Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2850: Emperor Kunwu Mountain!

As for why the emperor of Kunwu Mountain could not break through to the realm of the emperor, the reasons are diverse, but no one knows.

However, the older generations are all fanatical admirers of Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

However, this is the first time that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain has manifested in front of everyone. Before that, the emperor of Kunwu Mountain had not revealed his true body in public.

Everyone was extremely excited and excited, and the Chinese and the strong men of the three immortal holy places all looked like they saw a savior, and their eyes were very excited.

"Senior Kunwu saves life! Ling Xiao He colluded with the demon clan, wantonly slaughtered my clan strong man, has already wiped out the Ninefold Emperor Que, and now has to destroy the Chinese and the three immortal holy places, he is to destroy the pillars of my clan. what!"

"Master Kunwu, please take action to kill Ling Xiao!"

"Senior Kunwu, Ling Xiao will not die, my God Realm will never have peace!"


The Chinese and the three respectable and strong men of the three immortal holy places salute the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, their eyes showing the color of prayer.

At the same time, they all gave a cold look to Ling Xiao, the emperor of Kunwu Mountain came, and Ling Xiao will die!

Emperor Kunwu Mountain is not an emperor, like an emperor, they do not think Ling Xiao will be an opponent of Emperor Kunwu Mountain!

The emperor Kunwu Mountain attached great importance to the human race, and has always been the guardian of the human race, and certainly will not allow Ling Xiao to spread wild here.

Everyone's eyes also showed a strange look.

Lord Kunwu is coming, is it really because Ling Xiao broke into the Chinese ancestral land, want to stop Ling Xiao?

In this way, I am afraid that Ling Xiao is dangerous!


After seeing the Emperor Kunwu Mountain, the White Dragon Horse suddenly shivered, and his eyes were full of excitement. It instantly turned into a flash of lightning and shot towards the Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

The white dragon horse was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of admiration. He rushed to the emperor of Kunwu Mountain and rubbed the arm of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain with his head, which was extremely intimate and dependent.

"Emperor, I finally saw you again!"

Bai Longma's voice even choked up, like a wanderer who had been away from home for a long time, and was excited when he saw his parents and relatives.

"Xiao Bai, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that you have grown to such a level. It's good, good!"

Emperor Kunwu touched the head of the white dragon horse and smiled slightly.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

Bailongma is actually an old man with the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, and it seems to have a close relationship, Ling Xiao?

Everyone's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, and some kind of speculation appeared in his heart.

Ling Xiao looked calm and took a deep breath. Ling Kong came to the emperor of Kunwu Mountain and walked in a respectful manner: "Younger Ling Xiao, see Senior Kunwu! I haven't seen it in more than two hundred years, Senior Still the same style!"

Ling Xiao's words made everyone's heart sink, especially the Chinese and the three immortal holy places, all of them were like dead fathers and mothers, their faces were extremely ugly, and their eyes were full of incredible looks.

Ling Xiao and Emperor Kunwu Mountain are also old people?

How can this be?

"Ling Xiao, you are very good, you have done better than I thought!"

Emperor Kunwu Mountain smiled slightly, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

More than two hundred years ago, Ling Xiao was not even a **** realm, it was just the cultivation of the realm. The emperor of Kunwu Mountain and Ling Xiao met a lot and gave much guidance to Ling Xiao, but even the emperor of Kunwu Mountain did not expect it. In just two hundred years, Ling Xiao has grown to such a level.

Sure enough, he is the son of heaven!

He read the wrong person!

"Thank you Senior! I don’t know what happened to Senior today? Could it be because I attacked the Chinese and the three immortal holy places?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Yes, I did come here for this matter! Ling Xiao, how about the grievances between you and their four major forces?"

Emperor Kunwu nodded.

"Okay! Everything depends on the seniors!"

Ling Xiao nodded without hesitation.

He believed that Emperor Kunwu Mountain would not come here for no reason. He also believed that Emperor Kunwu Mountain would give him a fair explanation.

"it is good!"

Emperor Kunwu smiled slightly, his eyes showing a look of admiration.

He slowly turned around, his eyes fell on the Chinese and the people of the three immortal holy places. His eyes were very gentle, but all the four forces could not help but feel tight.

Even Emperor Kunwu Mountain and Ling Xiao are old friends. Could it be that they really have no way to live today?

However, with the generosity and kindness of the emperor Kunwu Mountain, should they leave a ray of life for them?

"I didn't expect that the arrogance of the young Chinese generation, who is known as the King of Heaven, would collaborate with the fairy family! I was really disappointed!"

There was a trace of disappointment in the eyes of Emperor Kunwu Mountain, and he said slowly.

The words of Emperor Kunwu Mountain were like a thunder, which instantly shocked everyone, and his eyes were full of shock.

Huatianchong collused with the fairy family?

The news was so explosive that everyone who had exploded for a while did not respond.

What is a fairy?

Although many people feel unfamiliar with the Immortal Clan, as more and more aliens invade the God Realm, many ancient secrets are uncovered, and many people gradually understand other races in the Heavens and the Worlds.

Immortals, claiming to be more powerful and ancient races than demons, the master of the first era!

But for the human race, the non-human race must have a different heart, whether it is a fairy race or a demon race, all are alien races.

Collusion with aliens is not good for the human race, that is the traitor of the human race!

Hua Tianchong betrayed the human race?

The Chinese are descendants of the Great Emperor of Heaven, how could this be done?

However, the emperor Kunwu Mountain seemed to have no intention of explaining to everyone, and his eyes were extremely deep, falling on the Chinese and the three immortal holy places.

"Now, I suspect that you have a spy among the clan! So next, I will cast a mystery to shine on the heavens. Don't resist, otherwise, you will die if you die!"

Emperor Kunwu said lightly.

The Chinese and the three immortal sacred places are all a commotion, and all of them have panic-stricken expressions in their eyes.

Not only did the emperor Kunwu Mountain come forward for them, they even suspected that they had spies from the fairy clan. They wanted to investigate them and make them look like mourners one by one, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Senior Kunwu, are you mistaken? Hua Tianchong is my patriarch's current patriarch. How could I collude with the fairy? My Hua nationality is a descendant of the emperor of the capital, and it is impossible to betray the human race anyway!"

A Chinese ancestral ancestor salutes the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

"It is precisely because you are descendants of the Great Emperor of the Heavenly Capital, so some of you colluded with the Immortal Clan to make people even more disappointed! Make no mistake, and you will find out later!"

Emperor Kunwu said lightly, showing an unprecedented strength!

Emperor Kunwu Mountain's attitude to everyone today is that he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

"Unexpectedly, did the fairy clan make Master Kunwu so cautious?"

Ling Xiao also moved in his heart. He knew the power of the fairy family, but he did not expect the emperor of Kunwu Mountain to be so cautious, as if he was extremely afraid of the fairy family.

(End of this chapter)

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