Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3149: Encountered a crisis!

   "Sister Jinghong, you can't stop the six burial ant kings alone, let me help you! We will create opportunities for a few of them and send them to leave here first!"

   Biluo said slowly, there was a dignified color in his eyes.

   "No! Sister Jinghong, we're with you, it's a big deal to fight these burial ants!"

  Several girls of the badminton said with red eyes.

   "Obey! You are the hope of the Yu clan. After leaving the Burial Desert, find Her Majesty as soon as possible!"

   Jinghong Fairy's eyes showed a strong reluctance, but said seriously.


  The girls of several feathers nodded incomparably.

   "Don't worry, I have contacted my brother, and when Brother Ling Xiao and my brother arrive, they will be able to kill all of these animals!"

   Tong Tong was not worried at all, and said with a smile.

   "Tong Tong, have you contacted Ling Xiao? How are they doing now?"

   Jinghong Fairy's eyes lit up and asked immediately.

   "Not yet! My brother did not respond to me. Now he and Ling Xiao may have entered into a secret realm! However, when my brother sees my news, he will definitely come!"

   Tong Tong said confidently.

   "Not contacted? Tong Tong, Ling Xiao and Ba Dao are probably overwhelmed now! After all, it is the sixteen burial ants who are killing them!"

   Jinghong Fairy's eyes showed a hint of disappointment, said bitterly.

   Sixteen burial ants, it is hard to say whether Ling Xiao and Ba Da can escape the chase, where will there be time to rescue them?

   Jinghong Fairy only treats Tong Tong as a child, so she didn't say anything to hit her.

"Sister Jinghong, you underestimate Brother Ling Xiao! My brother will forget it. He cut the seven burial ant kings, and they are all exhausted to death, but Brother Ling Xiao is different. If he comes, these six Respect the ant king, no one can escape!"

   Tong Tong said with a smile, when he mentioned the Ba Dao, his voice was full of disgust, but when he talked about Ling Xiao, it was full of worship.

   "You have confidence in him!"

   Jinghong Fairy shook her head with a wry smile.


   At this moment, the six burial ant kings in front of Jinghong Fairy and others seemed to be a little impatient, and there was a roaring roar in the mouth.

   Although the burial ants are a little afraid of the oasis in front of them, the six burial ants are like the six peaks, exuding a radiant light all over the body, the breath is terrible, and the fluctuations that make people feel extremely palpitated.

  The ant colonies around the celestial body seemed to receive some order, and they lined up with each other, one after the other, their eyes red and bloody, and the whole body exudes a monstrous anger.

   Outside the oasis within a few tens of miles, the black mist rises and kills, the black burial ants are like the tide, and they can't see the end at a glance.

   Above the head of the burial ant is filled with the poison of the burial sky, like a cloud, covering the sky and covering the sun, eliminating any chance for Jinghong Fairy and others to escape.

  Under the orders of the six ant kings, the burial ant colony is finally ready to attack!

Roar! Roar! Roar……

  Finally, six earth-shattering roars sounded, and in an instant the Quartet was trembling, and the earth was roaring.

  The six burial ant kings gleamed brightly all over the body, floating in the void, and the first to kill Jinghong Fairy and others!


  The ant colony of burial days roared and rushed into the oasis in an instant!


The vitality exuded in the oasis seems to contain some kind of strange power, so that the ant colony trembles violently and instantly, just like some kind of highly poisonous poison, directly fell in the oasis, and died in anger. Too.

  Countless burial ants died in the oasis, and the corpses left covered the ground.

  However, the burial ants in the back rushed like a sea wave, unafraid to die, and covered up this oasis with their bodies, continually compressing the oasis's scope, and killed them towards Jinghong Fairy and others.

   "No wonder that the ant burial of the ants is such a fearful oasis, is the breath of life their killer?"

   Jinghong Fairy and Biluo looked at each other, and there was a clear look in their eyes.

   But at the moment, the six burial ant kings have led the burial ant colony to kill them.

   They didn't have much time to think about it, and they immediately shot it!

   "Yingxue, take Tong Tong with them! Let's stop the funeral ant king!"

   Jinghong Fairy shouted at a beautiful looking young girl in the green skirt, and there was a trace of decisiveness in her eyes.


She radiated a dazzling light all over her body, the breath was extremely holy, and there was a long sword as thin as a cicada in her palm. In an instant, the sword breathed in all directions, like a sword net intertwined, and the sky was towards the six burials. Ant King fell.


   The Biluo landlord was photographed by the slim jade palm, and a fiery beam of light was sprayed into the palm of his hand. It contained a vast and extremely powerful source of power, just like a Hongqiao, passing through the void in an instant.

  Every burial ant who was standing on that one Hongqiao bridge was penetrated and burst into nothingness.

   "Hurry up!"

  The main sleeve of Biluolou's main body was rolled up, and Tong Tong and many girls of the Yu ethnic group were immediately rolled up and sent to Hongqiao.


   And at this moment, many burial ant colonies, all with blood and blood, began to attack the original Hongqiao wildly.

  The burial ant has extremely fast and powerful power. It jumps for ten thousand feet. The sharp forelimb is like a blade, and it continues to fall towards the Hongqiao Bridge.

  The original Hongqiao Bridge is trembling And the Lord Biluo has been subjected to some kind of backlash, and his face has become extremely pale.


   There was a sudden spit of blood in her mouth. The original source Hongqiao burst into light, and a green flame rose up, covering the Hongqiao.

   Anyone who dares to jump on Hongqiao and who wants to attack Hongqiao will be turned into ashes by a roll of green flame.

   "Let's go!"

   Fairy Yingxue took a deep look at the landlord Biluo and Fairy Fairy. Although his eyes were filled with extremely anxious expressions, he knew that he could not delay and had to leave.

   She pulled up Tong Tong, and took several girls from the Yu clan, instantly spreading her wings, and turned into a stream of light. The speed reached the extreme, and flew away from the Hongqiao.

   As long as they left Hongyuan Hongqiao and were out of the siege of the ant colony, they were safe.

   By the time, Jinghong Fairy and Biluo had no worries, they might have a chance to escape.


   But at this moment, the violent tremor of the void, the four breaths of terrifying figure came!

  Another six burial ant kings appeared in the void, exuding the wave of incomparable life, fierce monstrous, stopped in front of Yingxue fairy and others!


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