Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3022: Kill the four-word sword trick!


Ling Xiao also had the sound of a sword singing on his body, and the Killing Immortal Sword was born in the sky. He killed the Sword in his whole body, and the Slaughtering Immortal Sword greeted him towards the Zhuxian Sword.

The two swords of peerless killing were completely collided at this moment.


The unmatched divine light was thin and hundreds of millions of swordsmanships were annihilated at the same time, but Ling Xiao felt a surge of mighty force, which made him fly involuntarily.

Even the killing fairy sword in Ling Xiao's hands is buzzing.

In front of him, the saint of the heart of the sword, like a rainbow, with the same shape, holding the Zhuxian sword and striking in the air, his eyes were sharp.

"Sword Skill!"

As he screamed, the sword light rose again, and this time the speed was faster and the power was stronger. The swordsmanship in the sky was turbulent, as if there were thousands of sword lights split in an instant.

Each one is a real force, connected to each other, forming a vast array of swords, which enveloped Ling Xiao.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng...

The sound of the sword rang through the sky, Ling Xiao, who was in the midst of hundreds of thousands of sword qi, cut with one sword in one hand, erupted with unmatched fist in one hand, and annihilated the violent sword light around him.

But the speed of those sword lights was too fast, and they were still chopped on Ling Xiao's body, tearing his flesh, and bones were visible, revealing the bones of purple light.

In an instant, Ling Xiao was like being late, and there were countless scars around him.

Seeing that the battle between Ling Xiao and Shengxin Son was so tragic, everyone watching the battle also showed an incredible look in their eyes.

"Jian Xin Sheng Zi deserves to be a natural sword body, he has completely refined Zhu Xian Jian? He just cast the Da Zhu Xian Shu and Da Xian Xian Shu? The kind of violent and terrifying sword spirit, I think even if it is Immortal monarchs are the most powerful in the four heavens and five heavens, right?"

"Yes! I didn't expect that the battle between them was so fierce, this is just a few tricks, and the Son of Sword Heart has taken the absolute upper hand!"

"It seems that this Leiling is going to lose!"

In the fairy demon cave, many powerful elders talked in discourse, and their eyes were full of amazing expressions.

The disciples of the Six Great Protestants are filled with extremely worried looks.

Lord Son of God, can we really do miracles?

"Jianxin? Such a pure sword intention, such a sincere heart of kendo, if I met you before, I am afraid it will be difficult to beat you! But now, you are not my opponent!"

In a ruined world, Taiyuan slowly opened his eyes, as if there were yin and yang qi flowing in his eyes.

He looked at the battlefield in mid-air, his eyes flashed in his eyes, and his eyes showed a very powerful fighting intention.

As for Ling Xiao, he didn't even look at it.

In his view, I am afraid that Lei Ling is not an opponent of Jianxin Shengzi at all, and the characters like ants are not worth his shot.


The sky's destruction of the sword was broken, and Ling Xiao flew out, his body flesh and blood was blurred, and the crystal purple skeleton was exposed, which seemed to be very embarrassed.


But Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely bright. He laughed and laughed, his whole body was surging, the majestic life was surging, and his flesh soon returned to its original state.

It seemed to be embarrassing, but all he suffered was a bruise.

Unless he can really penetrate his heart and eyebrows, ruining the source of his life and the immortal spirit, it is impossible to cause much harm to him.

Ling Xiao's body contains endless sources of life, and has reached the point of rebirth with blood, and the scars of skin and flesh are nothing to him.

Moreover, even if Zhuxian Jianqi rushed into his body to wreak havoc, but with Ling Xiao's operation of swallowing the heavenly mystery, engulfing the origin of the explosion, even Zhuxian Jianqi can be refined by him.

Ling Xiao hasn't tried his best, he just wants to see what is special about this sword-hearted son.

Especially, what is it that makes him feel the palpitations?

"Lei Ling, if you don't try your best, you will have no chance!"

Jianxin Shengzi's sword intention rose around him, more and more horrible, his eyes were like electricity, staring at Ling Xiao coldly.

"Really? Then let me see your strongest kendo!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his whole body fisted up, but in his eyebrows, the fifteen Dao Guo were as dazzling as the sun, exuding the power of frightening fear.

"as you wish!"

The sword awn rose among the eyes of the sword-hearted son, and the Zhuxian sword in his hand shook violently.

"Don't you want to know, what is my strongest kendo? Let me tell you!"

The sound of the sword-hearted son sounded like a sword, clank.

"The reason why I am more qualified than you is to get the Tongtian Sword Diagram, not because of the blood, not because of the race, but because of my sword. One day, I can surpass the Tongtian Great Emperor!"

There was a fiery eye-catching edge among the eyes of the sword-hearted son.

That is a force called ambition, or confidence.

"Knife-killing swordsmanship!"

"Awesome swordsmanship!"

With the two successive bursts of sacredness from the sword-hearted Saint Child, among the Zhuxian swords in his hand, the violent Jidao Diwei broke out completely.

The mighty sword was soaring, and the two swords traversed the void in an instant, like two dragons, slashing towards Ling Xiao.

A killing sword spirit.

An extinct sword gas.

The killing sword gas was exactly the same as Ling Xiao's Daxianxianshu.

"With your own strength, have you realized the Daxian Xianshu and Dajue Xianshu?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with fine mans.

He finally knew where the sword-hearted Son relied.

Although there are only Dazhu Xianshu and Daxian Xianshu in Tongtianxianmen, Jianxin Shengzi relies on two big xianshu, and he stupidly performed the big kill xianshu and dajue xianshu.

This kind of qualification is too much!

"No! This is my four-word swordsmanship, not the four heavenly magic techniques!"

Jianxin Shengzi's eyes were sharp, and the two swords were full of vitality, instantly submerging Ling Xiao.


The sword spirit rises, the sword light seems to wipe out the endless world, and contains the ultimate killing the terror is extremely extreme.

The two swords are intertwined, making the power of Zhuxian sword seem more terrifying.

The void battlefield is trembling violently. If it wasn't for the Emperor Tongtian, it would have been completely destroyed.


And Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, the sky emptied, the space was suddenly broken, and a vast passage emerged, as if leading to the endless world.


At the same time, Ling Xiao drank a loud voice in his mouth, and suddenly a long river came across the void, enveloped the two sword qi, and then sent into the depths of the endless world.

The fierce and terrifying sword spirit was instantly buried by the power of time and years.

"Are you practicing space and time?"

There was a flash of shock in the eyes of the sword-hearted son.

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