Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3063: 6 gods of the heart!

   "Here are the fragments of nine chemical tripods, and it's yours!"

   His Royal Highness Nine Prince smiled indifferently, the fairy light was shining in his palm, and nine pieces of debris flew towards Ling Xiao.

   Ling Xiao froze.

   He didn't expect that the nine princes handed over the fragments of the nine chemical forgings so easily.

   But Ling Xiao didn't hesitate, he still directly grabbed the nine pieces of the chemical fortune.

  With these nine pieces, the Dingxing Ding can be completely complete.

   "Lei Ling, you are stronger than when you were in Demon Realm. I hope you will be able to see you on the road of Eternal Emperor! At that time, I will not keep my hand!"

   His Royal Highness Nine Prince looked at Lingxiao Road, and then the whole person turned into a bright light rain, and slowly disappeared.


  Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea, like a thunder burst directly.

  He recognized me!

   Ling Xiao shook all over, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

   The things he was most worried about happened, and the Nine-Prince His Royal Highness recognized him, otherwise he wouldn't mention the demon world at all.

   But why did His Royal Highness Nine Prince not expose him?

   If the identity of the other race is exposed, I am afraid that neither the nine immortals nor the six gods will easily let him go.

  His Royal Highness Nine even let him go so lightly?

   What is the so-called conspiracy?

   Ling Xiao's heart was shocked, but also felt extremely depressed, as if it was like a punch on cotton, fluttering, lost his goal.

   "What is his plot?"

   Ling Xiao some wonder.

  Fathers and gods are life and death enemies. It stands to reason that His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince can't let him go so easily. Even if he doesn't kill him, he will also take away the treasures such as the chemical tripod and the heavenly sword figure?

   But now, His Royal Highness Nine Prince has just left!

   The old man in the robe beside the fairy emperor's chariot took a deep look at Ling Xiao, then turned and took the fairy emperor's chariot and left.

  The numerous peerless fairy monarchs of the Nine Great Immortal Gate, the eyes of which are changing, and there is a chance to hide, staying on Ling Xiao's body, as if to shoot Ling Xiao at any time.

   But in the end they refrained!

"let's go!"

   With the order of the Taiqingzi, all the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates turned away and returned to the Immortal Realm along the Changsheng Tower.

   Soon, beyond the fairy world, only Ling Xiao and the people of the six gods were left.

   Headed by the ancient Tongtian, the leaders of the six great religions are all the cultivation of the world of peerless immortal monarchs. Each one of them glances like electricity, and falls on Ling Xiao's body, with the meaning of a little scrutiny.

   Although Ling Xiao was in charge of the fortune-telling tripod, he was already the undoubted son of God, and he also showed such terrifying combat power.

   But Ling Xiao is too young, and the cultivation base is weaker, which is not enough to make them surrender.

   "Lei Ling, from today onwards, you are the son of the God of the Protoss. The Protoss and the six of us are under your control! If one day, you can defeat the six of us, we will also recognize you as the master!"

   Gu Tongtian said slowly to Ling Xiao, there was a trace of complex color in his eyes.

"it is good!"

   Ling Xiao nodded and said.

   He understood the meaning of the ancient Tongtian dialect. Ling Xiao's powerful combat power and talented evildoers conquered the countless people of the six gods, but he wanted to conquer the six masters.

  Six people from ancient Tongtian recognized the status of the son of Lingxiao God, but they did not allegiance to Lingxiao.

   Moreover, Ling Xiao could feel that the six of the ancient Tongtian were all heroes, and the blood confinement in the body had been broken.

   Otherwise, their cultivation can not reach today's state.

"Gentlemen, I don’t need your loyalty to me! After today’s events, I am afraid that the Nine Great Immortal Gates will launch a siege on us. I propose that all descendants of the Protoss be migrated to the temples of the Protoss. , For all descendants of the Protoss, open the imprisonment of blood!"

  Lingxiao looked at Gu Tongtian six people and said slowly.

  Although these six peerless fairy monarchs are very powerful, they are nothing to Ling Xiao now.

   He could vaguely feel that the Eternal Emperor Road was just about to open.

  He must have settled the Protoss before this, this is a very powerful force, as long as they open their blood imprisonment, one day there will be enough powerful power!

  Lingxiao is the son of the heavenly choice, the lord of all demon, and now the title of one more son of **** is nothing.

   And then, the most important place of Ling Xiao is the Eternal Emperor Road!

   That is the place where the heavens and the worlds, from ancient times to the present day, countless days of arrogance and evil, countless strong men want to conquer.

   There are white bones, there is also the chance of becoming an emperor, there is a detached character!

   Ling Xiao can no longer think about how His Highness Nine Princes conspired. At least according to the meaning of His Royal Highness, the Eternal Immortal Dynasty will not shoot him before the opening of the Eternal Emperor Road.

   Knowing this, Ling Xiao understands that he is no longer in danger in Immortal Realm. The next most important thing is to improve his strength and become stronger and stronger.

"it is good!"

  Gutongtian looked at each other, and finally nodded.

  Although Ling Xiao knew that Emperor Kunwu Mountain and Jiang Yuyang were around Immortal Realm at the moment, he still chose to return to Immortal Realm. He still had more important things to do.

   Before leaving, Ling Xiao took a deep look at the chaotic void in the distance, and there was a strange flash of light in his eyes.

   Finally, Ling Xiao returned to the fairy world.

  After Ling Xiao returned to the fairy realm, two figures appeared in the chaotic void in the distance.

   "Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao has grown to such a level! It is really awesome for later generations!"

   Jiang Yuyang sighed softly, his eyes full of admiration.

   "I didn't even think about it! The way of the original fusion? This may be an invincible road, or it may be a broken road. After all, the Heavenly Emperor failed..."

  The emperor of Kunwu Mountain said slowly, like the vicissitudes of endless years flowing in his eyes.

"Emperor... Although Emperor Tian failed, Ling Xiao may not be successful! The details of my human race are still too bad. In this era of catastrophe, we do not seek to let the human race become the master of the era. We only hope that the human race can be preserved. Enough blood!"

   Jiang Yuyang smiled bitterly.

"Ling Xiao has collected enough information and intelligence, which is very important for the human race! He has his own way to We don't have to worry about him, and the layout of the human race has to start! "

  The emperor Kunwu said slowly, as if a strange light was flowing in his palm.

   Just looked at Chaos Void, Ling Xiao was enough for him to pass the message.

  The emperor of Kunwu Mountain has received the news passed by Ling Xiao.

"Yes! After the opening of the Eternal Emperor Road, the era of tribulation will soon come! At that time, the heavens and the worlds will merge, we must find a pure land for the human race, so that the race can multiply! After the return of Tianjiao, how many people can return?"

  Jiang Yuyang sighed softly, her voice a little sad.

   "No needless sorrow! Self-pity for the weak, self-improvement for the strong, Ling Xiao, Zhao Ritian, and Solitude, and the human race still has hope!"

   "Lonely seeking defeat? That peerless genius who entered the Dao with a sword?"

   "Yes! He has broken into the emperor's realm, and now he is stepping into the sword market. After the opening of the Eternal Emperor Road, he will surely be able to embark on the road of God!"

   "So, don't these three have the capital of the emperor?"

   "Maybe more than..."

  Kunwu Mountain Emperor and Jiang Yuyang talked while disappearing into the chaotic void.


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