most powerful offensive technique, several of which have no gods technique, which makes Ling Xiao heart-bound.

The most important thing is that the Lei Di Jing is the key to control the Sky Penalty Knife. With the inheritance of the Lei Di Jing, Ling Xiao can refine the Sky Penalty Knife.

There are countless treasures in the treasure trove of the Nineth Emperor Que, all of which were searched and scrapped by Ling Xiao's powerful men and sent to Ling Xiao.

All kinds of heavenly materials and treasures, all kinds of powerful magic weapons and all kinds of immortal amulet make people look dazzled.

Ling Xiao became more and more convinced that the Ninefold Emperor Que might have obtained the treasure house of the ancient heavenly court, because there were even a few pieces of imperial emperor soldiers in it!

In addition, Ling Xiao got two pieces of powerful Jidao metal, which is a treasure for refining Jidao Emperor soldiers, which made him heart moved.

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