Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3018: Under the Hill: 36 Gods!

The Protoss seal is the supreme power of the Protoss.

In ancient times, the Protoss seal and the Dinghua Ding were called the two great treasures of the Protoss.

It's just that after the battle between the ancient Protoss and the Immortals, not only were the fortunes broken into countless pieces, but even the Protoss seal was lost.

In the end, Ling Xiao was recognized by the God Race Seal in the ancient chaotic land, and then came to the God Race.

This may also be the destiny between him and Protoss.

Today, Ling Xiao is preparing to use the Divine Seal to break the imprisonment of the blood of the thirty-six disciples of the ancient gods, let them reborn and undergo the ultimate transformation.

Although the ancestral **** spring is extremely precious, it contains a vast source of power, which can promote the cultivation of the gods, but what Ling Xiao lacks most is not the power of the source.

Ling Xiao is now embarking on a road of integration. He needs to get the fruit of Three Thousand Avenues, and then gather together to walk out of his own way.

For Ling Xiao, for Ling Xiao, it is just to raise the source of life, which is not very helpful to him.

But for the thirty-six disciples of ancient gods, it is different. Such a magnificent ancestral spring is enough for Ling Xiao to use the Divine Seal to open the blood and imprisonment for all of them and become a true Divine!

This is their greatest creation!

As soon as the Protoss seal was printed, the thirty-six Protoss strongmen, led by Fujiyama, all felt the blood flow in their bodies, and there seemed to be a throbbing deep inside.

The Protoss seal made them feel familiar, dignified and mysterious.


Ling Xiao screamed indifferently, and the Protoss seal was like a mountain, and the rumbling came!

The Protoss seal floated above the heads of their thirty-six people, and the Protoss luck was rising, and they were all connected together as one, and a mysterious line appeared on the top of their heads.

That is the line of destiny and the line of cause and effect.

Those mysterious lines merged into the Divine Seal, which instantly radiated the Divine Seal.

Above the Divine Seal, the haze of chaos rises, as if a mysterious scene has emerged. The twelve ancient worlds rise, and in each side of the world, there is a shadow of the invincible ancestor god.

Rumble! Devour

Ancestral Spring started to boil.

The golden ancestral spring trembles violently, radiating unmatched brilliance, and then, as if giving birth to spirituality, it began to drill into the body of thirty-six people.

Headed by Fujiyama, the breath of their thirty-six people began to soar instantly.

The ancestral **** springs poured into their bodies, began to refine their flesh, condense their meridians, and enhance their qualifications, and finally merged into the **** bones above their chests just like the flow of Baichuan.

boom! boom! boom……

Their tremendous tremor of bones, after absorbing those **** springs, was like a dry earth for a long time, met Gan Lin, and then began to shine endlessly.

In an instant, it was like thirty-six suns, breaking through the darkness, rising up, blazing fiercely.

Their breath is getting stronger and stronger, like a volcano about to erupt, a **** wave of terrifying blood erupts.


It was like some kind of power in the midst was touched. They were all dazzling and dazzling, but they had a mysterious black chain emerged.

The black chains imprisoned their blood, imprisoned their **** bones, and even stretched into their lives.

With the existence of this black chain, they also sealed the road to prove their emperor.

Therefore, since these countless epochs, the Protoss has been extremely weak, and those who can prove to be emperors are only a handful.

And those protoss who had the chance to testify had great chances and great fortunes, and they inadvertently broke through the imprisonment of the blood to get the testimony.

But their endings are not good, they are eyeed by the fairy.

Even if the Tongtian Great Emperor is so gorgeous, he even has the invincible potential of the Tu Tu, condensing the Tongtian Four Immortal Swords, so that the Protoss can see the hope of rising.

But in the end, Great Emperor Tongtian failed.

The power of the fairy family is definitely not as simple as it seems.


In the void, Ling Xiao screamed, and he radiated immeasurable light all over his body, and urged the God Race Seal with all his strength.

The powers of the Protoss Seal and the Ancestral God Spring merged into one, and with the help of the Protoss's powerful luck, thirty-six columns of light for luck were instantly formed and directly infused into the bodies of thirty-six people including Fujiyama.


Their breath erupted like a volcano!

The black chain imprisoned above their blood was impacted by the beam of Qi Yunguang, trembling violently, Weng Ming rang, and finally there was a crack in the wire, and then it broke directly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Thirty-six strong people of the Protoss clan spewed out immeasurable light all over their bodies, and the **** bones on their chests were extremely bright.

It was like the accumulation of power for countless years, which suddenly broke out, making each of them feel a sense of joy and joy!

There was a roar of excitement in their mouths, like thunder, shaking the sky.

This world that is about to be destroyed is shaking.

Then Ling Xiao saw it.

The majestic energy in the ancestral springs, like the flow of the Baichuan, is flowing madly towards their bodies.

They are like a whale swallowing the sea, engulfing a lot of original power.

The powerhouse of the fairy king realm broke through to the realm of the immortal king almost instantaneously, and it continues to skyrocket.

This breakthrough in cultivation is too fast.

But what has changed even more is not their cultivation, but their spirit.

At this moment, their thirty-six people, like a peerless sword with thirty-six handles, radiate a dazzling glory!

His body is as tall as a dragon, the breath of his body is as vast as the sea, and the breath of his whole body is condensed like substance, his eyes are sharp and unmatched, bright and radiant, and the whole person sweeps the gloomy spirit, as if he has become a peerless genius.

"Okay! Since today, their qualifications are only afraid that they are no less than War Dust and No Marks!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed in his The look in his eyes was full of relief.

This is the protoss he created, the most powerful warrior of the protoss.

These people were originally just the most common disciples in ancient **** religion. After all, their cultivation practices were mostly stagnant for a long time, and they were not allowed to enter. This time they were selected and used as cannon fodder.

But Ling Xiao gave them a chance to reborn, and they did not live up to Ling Xiao's expectations.

After this transformation, they have undergone tremendous changes in terms of cultivation, spirit, and even combat power.

And their loyalty to Ling Xiao also reached the extreme.

They are thirty-six **** generals under the constellation of Xiaoxiao!

Invincible God!

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