Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2874: The stars hold the moon!

Xue Wei was the first time he came to the Heavenly World. Although Jinse had been there once two hundred years ago, it has completely changed its appearance.

The center of the Heavenly Prison Realm, in front of Ling Xiao, is a vast heavenly palace, Qionglou Yuyu, pavilions, pavilions, auspicious air transpiration, immortal mist filled, magnificent.

This is Ling Xiao Tian Ting, the core of the entire heaven prison world.

In the heavenly palace, there is a giant tree towering into the clouds, exuding a vast and majestic breath of life, like the pillar of heaven, ancient and mysterious.

The innate spirit root brought by Ling Xiao from the God of War Realm, Wu Dao tree!

The Taoist tree is rooted in the earth, the trunk is like a pillar of heaven, the crown of the tree is covering the sky, and the verdant leaves shake with the breeze, making a clear and pleasant sound like a wind chime.

At this moment, the vast Tianwei and Thunder came from under the Tao tree.


Ling Xiao picked up the eternal life, and rushed towards Jindao Tree together with Jinse and Xuewei!


Wu Daoshu towered into the clouds, shrouded in a bright light, and Ruiqi steamed out, looking peaceful and serene.

But at the moment, under the Tao tree, a girl in Tsing Yi was sitting. The girl looked about sixteen or seven years old, her skin was as white as jade, and her face was pretty. At this moment, her body was filled with saints and she had broken through to the realm of saints.

The thunder above the void intertwined, and a thunder fell continuously, slashing on her.

The Tsing Yi girl is Ling Sisi, Ling Xiao's sister!

And Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan are standing not far away at this moment, looking at Ling Sisidu Holy Tribulation with great expectation.

"My Ling Xiao's sister, how can you pass such a common holy robbery? I'll add some material to you!"

Ling Xiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a smile.


I saw Ling Xiao volley a finger, and the fierce thunder in the void suddenly exploded.

Like the eruption of a volcano, the endless thunder and light rise, intertwined with each other, containing the atmosphere of destruction of all fluctuations, and at the same time there is a vast sky of punishment rising.

Ling Sisi's small face suddenly turned white. She was originally confident in crossing the Holy Tribulation. Where did she think that the Holy Tribulation suddenly became so violent, so that she felt a great pressure, there was a strong Threat.

Of course she didn't find Ling Xiao, so she didn't know why the Holy Tribulation would suddenly become like this!

"It's just a holy robbery, what can I do? My Ling Sisi is the sister of Heavenly Emperor, all get away!"

Ling Sisi drank a low voice, a stubborn look in her eyes.

Although her small face was pale, at this moment she suddenly urged her whole body to practice, and her palms pushed out horizontally, as if a piece of five-elements divine light emerged, and turned into a piece of heaven-and-death five-element palm print, powerful and unmatched.

"Five Elements Sealed Heavenly Style? It's a pity that the practitioners aren't home yet!"

Ling Xiao laughed to herself.

"Brother Ling Xiao, you are so scared, if she knows, she will definitely be troubled with you!"

Jin Se said helplessly.

She didn't know where the bad taste came from Ling Xiao, so she scared her sister so much.

"Relax! I'm helping her to make her holy robbery stronger, and the road ahead will be wider!"

Ling Xiao laughed, and then took a shot with Ling Kong.


Ling Xiao cultivated the Lei Emperor's Sutra and took control of the heavenly punishment. It was like Lei Emperor came between the shots, making that holy robbery terrifying, instantly smashing Ling Sisi's five-element seal, and then it was like a thunder and lightning. Through the void, it shot directly into Ling Sisi's body.

Ling Sisi's fierce thunder rose around her, and she was suddenly shrouded in endless lightning.

"not good!"

Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan couldn't help but change their faces, their eyes showed a very worried look.

"Father and mother, don't worry, Sisi will be fine!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, the voice passed into the ears of Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan.


Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan were shocked, and suddenly raised their heads. They suddenly saw Ling Xiao, Jin Se, Xue Wei and Chang Sheng floating from the void, and appeared in front of them.

There was an extremely excited look in their eyes.

Ling Xiao is back!

Ling Xiao's journey was hundreds of years ago. He took Long Aotian to leave the Heavenly Prison Realm a hundred years ago and went to the Demon Realm. They did not expect Ling Xiao to leave for so long.

During these hundred years, they have been very worried about Ling Xiao, and did not expect Ling Xiao to finally return!

"Father and mother, you are not filial, so you are worried!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile, there was a warm surge in his heart.

This is the feeling of home!

that's nice!

"Grandpa and Grandma are good!"

Longevity looked at Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan timidly, incomparably well-behaved, whispering milkyly.


Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan glanced at each other, and suddenly they seemed to think of something, and their eyes suddenly showed surprise and inexplicable look.

"Father and mother, I forgot to introduce you! These two are Jinse and Xuewei, you should have all seen them, they are my wife! This little guy is a longevity, and I and Jinse's daughter!"

Ling Xiao said quickly.

"Eternal life? Really good, come and hug grandma!"

Mengmeng's cute little longevity suddenly made Long Hanyan's heart almost squint, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes were full of joy. He couldn't help but **** the longevity from Ling Xiao's hands. He was very careful. In your arms.

Ling Zhen, who was originally very serious and restrained, was also at a loss at the moment, his eyes full of excitement and excitement.

As soon as the Changsheng little princess was out of the horse, Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan suddenly forgot Ling Xiao's existence. Even Ling Sisi had left her behind, and all her thoughts were put on Changsheng.


At this moment, the thunderous sky turned into a majestic source of thunder, and it was integrated into Ling Sisi's body, so that Ling Sisi's cultivation began to soar in an instant.

Ling Sisi's breath rose throughout the body, and the thunder and lightning were fiercely eye-catching, and his cultivation practice even climbed from the beginning of the saint realm to the peak of the saint realm in one breath!

Although Ling Xiao was a bit of a horror and scared Ling Sisi, she still wanted to improve her behavior.

"Brother, are you back?"

Ling Sisi also discovered Ling Xiao at this moment, and suddenly couldn't care about the breath of his body, and there was blazing lightning throughout his body. The whole person was extremely excited, just like a lark, and directly pounced towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao embraced Sisi in her arms, her eyes full of indulgent smiles: "My Sisi has now become a big It is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Brother, I am a saint now! Who dares to bully you in the future, I will help you teach him!"

Ling Sisi said with great pride.

But her eyes quickly fell on Changsheng, and she asked curiously, "Huh? Who is that lovely little girl? Willn't your brother be your illegitimate girl? Are you worthy of Jinse's sister-in-law? I despise you! But this little girl looks really like you and is very cute. But my father and mother are also really, even I don’t care about the holy robbery, I am very hurt!"

Ling Sisi's words made Ling Xiao's forehead full of black lines.

PS: Thirdly, everyone take a break early. Yesterday's less three will be made up tomorrow.

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