Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3024: 1 gasification 3 clear!


When the battle reached its fiercest time, Ling Xiao and Jianxin Shengzi's shots were extremely fierce, and the moves were directed at the other party's key points.

The sword spirit ascends, making the surroundings seem to be a sea of ​​sword energy. Each sword energy can kill any powerful person below the fairy king realm. Hundreds of million sword spirits are intertwined, even the fairy strong person will be instantly There is no accident.

This is a field of lore and a sea of ​​swords.

If you change the other fairy king strong, I am afraid that I have long been desperate, there is no way to persevere, the whole person will be engulfed by the sword intention of the sword heart saint.

But Ling Xiao’s fist is even more vast. Although he did not expose the fifteen Dao fruits, his fist is from his immortal body, which merged the power of all paths to form a chaotic image. The vastness rises.

Although Ling Xiao did not use the fist of the epoch, every punch and every form contained the great power of great destruction.

The interweaving of fist and sword qi eventually ended in annihilation.

Ling Xiao seemed to turn into a purple group of light, and he continually greeted the overwhelming attack of the four sword-hearted saints.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

On Ling Xiao's double fists, the flesh and blood have completely disappeared, leaving only the purple Qi fist bones, his bones can shake the immortal sword hard, so it is not what those sword qi can destroy.

On Ling Xiao's chest, chaotic light was blooming, which was the power of Chaos God Bone, which firmly protected his heart and the origin of life.

Ling Xiao's eyebrows are brilliant, not only protected by the Wordless Book, but also blessed by fifteen Daoguo, swallowing the source of the sky can swallow everything, even if the four swords are killed by the slaughter, they will be refined by the swallowing source. Eventually became part of Ling Xiao itself.

Therefore, in the battle between Ling Xiao and Saint Heart Sword Son, it seemed that Ling Xiao was covered with blood and flesh, and was injured by Jian Qi, but in fact Ling Xiao suffered only skin trauma.

Although the four sword-hearted saints attacked extremely fiercely, there was no way to cause fatal damage to Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao and Sheng Xin Sheng Zi are like dragons and dragons. On the surrounding void battlefield, the chaotic light is surging, and it seems that it has evolved an ancient world.

The mountains and rivers are vast and the earth is vast.

Ling Xiao and Sword Heart Saint Child directly entered the ancient world from the void battlefield. Between their hands and feet, the mountains and rivers capsized and the earth sank.

When Jian Qi was swept away, dozens of mountains were annihilated at the same time.

As soon as the fist print is printed, hundreds of millions of stars fall on the earth.

That ancient world was quickly destroyed, but the void battlefield evolved into a side world again, Ling Xiao and Sword Heart Son seemed to be trapped in an endless world.

But their war was not at all restrained by the world. Sword qi and boxing intentions kept destroying one world after another.

Both Ling Xiao and Jian Xin Sheng Zi are insane, and the five figures are like five eternal and shining suns, constantly intertwined with each other.

Saint Heart of Sword Heart seemed to feel the strangeness of Ling Xiao's body. Apart from the shock in his heart, his murderous intention became more and more vigorous.

The four kendo swords are sharp and intertwined, raging like a dragon, and constantly attacking Ling Xiao's chest and head.

The battle between Ling Xiao and Shengxin Son completely shocked everyone watching the battle.

In the fairy demon cave, whether it is a person of the fairy family or a person of the **** family, there is a look of awe in their eyes.

Although it was only a projection of the void, and although they only saw the scene above the battlefield of the void, they had no doubt that if they were in the battlefield, they might die instantly.

Even Taiyuan in the world of ruins has a very dignified and shocked look in his eyes.

"One Qi and Three Qing Techniques? This is my highest inheritance of Taiyi Xianmen. How can Jianxin be?"

Taiyuan's face was extremely ugly, and there was a trace of anger in his face.

The technique of one gasification and three cleansing, he has also practiced, and also refined three avatars, which he regarded as the hole card.

So before he saw the battle between Ling Xiao and Jianxin Shengzi, he was still able to suppress Jianxin Shengzi.

But now, his heart is shocked and angry, extremely complicated.

His one-gasification and three-clearing technique, the three avatars evolved, are only capable of exerting 80% of the body's strength.

However, Sword Heart Son didn't know where to learn the technique of one gasification and three cleansings, and the condensed avatar actually had ten percent of the power of the body.

Today, Taiyuan Shengzi has little confidence in facing such a sword heart.

Not to mention Leiling, who was not in his eyes at all. This Leiling was just a short time after breaking through the fairy monarch, and there was only a heavy cultivation of the fairy monarch realm.

But now, this Lei Ling has shown incomparable combat strength, even if he is fighting with the four great sword-hearted sons, he will not fall.

"Leiling? Jianxin? You all have to die!"

Taiyuan Shengzi's eyes revealed an extremely rich murder, and felt a strong threat.

Xianmo cave.

The elders of the Nine Great Immortal Gate and the Six Great Divine Churches were also moved, and were shocked by the tragic and shock of this battle.

But the Taiqing son of Taiyi Immortal Gate was a flash in his eyes. He looked at Ning Wuji and said lightly: "Ning Zhangjiao can explain the technique of qi and sanqing on Jianxin, where did it come from? ?"

Although his voice was indifferent, many people heard the coldness.

After all, the technique of one gasification and three cleansing is the highest inheritance of Taiyi Xianmen. There are few people in Taiyi Xianmen who are qualified to practice.

But now, the sword-hearted son of Tongtianxianmen has even practiced the gasification Sanqing technique, which is simply hitting the face of Taiyi Xianmen.

"Brother Taiqingzi, I don't know this either. But Jianxin didn't evaporate the technique of Sanqing before. I guess he only feared what inheritance was in the fairy demon cave, so he learned it. After all, There are countless inheritances in the fairy cave, only those with virtue and ability can live!"

Ning Wuji laughed Hope so! "

Taiqingzi gave Ning Wuji a deep look.

After all, he does not have any evidence to prove that the skill of Jianxin Shengzi's Qiqi Sanqing comes from Taiyi Xianmen.

Perhaps it is really the inheritance of Jianxin Shengzi in the fairy demon cave.

Tai Qingzi wrote it down for the time being and did not delve into it.

"Taiqingzi Dao Brother, it is this Leiling that actually condenses the time and space Daoguo, but this is the fifth highest road in the three thousand avenues, the space and time avenue. If this son is not removed, it will be a threat to my immortal gate. !"

Ning Wuji's eyes flashed, and said lightly.

"Time and space Dao Guo? Does Mo Feining believe that Jianxin will be defeated by Leiling's hand?"

Taiqingzi said lightly.

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