Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2884: I can't hold it since ancient times!

Ling Xiao held the Yunxi Saint in her arms, but she refused her heart.

In his mind, the faces of Jinse and Xuewei appeared involuntarily, and the lovely little girl of Changsheng, could not help but shudder in his heart, and a trace of guilt poured out.

"Cough...I'm just an expedient measure, and I always have Jinse and Xuewei in Ling Xiao's heart!"

Ling Xiao said silently.

He felt the joy in Yunxi's saint's heart, judging by Leiling's experience, he felt almost waiting.


The light flashed in the palm of Ling Xiao, and a red-red flower appeared, and the petals were lanceolate, which looked crystal-clear, like a flowing flame, but it exuded a somewhat strange atmosphere.

This flower contains immense and mysterious energy. As soon as it appears in the void, it illuminates the surroundings.

"Yunxi, what do you think this is?"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"This is... Manju Sahua?!"

The Yunxi Saint was shocked, and her eyes showed surprise and inexplicable expression.

Manzhushahua, also known as the flower on the other side, legendary blooms on both sides of the Yellow Spring River, contains the mystery of life and death, has the effect of resurrection, extremely mysterious.

With Manzhushahua, the other side of the Divine Pill can be refined, not only can it be brought back to life, but also has a mysterious magical effect on the origin of the Taoist Avenue.

However, there is no Manzhushahua in the fairyland, because there is no Huangquan River in the fairyland.

"Yunxi, I know you have always wanted to get Manju Sahua, you want to refine the other side of the pill, save your mother! So this time, I left the fairy world, after nine deaths, and finally collected for you by the Huangquan River Do you like this manjuju?

Ling Xiao looked at Yunxi very affectionately and said.

This Doman Zhushahua was actually obtained by Leiling inadvertently. Originally, he also wanted to find an opportunity to please the Yunxi sage, so as to deceive the ancient gods of the Supreme God's Sutra from the Yunxi sage, but did not expect In the end it was cheaper Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao learned Lei Ling's tone and said this extremely nasty words, both in tone and expression, incomparably in place.

At the beginning, Ling Xiao felt very ashamed, but when talking about Ling Xiao, she got used to it.

Could it be that I still have talent in this area?

Ling Xiao thought somewhat proudly.

"Lei Lang, did you leave the fairy world to collect Manju Sahua for me? You are so good to me! I blame me badly, I shouldn’t doubt you, because the old **** flirted with her. We are so good! I am looking for an opportunity to kill Fuyao's old woman and be angry for Lei Lang!"

The Yunxi saint was very moved, her eyes were watery, full of endless affection, and she was very happy.

At this moment, she no longer has any doubts.

The legendary Huangquan River is extremely dangerous. It can be said that it is a life of nine deaths. In order to help her collect Manju Shahua, Lei Lang spared no time to leave the fairyland and experienced countless hardships to get Manzhu Shahua.

This unswerving affection made the Yunxi saint directly fall.

"Cough, Yunxi, I know your heart! But Fuyao is the wife of the leader, your stepmother. In the gods, you have a powerful power. You can't resist her, and you need to accumulate strength and wait for you to control the gods. After that, it's not too late to deal with her!"

Ling Xiao coughed softly and said a little guilty.

"Okay! Or Lei Lang, you're good to me, Lei Lang, will you come back to me with me? My dad should be out of the border soon. When he gets out of the border, I will take you to see him and let him Host the big wedding for us! Then let my father pass me the position of leader, and you will be the leader and I will be the wife of the leader!"

Yunxi looked at Ling Xiao and said with expectation.

"Is the ancient religion going out?"

Ling Xiao shuddered in his heart, and suddenly felt some scalp tingling.

Gu Tongtian is a great figure in the fairy world. Although Ling Xiao does not know how strong his cultivation is, but the ancient gods can compete with Taiyi Xianmen, one of the nine major immortal gates, for many years without falling down. It can be seen that Gu Tongtian’s strength must be Incomparably scary.

Lei Ling not only slept with his daughter, but also slept with his wife. If he really saw Gu Tongtian and was found to have a problem by Gu Tongtian, then Ling Xiao, even if he had ten lives, was not enough to kill Gu Tongtian.

You can’t go to ancient gods, and you can’t go!

"Cough, that Yunxi! I have made an oath that I will only marry you in this life! But I am not Lingling, and if I just marry you like this, what will others say? Others will definitely Said I was greedy for the power of ancient gods!

It doesn't matter what others say, but I don't allow them to say you! So I have made an oath. When I broke into the realm of the fairy monarch, I went to the ancient gods and asked the ancient master to kiss him. Then, whoever dared to say more than half a word would kill him directly!

So Yunxi, although you are my favorite person, I don’t want to be separated from you, but I can’t go to ancient gods now! I plan to travel through the fairyland, look for opportunities, hone my body, break through to the fairyland as soon as possible, and then go to the ancient gods to raise relatives! Yunxi, you are waiting for me in the ancient gods! "

Ling Xiaoyi said eloquently, he was so arrogant, and all over him exuded a kind of kingly power, so that Yunxi could see his eyes full of stars and full of worship.

"Lei Lang, I really haven't misunderstood you! You are so good to me. Let's do this. I will travel with you to the fairy world so that we can never separate!"

Yunxi said affectionately.

Ling Xiao jumped in his heart and quickly said: "No! Yunxi, you can't just be with me indistinctly, I want to consider for your reputation, and I Lei Ling want the whole fairy world to know, I Lei Ling It is also the arrogant king of the younger generation, who has the ability to preach the fairy monarch, and is qualified to be your Yunxi saint! So Yunxi, you go back to the ancient gods first, I will definitely go to raise the relatives! It’s a token of love between me and you!"

Ling Xiao's expression was very determined, and he put Manzhushahua directly in the palm of the Yunxi saint.

"Well! Lei Lang, I will listen to you!"

The Saint of Yunxi has been stunned by Ling Xiao’s arrogance Where will Ling Xiao be rejected at this moment? Nodded and agreed.

What's more, Yunxi Shengnv felt that Lei Lang came back from outside the fairy world this time and became more masculine. The kind of tyrannical domineering power made her extremely fascinated.

"Yunxi, waiting for me in ancient **** religion, I'm gone!"

Ling Xiao grabbed Yun Xi's shoulders, stared at Yun Xi's eyes and said seriously, then hugged Yun Xi in his arms. After a while, Ling Xiao went away in the sky without any trace of nostalgia.

"My man in Yunxi is so handsome!"

Yunxi grasped Manzhushahua in his hand and looked at Ling Xiao's back, his cheeks flushed and muttered to himself.

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