Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2879: 1 legendary life!

Ling Xiao felt that he had fallen into a big pit, and it was the big pit dug by Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu Mountain.

Let's first review Lei Ling's magnificent life.

Lei Ling, male, casual repair, parents died, orphans, grew up in a small mountain village, and then inadvertently stepped into Xiu Xian Realm, got countless adventures and opportunities, and gradually grew into a powerful player in the fairy world By!

Lei Ling has also become a fairy king of purple sky!

However, in the fairy world, the fairy king can only be regarded as a powerful person, the fairy king is the overlord, and the fairy king is the invincible strongman who suppresses the fairy gate. In Immortal Realm can be considered inconspicuous.

At first glance, Leiling is indeed a very good object of disguise. The cultivation base is not too high or conspicuous. It is not the imperial family and the powerful immortal gates in the fairy world. It can just let Ling Xiao safely blend into the fairy world. .

But this is only the surface of Ralink.

Ling Xiao merged all the memories of Lei Ling only to find that although Lei Ling is only a loose repair, but in the fairy world, it is more conspicuous than those of the Xianmen, and it has the title of Merry Fairy King.

With a handsome and handsome appearance and sweet eloquence, Lei Ling has hundreds of women in the fairy world!

The most important thing is that the women are almost all married women, all the mates of the powerful, there are the wife of the Xianmen palm, the elder wife of the emperor, and the wife of the master of the evil door, so Ling Xiao is dazzled and almost dazzling It's an eye-opener.

It's just that so many people are colluding with Leiling. They don't know each other's existence.

Ling Xiao squeezed cold sweat for Lei Ling. This guy was brave enough to walk on the edge of the cliff. A little carelessness is the end of the disaster.

Those strong guys are at least fairy kings, fairy kings, and even fairy kings. Lei Ling's bravery is absolutely no taboo.

For this kind of skill, Ling Xiao can only say that it is better to sigh!

However, Lei Ling is indeed very smart. He only hooks up with married women and loves his wife. He never hooks up with the virgins and celestial virgins. This also ensures that he will not be exposed to the greatest extent.

Moreover, relying on the resources provided by those strong compatriots, Leiling broke through to the realm of the fairy king in just a few thousand years, and it is also called genius in the fairy world.

At the thought of becoming Lei Ling, he had to face hundreds of beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, and Ling Xiao felt his scalp numb.

The most important thing is that Lei Ling was forced to leave the fairy world this time.

As the so-called often walk by the river, how can there be wet shoes?

Lei Ling hooked on the daughter of the leader of the evil god, and let the daughter of the leader die to him, even stealing the supreme magic of the **** of **** to practice.

At the same time, Lei Ling was brave and courageous. He also hooked up with the goddess of the deity, and the lady of the deity took the supreme **** of the deity to Lei Ling for Lei Ling's improvement.

Footing two boats at the same time, Lei Ling was so beautiful in her heart that she didn't even know that she was already flaming her upper body.

At a chance, the daughter and wife of the cult leader met!

Next, Leiling's lies were naturally revealed.

Leiling was naturally frightened by death. As the top force in the fairy world, the evil gods could compete with the supreme immortal gate. The leader of the evil gods was the strongest of the fairy kingdom. Is this enough?

However, the leader of the evil gods did not know.

Although the daughter and wife of the leader of the evil gods gritted their teeth at Leiling, they only found a leader and sent a strong man of the gods to chase down Leiling, and did not hunt for it.

Lei Ling felt that Immortal Realm was unsafe, so he was frightened to escape from Immortal Realm, but was stared at by Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu Mountain, followed by, and was caught in God Realm.

Now, it is extremely suffocating death in Ling Xiao's hands, even the fairy roots were taken away by Ling Xiao, Yuanshen was swallowed by Ling Xiao.

A generation of romantic fairy king, Zixiao fairy king, died silently like this, ending his legendary life!

But the point is, Ling Xiao inherited Lei Ling's identity, how to return to the fairyland? I am afraid that as soon as I return to the fairyland, the next thing I have to face is the celestial net of evil gods.

Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu Mountain apparently had searched the soul of Lei Ling and knew these things about Lei Ling, but did not tell Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is angry now.

The thought of entering the fairyland and facing the messy things Lei Ling left behind, Ling Xiao felt a big head.

"Cough... Ling Xiao, we really don't know this, we just know that Lei Ling has hooked up a lot of women, but he doesn't know that he is in such a situation now!"

Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu Mountain were also a little embarrassed, Jiang Yuyang smiled bitterly.

"We are ambushing outside the fairyland, but the strongmen coming out of the fairyland are the strongmen of the major fairy gates. If they are arrested rashly, they will surely be known by the fairy gate! Only Lei Ling is a loose repairer, and we I didn't expect him to cause so much trouble!"

Emperor Kunwu Mountain also smiled bitterly.

At this point, they did not deceive Ling Xiao.

Jiang Yuyang searched the soul of Lei Ling, but only looked at his shallow memory, but did not look at Lei Ling's deep memory. He did not know about Lei Ling's pickled things.

After listening to Ling Xiao's story, both of them were dumbfounded!

Feeling Lei Ling is a mouse crossing the street. He left the fairy world only when he couldn't mix in the fairy world.

"Ling Xiao, this matter is not completely unsolvable, and it is also good for you! As far as I know, Immortal Realm is not a harmony. There are nine immortal gates in the immortal world, there are various emperors, but there are also several cults and immortals. Doors contend, those cults of cults are all called cults of gods, and are called heretics of the fairy world. In fact, they should be descended from the gods!

If you can mix into the evil gods, you might have a lot of gains! Of course, this time it was our I didn’t expect this Lei Ling to offend the two great figures of the evil gods at the same time, we don’t want you to be in danger, so you can choose to give up going to the fairy world! "

Emperor Kunwu said slowly.

"Is the descendant of the Protoss? The evil **** religion is just what Xianmen calls them. They call themselves ancient **** religion! You mean, let me use the contradiction between these cults and the Xianmen?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved.

He once obtained the Protoss Seal in the General Election, and he is still in his Yuanshen, but he has not studied the use of the Protoss Seal. If he encounters the Protoss in the fairy world, he may be able to solve it. The mystery of the **** clan seal is opened.

But when I think of the things that Leiling does, Ling Xiao feels that the egg hurts!

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