Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3044: The inheritance of Tai 1 fairy emperor?


   Ling Xiao greeted the majestic Di Wei, and finally set foot on the top of Xian Di Mountain!

   The scene in front of him was magnificent, immortal light, transfiguration, and the emptiness of the Quartet were trembling violently, becoming extremely chaotic and distorted, and various mysterious visions appeared.

   Ling Xiao and Tai Xuan, vaguely saw, as if there were two peerless emperors, fighting in the depths of the endless void, each blow can make one side of the world annihilate and completely fall into the state of return to the ruins.

   The fluctuations of the war, even though it was across endless time and space, still made Ling Xiao and Tai Xuan feel a majestic momentum.

   "This is the scene of the battle between the ancestor **** and the immortal emperor, is it the mark left on the immortal emperor mountain?"

  Lin Xiao's heart is full of admiration, folded for it.

   This is the power of Peerless Emperor!

  Washing hands, destroying everything in the world, with a single blow, you can kill hundreds of millions of souls.

   In front of the great emperor, the so-called fairy monarchs are fragile like ants.

   The extreme of Dao can be called an emperor!

   Ling Xiao has a very profound understanding of this sentence.

   "This immortal emperor, perhaps the Taiyi immortal emperor of my Taiyi immortal gate, does not know who is the ancestor who fought against him?"

  Taixuan also said with some excitement.

   "Taiyi Immortal Emperor?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed.

   "Yes! It was my open ancestor of Taiyi Xianmen, the Taiyi Immortal Emperor who once swept the heavens and swept the heavens!"

   Taixuan said affirmatively.

   "Why are you so sure?"

   asked Ling Xiao.

   "Because of this thing!"

   The light flashed in the palm of Taixuan, and suddenly a broken sword appeared, missing the handle and body, leaving only a blade.

   But that section of the blade, at this moment, exudes a shining bright light, vaguely forming a strange resonance with Xiandi Mountain.

  Tai Xuan's hand was loosened, and the blade suddenly flew out of the sky, radiating a bright light, and directly integrated into Xiandi Mountain.

"This sword blade is the sword once worn by Tai Yi Xian Emperor and the key to the inheritance of Tai Yi Xian Emperor! Unfortunately, for so many years, we have not found Tai Yi Xian Emperor's whereabouts, and did not expect to be in Xian Mo Cave. Among them, and will be here!"

   Taixuan said slowly, there are quite a few emotions in his eyes.


   As soon as his words fell, the Immortal Emperor Mountain immediately began to violently shake up, the bright fairy light filled, the Swiss gas was transpiring, and a huge vortex appeared in the void.

   "My heritage, you are here!"

   A very old voice sounded in the void.

In front of Ling Xiao and Tai Xuan,    condensed into an old figure, wearing a white robe, white hair, white hair, wonderful appearance, immortal wind bones, carrying an ancient sword behind him.

   Although the figure was somewhat illusory, it exuded a powerful and unmatched breath.

   "Taiyi Immortal Emperor?!"

   Tai Xuan was shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed a very excited look.

   This old man in front of him looks exactly the same as the statue of Taiyi Immortal Emperor enshrined in Taiyi Immortal Gate.

   His heart was extremely excited, like a pilgrimage, his legs were soft, and he knelt in front of the old man in an instant.

   "I'm not Taiyi Xiandi, Taiyi Xiandi has already fallen, I'm just a remnant left by Taiyi Xiandi! Let's get up!"

   The old man sighed and stretched his hand in vain, and suddenly Taixuan stood up involuntarily.

   "The remnant of Taiyi Xiandi?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and carefully looked at the old man.

   This old man seemed to ignore Ling Xiao, and all his attention was placed on Tai Xuan.

  According to Ling Xiao's observation, this old man's body was filled with lifelessness. Although he had powerful spiritual power, he seemed to have no real spirit.

   This is indeed a remnant.

   "Thank you ancestor!"

   Taixuan stood up in excitement, his eyes full of fiery look.

   "I have waited for countless years, and today I finally waited for the person of Taiyi Xianmen, inheritors, you come with me. The inheritance of Taiyi Xiandi Emperor is only qualified for you!"

   The old man sighed softly, and then his sleeve waved, and suddenly a huge force swept over, directly rolling Tai Xuan up.

   Then, the two turned into a streamer, and disappeared into the vortex in an instant. The speed reached the extreme point, and even Ling Xiao did not react.

   Moreover, there was a magnificent dignified dignity that instantly suppressed on Ling Xiao's body, as if the old man had deliberately done it.

   "It's weird! Since this pretense of Taiyi Immortal Emperor pretends to ignore me, why do you want to suppress me? As if I was afraid that I would stop him!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of fineness, and said to himself.


   It was at this moment that the Immortal Emperor Mountain was suddenly surging, the endless fairy lights gathered, and a strong sense of destruction broke out.

   The thunder was fiercely dazzling, and the destruction of Xianguang seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and at the same time, mixed with the invisible and infinite sword gas, gathered around Ling Xiao's body, and then suppressed towards him at the same time.


   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and his breath filled with anger.

   He was determined almost instantaneously, this is the remnant of the Taiyi Immortal Emperor to him!

  But no matter whether the remnant was to stop Ling Xiao, or had ulterior motives, it instantly inspired Ling Xiao's intention to kill.


   Ling Xiao punched out, unmatched punches broke out, stirred the Quartet, squashed everything, and suddenly shattered the sky of God.


   Swallow the sky sword instantly emerged from the sheath and burst out with a dazzling light. The sword swept away from the sky, and the surging attacks around it were as if they were ruining and shattering.

  Ling Xiao's sword turned into the sky, and he fell towards the Xiandi Mountain!

   The Sky Sword became a gigantic Jiangang in the void, slammed to the extreme, and suddenly cut on the Immortal Emperor Mountain, bursting out the sound of gold and iron clashes, buzzing and trembling, and the momentum surging out.

   The immortal Emperor Mountain is extremely strong, and has not been cut open by the Sky Sword.

   However, the vortex channel that just appeared was pierced by the swallowing sword, and from it came the majestic and vast pressure!

   Ling Xiao swallowed the sky sword and stepped into the vortex channel in one step.


   Surrounded by immense light and chaotic mist, Ling Xiao seemed to have come to a world before entering a strange space.

  At this moment, Tai Xuan floated in the void, and his whole body was filled with black energy, and his complexion became extremely terrible, as if he would lose his mind anytime, anywhere.

   seemed to be Ling Xiao's appearance, let him break free of some kind of restraint, his eyes showed a very anxious look, yelled at Ling Xiao.

   "Master Leiling, save me! He is not a cruel thing, he is..."

   Tai Xuan's words were not finished yet, his face suddenly became extremely distorted, his body was covered with black mist, and the whole person exuded a dark atmosphere of Yin to Evil!

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