Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3029: Condense the sword embryo!


That strong sword spirit rose up, covering Ling Xiao as a whole, forming a peerless coercion, terrifying to the extreme.

Ling Xiao seemed to be walking on top of hundreds of millions of gods, and every step was like a sky cracking, with a thunderous roar.

The chaos and mist all around, and Jianmang fell like rain on him, fierce and unmatched, as if to be able to destroy everything.


The sound of gold and iron clashes sounded, and those swords and awns left a white stamp on Ling Xiao's body, and even blood stains spread out, showing the horror of those swords and thorns.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao's physical strength, changing any other emperor and powerful person, I'm afraid he couldn't even get close to the sword embryo, he would be torn directly by Jianmang.

"What a horrible sword intention! Just the sword embryo, there is such a power. Once it becomes a true extreme imperial soldier, what kind of horror would it be?"

Ling Xiao's heart was extremely marveled, and he hadn't become the ultimate imperial soldier. The power of this sword embryo was already inferior to that of the Xianjian.

No wonder the Great Emperor Tongtian attaches so much importance to this sword embryo, and also said that this sword embryo can smelt the four immortal swords of Tongtian to achieve a peerless sword.

This is more firm, Ling Xiao wants to get this sword embryo's determination.


He made great strides forward, his whole body was rising, his eyes were sharp and fierce, he resisted the majestic pressure of Kendo and kept walking towards the sword embryo.

One hundred feet... ninety feet... eighty feet... fifty feet... thirty feet...

Soon, Ling Xiao came within ten feet of the sword embryo.


Just as Ling Xiao stepped into the ten feet of the sword embryo, the strong sword's meaning was as violent as the storm, and the pressure was more and more terrifying.

The sword embryo glowed infinitely, as if it were heaven and earth, shining to the extreme.

The haze around the chaos suddenly burned up suddenly, turned into a chaotic flame, and was burning the sword embryo.

Under the burning of chaotic flames, the glow of the sword embryo became more and more shining.

At the same time, Ling Xiao was enveloped by Chaos Flame.

"Is this sword embryo actually going to become a sword? The Great Emperor Tongtian did not say that it is necessary to smelt the four immortal swords in order to achieve the peerless sword?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He did not take a step back.

That chaotic flame contains the power of the origin, the flame rises as if it can burn out everything, even Ling Xiao's body can't bear it at all.

Almost in an instant, his flesh and blood were melted by the fire of chaos, turned into a plume of blood and poured into the sword embryo.

All Ling Xiao left with a crystal-clear purple-gold skeleton. Only the skull was kept intact above and below him. There was a small sun shining in the heart.

This is the last step of the sword embryo.

Ling Xiao's bloodline has been merged with the sword embryo, he can feel that the sword embryo seems to have become his arm, and he was instantly refined by him.

There is no hindrance.


It seems that because of melting the flesh and blood of Mausoleum and the majestic source of life, the chaos flame is burning fiercely.

The sword embryo gleamed with dazzling light. In the four sides of the sword embryo, there were four bright light clusters, gorgeous and dazzling, as if forming a mysterious formation, exuding powerful and unmatched breath fluctuations.

The Xianxianjian and Zhuxianjian, which were originally drawn from the Tongtianjian map, instantly occupied two of the light groups.

"Is the four light groups originally prepared for the four heavenly swords?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

He has some regrets in his heart. Today, there are only the Xianjian and Zhuxianjian in the map of Tongtianjian. In this way, the sword embryo may not be completely completed.

The formation of the four groups of light, although Ling Xiao is not very clear, but can feel that they seem to constitute the source of strength of the sword embryo.

As long as the four immortal swords are gathered together, they can be intertwined with each other, smelting into the strongest sword, and blending into the sword embryo.

"My Sky Swallow sword, although it has not become a pole Taoist soldier, but I have smelted nine kinds of pole Taoist materials in it, and the material alone has already surpassed many pole Taoist soldiers!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and the light in his palm was shining, and an ancient sword emerged in an instant.

It is the swallowing sword that has always been with him.

Over the years, although the Swallowing Sword Ling Xiao has been used sparingly, it has been growing continuously and was kept in the Yuanshen by Ling Xiao.

Most of the polar metal obtained by Ling Xiao has been smelted into the Heaven Swallowing Sword. If Ling Xiao becomes the emperor in the future, the Heaven Swelling Sword will become the ultimate Taoist soldier.


With the light flashing in the palm of Ling Xiao, the swallowing sword suddenly exploded into a vast sword, and then occupied the third light group.


The three beams of light are occupied, and the terror of the Xeon Sword is more and more horrible, the vastness is unmatched, and the chaotic flame is burning wildly.

The last sword!

Ling Xiao's heart was slightly pondering. Although he had some Jidao imperial soldiers and some Jidao metal on his body, none of them had cultivated Jidao sword intention, and he could not complete this sword formation.

Could it really only be so crippled?


At this moment, a sharp sword sound suddenly sounded in Ling Xiao's body, the endless bright light bloomed, the sword's intention rose, and the vastness was unmatched.

A sword rushed out of Ling Xiao's inner world, and flew directly into the fourth light group.

"This is... Xuan Tian Jian?!"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

How could Xuan Tianjian fly into the fourth light group? Is it because of Xuan Tian Xian Jun?

But Ling Xiao found that Xuan Tian Xian Jun was still practicing, as if he had not even noticed the departure of Xuan Tian Jian.

The most important thing is that Ling Xiao even noticed an extinct horror sword from Xuan Tianjian's body, and vaguely formed a strong resonance with the killing fairy sword and the Zhuxian sword.

"This is not Xuantian Sword, this is... Peerless Sword?!"

Ling Xiao's heart was shocked, her eyes full of shock.

He finally understood.

Xuantianjian, this extremely emperor soldier, turned out to be one of the four immortal swords of Tongtian, but I don’t know why. The absolute sword fell into the hands of and was also Xuantianxian Jun's own Xuantian sword meaning conceals his true face.

Therefore, after being aware of the breath of the sky sword figure, and the power of the killing fairy sword and the sword fairy sword, the fairy sword automatically flew out of the small world of Ling Xiao and merged into the fourth light group.


The four brilliant light clusters converged, and a breath of horror burst out in a flash.

The chaotic flames raged violently, exuding a wave of breath that made Ling Xiao extremely palpitated, and instantly enveloped the four powerful swords.

The four strongest sword swords rose into the sky, as if a wonderful fusion had occurred between each other, and then the mighty gathering into the sword embryo!

"The sword embryo is about to become a sword!"

Ling Xiao's eyes lit up, revealing a look of great expectation.

ps: I'm still on a business trip today, I wrote a temporary change, there will be three changes tomorrow, everyone take a break early.

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